Oros The Ultimate Nightmare
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The Ultimate Nightmare

Military: Battle


The Battle of Nightmares spawns Yubel

The Battle of Nightmares proved to be a pivotal moment in the war, as it brought together the three main forces: the light led by Archlord Kristya, the dark led by Bellerophon, and the demons under Asophiel's command. It was a battle of epic proportions, with the leaders engaging in aerial combat while their armies clashed on the ground. The battlefield was strewn with the bodies of fallen dragons, elves, orcs, demons, celestials, and many other races.   However, in the midst of this fierce battle, a small pebble caught the attention of a wounded man and woman. They touched the pebble before succumbing to their injuries, and something remarkable occurred. The pebble absorbed their essence and began absorbing the corpses scattered across the battlefield. It transformed into a black and white orb pulsating with immense power. As the orb absorbed more and more bodies, it ascended into the sky, unnoticed until it was too late.   The orb exploded, unleashing a shockwave that halted the fighting and wiped out all the lower life forms in an instant, leaving behind pools of blood. In place of the orb stood a humanoid entity named Yubel, with a dual-gendered voice and claiming to embody order and chaos, light and dark, and torment. Yubel represented the collective wishes and desires of all the deceased beings on the battlefield.   The three forces put aside their animosity and joined forces to confront Yubel, recognizing it as a threat surpassing their own power. Yubel proved to be an incredibly formidable opponent, overpowering the combined might of the light, dark, and demon forces. The battle raged on for months, resulting in the deaths of several newly Archons, demons, elves, humans, and countless others.   The forces united momentarily, setting aside their mutual hatred, to combat Yubel. However, Yubel proved to be a formidable opponent, overpowering the combined forces of the light, dark, and demons. Despite their efforts, it took several days of intense battle before they managed to inflict fatal wounds on Yubel. However, Yubel revealed its true form as a horrifying chimera, incorporating the faces, limbs, and features of all those it had consumed.   Yubel continued to wreak havoc, causing devastation and killing many archons, demons, humans, dragons, and other living beings in its path. Faced with an overwhelming threat, Bellerophon retreated from the battle, followed by Asophiel and Kristya. With no opposition left, Yubel roamed the lands uncontested, spreading chaos and destruction. The outcome of the war seemed uncertain as Yubel's power remained unchecked.

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