Ib- Fairy Goddess Character in Oros | World Anvil
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Ib- Fairy Goddess

Queen of the Fairies

"My beloved fairies, we find ourselves amidst the shadows of adversity. Our adversaries loom large, and our companions are scarce. The weight of defeat presses upon us, and the sting of loss is sharp. It would be understandable if despair crept into your hearts, but still, you defy it. You do not surrender even when faced with a foe reveling in the callous exhibition of power. You have not yielded even as the odds stack relentlessly against us. Here you stand before me, resolute and prepared to confront the darkness, willing to sacrifice for the sanctity of our enchanted realm. Each and every one of you fills my heart with pride!" Ib, also known as the "Fairy Goddess" and the "Queen of the Fairies," stands as a creation of Holactie, The Creator of Light. Her realm, the Fairy Realm, is a testament to the radiant and ethereal power of light itself. As the revered leader of the Fairies and the Fey, Ib holds a position of authority and admiration within her enchanted domain. -Ib the Queen of the Fairies, before the Battle of Broken Dreams

Ib, also known as the "Beloved Queen", Restorer of Balance" and the "Queen of the Fairies," is a Celestial God that embodies benevolence, hope, dreams, healing, tranquility and realms.

Ib stands as a creation of Holactie - The Creator of Light. Her realm, the Fairy Realm, is a testament to the radiant and ethereal power of light itself. As the revered leader of the Fairy race and the Fey, Ib holds a position of authority and admiration within her enchanted domain.

With an aura of regality and captivating beauty, Ib is a vision of grace. Her long, flowing hair changes hues with the shifting daylight, adding to her otherworldly charm. Revered by her subjects, Ib is known not only for her physical beauty but also for her gentle and kind nature, winning the hearts of all who encounter her.

  In the tumultuous times of The Celestial War, when Bellerophon- Harbinger of Aaglafa launched a devastating assault on the Fairy Realm in The Battle of the Lunes , Ib fearlessly led her people into the heart of battle against the encroaching darkness. Personally confronting Bellerophon on multiple occasions, she showcased her strength and unwavering resolve in defending her realm and the lives of her subjects. Through her strategic prowess and the united efforts of her fairy kin, Ib managed to navigate the chaos, ensuring the survival and escape of her people.

  Throughout the prolonged conflict of the Celestial War, Ib continued to lend her support to the forces of light. Partaking in thousands of battles, although not the greatest of fighters or duelists, her role was vital as a healer and a source of inspiration for the soldiers. Her kindness and unparalleled beauty became a beacon of hope, uplifting the spirits of those who fought in the face of adversity.

  In a time predating the birth of magic, the Fairy Realm faced desolation, succumbing to the corruption of the Dark Fairy race who claimed it as their own. In a courageous and selfless move, Ib and her loyal subjects separated from the light forces, embarking on a perilous mission to reclaim their homeland. For centuries, they waged a relentless war, shedding fairy blood to expel the Dark Fairies and restore balance.

  After enduring immense sacrifice, Ib succeeded in reclaiming and purifying the Fairy Realm. Utilizing the full extent of her magical prowess, she cleansed the land and sealed it against external intrusion. The Fairy Realm became an eternal sanctuary, forever protected and preserved by Ib's powerful enchantments.

  Exhausted from her monumental efforts, Ib entered an eternal slumber, a consequence of channeling an overwhelming amount of her divine power. Resting peacefully in the heart of the Fairy Realm, Ib's eternal sleep serves as a poignant testament to her sacrifice and unwavering devotion to her realm and its enchanted inhabitants.


In the luminous tapestry of celestial creation, Ib emerged as a masterpiece woven by the hands of Holactie - The Creator of Light. Conceived with a purpose both profound and harmonious, Ib's existence transcends the ordinary, embodying the essence of the ethereal. Born to rule over the Fey and Fairy race, she carries the weight of her kind's destiny and the fulfillment of Holactie's divine design.

While Ib may not have been the inaugural of the fey and fairies, she stands as their paragon, the epitome of their unique essence. Unlike other creations of Holactie, the fairies and fey possess an innate power that sets them apart from all other of existence. This singular attribute, harmoniously intertwined with their extraordinary constitution, defines the very nature of Ib's kin.   The Fairy Realm, conceived at the behest of Hestia - The Bringer of Light, became the sacred abode of the fairies and fey. Yet, with its creation, the Original Fey, having fulfilled her celestial purpose, passed into the eternal embrace of the cosmic currents. From this transcendence emerged Ib, anointed by Holactie to shepherd the fey and fairies, to rule over the enchanting domain crafted by her predecessors.   Ib's purpose is a reflection of Holactie's multifaceted desires. While Archlord Kristya symbolizes the fervent wish to eradicate darkness and Tiamat- Mother of Dragons represents the nurturing essence of an all-mother, Ib is the embodiment of Holactie's longing for tranquility and her potent healing touch. In the celestial ballet, Ib dances gracefully, weaving the threads of peace and vitality into the intricate fabric of existence.

Divine Domains

Ib embodies hope, dreams, healing, tranquility and realms
Ib is the queen and goddess of the fairies, they are her source of power and they are her only and most devout of worshippers.
Divine Classification
Celestial God
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Beloved Queen
Restorer of Balance
Queen of the Fairies and Fey
Benevolent Goddess
Reclaimer of the Realms
Restorer of Balance
Monarch of Hope
Mistress of Dreams
Currently Held Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Holactie
Light Green
Everchanging in colors and length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Ruled Locations

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