Oros The Battle of Long Knife
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The Battle of Long Knife



Bellerophon is defeated again

As Solomon led the forces of light to one victory after another, their determination and vigor reached unprecedented levels. With the addition of magic and Solomon's leadership, the tide of the war began to shift in their favor. The dark and demonic forces were steadily pushed back, their territory shrinking with each battle. Solomon proved to be an exceptional leader, leaving no potential untapped within his army. Every resource, be it manpower or supplies, was utilized to its fullest extent.   The Battle of Long Knife became a decisive turning point in the war. Here, Solomon and Bellerophon, faced each other in a head-to-head confrontation. The light forces, empowered by their leader and their newfound magic, swiftly overwhelmed the dark forces. In a mighty duel, Solomon emerged victorious, showcasing the vast difference in power between a primordial god and a mere creation. Bellerophon, defeated for the second time, he would not reappear for the remainder of the war.   With Bellerophon's defeat, the dark forces once again splintered, their unity shattered. Solomon, showing no mercy, relentlessly pursued and engaged any remaining forces. His blade became a symbol of divine justice, cutting down all who stood on the opposing side. The light forces pressed their advantage, reclaiming territory and consolidating their hold on key strategic positions. The once-dominant dark forces found themselves on the defensive, their ranks dwindling and their morale faltering in the face of Solomon's relentless onslaught.   Solomon's leadership and the combined might of the light forces, bolstered by their mastery of magic, brought hope to those who fought against the darkness. The war was far from over, but with each victory, the light forces grew more confident in their ability to overcome the remaining obstacles and bring an end to the age of silence.

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