Oros The War Ends
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The War Ends

Era beginning/end


Babel is slain

As Sieghardt and Babel clashed in an epic duel at the battle of Storm's Hold, the outcome of the war hung in the balance. Babel unleashed his full fury, cutting down countless enemies and allies alike, displaying his unparalleled prowess in battle. The forces of light faced a formidable opponent in the god of war.   But then, Sieghardt emerged on the battlefield, ready to face Babel head-on. The clash of their powers reverberated across the realms, their duel becoming the stuff of legends. The god-emperor fought with unwavering resolve, channeling the might of Ghal Maraz to strike powerful blows against Babel.   After what seemed like an eternity of fierce combat, Sieghardt finally delivered a crushing blow with Ghal Maraz, ending Babel's reign of terror. The god of war's head was crushed beneath the weight of the mighty hammer, signaling the decisive victory for Sieghardt and the forces of light.   With Babel's defeat, Sieghardt lifted Ghal Maraz high above his head, proclaiming his triumph to all who witnessed the battle. However, in a twist of fate, Ghal Maraz slipped from his grasp, falling to the ground. As if bound by a divine pact, Sieghardt followed suit, succumbing to his wounds. The clash between the god-emperor and the god of war had resulted in their mutual destruction.   Thus, the Great God War came to a dramatic conclusion, with the slaying of Babel and the fall of Sieghardt. The war-weary world stood witness to the end of an era and the beginning of a new age. The sacrifices made and the legends forged during this conflict would be remembered for eternity.

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