2600 Republic Election

The 2600 Republic election was the 10th general election in the Republic and the first of the 27th century. It was also the first where the President of the Republic would be elected directly by the popular vote.  


The Terran Republic was founded with the promise of an elected lower chamber, the General Assembly and a partially elected upper chamber, the Senate. In addition, the General Assembly would then elect the new President  

New Presidential System

As of the constitution of 2594, the Presidentr would now be elected by a direct vote of the people of the Republic. It would require a candidate to have sufficient signatures to back them to be added to the ballot, along with their running mate. In addition, a person would need signatures on at least 75% of all member worlds.   The election would then see a direct election of all presidential candidates. The top two candidates with the highest number of votes will proceed to a second ballot, unless one candidate achieves 51% of the vote in the first ballot, in which case they are elected President.   In the 2nd ballot, held just one week later, the electorate would then vote on the two remaining candidates with the winner being elected President of the Republic.


There were a large range of political parties standing the election, including several parties which were standing on just one world. The major political parties were:  
  • Gurava (GUR) -a left wing radical party with a strong pacifist and environmentalist message. Gurava preach that the Republic should be a place of learning and peace
  • Social Democratic Party y SDP) -a centre-left party that proposes a “Big tent” left wing platform of state intervention and the construction of a welfare state. The SDP has attempted to portray itself as the "natural progressive party of government".
  • Republican Centrist Party (RCP) - a moderate to centre-left party that has generally taken a Federalist tone. Originally very pro corporate, it clashed heavily ithe Hansa head of the 2590 elections.
  • Onyx (ONX) -the newest major party in the Republic, Onyx were formed after a merger between Vishnu Elpis and Valiant to form a centre-right, somewhat religously minded party.
  • Fortress (FOR) -a populist somewhat cosnervative party formed by Henrik Tremlow. The party espoused a neeed for "major changes" in the Republic. Ahead of the 2600 election, Fortress broke strongly with the Hansa and its natural support base
  • Ravenheart (RHC) - a conservative Valtinist Party with a strong anti-AI platform. Expected to do well on Nova Terra but perhaps not elsewhere.
  • Isolationist Party (ISO) -A conservative party that propose that the new Republic remain out of foreign policy entanglements. Favors the creation of a strong militar
  There were several new party's that stood in the 2600 election:  
  • Anarchist Movement (ANA) the radical left wing Anarchist movement had stood in the 2590 election and won 5% of the General Assembly vote. However, they had failed to really generate any momentum ahead of 2600.
  • Worker's Rights Party (WRK) - a somewhat Marxist radical left wing party formed to the left of Gurava. They campaigned on a strongly anti-Hansa and Federalist platform.
  • Pacifica (PAC) - a centre-left party that are pro business, somewhat Federalist and propose a less militarised state.
  • Sovreign Worlds Party (SWP) - a centre-right party that are strongly libertarian and attempting to push the likes of Onyx and Ravenheart to stand up for libertarian values and planetary rights.

Joint Lists

It was felt that with the two ballot system for President, that Joint Lists would become more important than ever.   The SDP and Gurava formed their "Progressive Alliance" Joint List in 2600, promising to back each other for President in a 2nd ballot.   The Isolationist and Onyx party's agreed a Joint List in 2600, appearing to both feel that "SDP and RCP would collapse the Republic" if elected President.

Campaign Finance Laws

The Republic banned parties with no "vested interest" in the Republic from raising and donating money for political parties. The Emergency Delegates sent before the election set up a campaign finance board (RCFB) which was given broad oversight powers.   New tougher laws on campaign finance had been passed during the Noah Averssen administration which gave the Attorney General more powers to deal with campaign finance violations.   The regulations introduced in by the Isolationist Party made it illegal for parties, including corporations outside the Republic to donate to the campaign. It also set a limit of 4 billion adjusted dollars per campaign in the General Assembly and 2 billion at a planetary level.   In 2559, Vishnu Elpis introduced a new campaign finance law that would limit total spending during a ten year term to five billion adjusted dollars. This was voted through the General Assembly and then subject to a legal challenge on behalf of Valiant.   The legal challenge saw the bill referred to the Senate, which was then delayed by filibusters and procedural road-blocks to prevent the bill from becoming law in time for the 2560 election but were effective for the 2580 election onwards.

Possible Supreme Court Challenge

There was an expected legal challenge against the campaign finance laws to the Supreme Court. However, as of the filing deadline in 2600, no legal challenge had reached the Supreme Court.

General Assembly

Each member world would be assigned seats in the General Assembly based around its population, with proportional representation then deciding how the seats would be allocated. A party required a minimum of 5% of the planet's vote to be considered for a seat, any votes to parties with fewer than 5% would then be discounted.   The 5% threshold value was also expected to face a challenge in the Supreme Court at some stage.


After the 2594 constitution, all words were allowed to appoint or elect their senators at their discretion, with many of the hereditary governors choosing to appoint at least one, if not both Senators.  

Retiring Senators

The below is a list of Senators that would be stepping down in 2600.
  • Senator Everett Inkerman (ONX) - Earth
  • Senator Strom Gallagher (TYR) -Tyr
  • Senator Sarpedor (ONX Floor leader) - Whitworth
  • Senator Johnston Coady (SDP) - Eden
  • Senator Darlene Kaufman (SDP floor leader) - Jovian Belt
  • Sentor Wendell Kirk (RCP) - San Domingo
  • Sentor Tande Kurava-Singh (GUR) - Van Allen's World


The President of the Republic is now elected by a direct vote of the electorate and assumes power after the election. They are free to appoint their own cabinet, though cabinet officers are now subject to approval by the legislature.  


  • Vice President Estelle Bancroft (ONX) -former Marine officer, journalist and media personality who served for ten years as VP to Mina Carrero . Considered more conservative than her old running mate.
  • Payden Hickcock (GUR) -former union organizer, Payden Hickcock won the Gurava primary and was a surprise choice for many to be the Gurava nominee.
  • Governor Walt Schilling (SDP) -former Marine officer and one term Governor of Whitworth. Emerged from the progressive wing of the SDP to clinch the party nomination and was considered a strong campaigner.
  • Senator McClennon Nevsky (RCP) - son of the former Governor of Van Diemen's World and a capable lawyer in his own right. Intelligent, charismatic moderate.
  • Senator Kent Elazar (RHC) - former businessman and the cousin of the Governor of Gaia, Cato Elazar. Running on a conservative, planet's rights platform.
  • Senator Tyson Minar (FOR) - former prosecutor, known for his intelligence and poise. Denied the chance to seek re-election on Lightning Point and has framed his campaign around the need to "protect Democracy".
  • Governor Reighley Warran (ISO) -the Governor of Earth and a former police officer. A hard bitten social conservative who used her fame in putting down the revolt in Mongolia to help launch her campaign.
  • Voshon Graham (PAC) - a former Senator and lawyer from Fort Pitcairn. Ran in 2590 as an Independent and now running as leader of the newly formed Pacifica Party.
  • Liza Dimakki (WRK) - former Union organizer, a neophyte to politics. Emerged out of nowhere to win the WRK nomination.
  • Rep Grace Milburn (SWP) - former Onyx GA Rep who made the party switch to join the new Sovreign Worlds Party.
  • General Severus Bennett (IND) -retired Marine Corps general who launched a surprise bid for the Presidency as a foreign policy conservative.
  • Captain Cavatt Malouf (IND) -contreversial candidate who launched his campaign for President whilst a serving military officer, prompting the "Horizon Crisis".
  • Gallus Pyree (ANA) - former journalist nominated by the Anarchist Movement for President.
Around eighty five other persons attempted to file but were disqualified due to either a lack of signatures or a lack of plurality (IE not enough signatures from 75% of the worlds).

The Campaign

The Horizon Incident

Captain Cavatt Malouf (IND) shocked the entire Republic by announcing he would run for President in 2600 as a serving Navy officer. This was done from the bridge of the Battleship RES Horizon, which he was the commander of. He was ordered to stand down and be relieved of command, which he apparently refused to do.   There was an intense stand off between the Horizon and its escort group which resulted in the Horizon being fired upon and disabled. Captain Malouf and his loyal officers were then arrested and placed in the stockade.   This shocking moment caused ripples of concern and deep alarm across the Republic and saw Secretary of Defence Alana Ashwell (ISO) resign her office.  

The Senate Oversight Hearings

The Senate Oversight Committee, charied by Senator Hivante (GUR) began hearings against former Treasury Secretary Percival Tiago (RHC) and Treasury Secretary Axille (RHC) for failing to properly carry out their duties, as the Ways and Means committee had exposed that they had not collected all taxes that were owed.   There were accusations of this being done for political reasons but the committee was granted powers by the senate and called for depositions by members of the Treasury Dept, culminating in former Treasury Secretary Percival Tiago. He, however, refused to appear and was charged with contempt of the legislature.   Near the end of the campaign, Senator Hivante gave his conclusion and verdict which put most of the blame onto Tiago, some onto Axille and even some onto President Mina Carrero. Again, the timing was criticized for being overly political.  

RCP Targets Fortress Voters

With Fortress making a radical break with its former Hansa allies, the RCP made several attacks and open plays to steal its voters. Fortress saw its share of the vote in 2600 collapse from 14% in 2590 to around 4-6% in 2600 with some predicting the party faced a wipeout in the 2600 General Assembly.  

Bancroft - Groves Affair

The campaign saw a lot of attacks in what was seen as a cagey but bitter contest. However, TruNews ran a story that Vice President Estelle Bancroft had been having an affair with Alice Groves, a radical left wing journalist. This attracted a lot of comment but did not appear to overly harm the Vice Presidents campaign.   Vice President Bancroft, who was not married, said that she had "never discussed anything confidential with Ms Groves." Governor Reighley Warran (ISO) came out to protect the VP, saying that "no male candidate would be attacked with such a story."  

The First Debate

The Republic Presidential debates began with the first debate being hosted Connect AC from the campus of Cydonia College on Mars.   All the candidates where present with the exception of Cavatt Malouf, who is in military stockade after his conviction for mutiny.   The subject of the first debate was the Economy and drew a huge audience of around one point four billion, with highlights broadcast on multiple news channels.   Conservatives Vice President Estelle Bancroft (ONX) and Governor Reighley Warran (ISO) both did well during the opening debate, offering a strong defence of the Carrero administration and the high spending on the military, as well as Bancroft’s spirited defence of the tax cuts that were pushed through.   Senator McClennon Nevsky (RCP) also proved to be a strong debater, with a strong command of the issues and concepts and talking up the need to “ensure that all taxes are paid and it the codes are outdated, then updating or removing them, rather than just not enforcing them. That’s not governing.” Governor Walt Schilling (SDP) took up a less Hansa friendly tone, striking at Onyx as “the party that likes to say yes, to the Hansa and No to the public.” He also hit back at the Isolationist Party, calling Governor Warran’s elimination of UBI on Earth “reckless.”   However, some candidates had a rough night. It was hard to stand out with so many candidates on the stage and many candidates struggled to be heard. Payden Hickcock, however, probably wished he hadn’t been heard as he stumbled badly, drawn into a terse exchange with Governor Warran and blurted out that “If we have to break the economy to break the Hansa, it’d be worth it.”   His spin team later rowed the comments back and Hickcock said that “I spoke too sharply there, obviously I don’t want to crash the economy or cost people jobs.”   Pundits seemed split on who had won the first debate. Vice President Bancroft had gotten a lot of good, pithy sound bites and talked up her close relationship with the Hansa. But Governor Warran had managed to make a good impression too with her fierceness, sounding less beholden to the Hansa than her fellow conservatives.   There was also praise for Senator Nevsky, who it was widely felt had the most robust and well thought out ideas.   The second debate is due to take place tomorrow, focusing on foreign policy  

Seizing the Floor

Rep Gleyber Horace (RHC), Presiding officer of the General Assembly, refused to call a vote to offer the AI colony of Calico a protectorate membership. This drew increasingly vocal protests from the Isolationists until they attempted to "seize the floor" to force through a vote.   In the end, Rep Horace was forced to back down and call the vote, which saw Calico admitted as a protectorate.  

The Second Debate

The Republic Presidential election held its second debate from Bradbury City Hall on Mars, hosted by PrimePulse Entertainment. The focus of the debate was foreign policy and was expected to see some sharply contrasting views expressed.   Ahead of the debates, there had been spin carried out by many of the campaigns, with Vice President Bancroft (ONX) again downplaying the importance of the debates whilst Senator Minar (FOR) called them “a chance to hold a microscope to some of the candidates”.   General Severus Bennett (IND) who had been anonymous and often incoherent during the first debate stated that “He would come out, all guns blazing” in the second debate.   He was not lying: General Bennett was commanding, imperious, serious and offered a stark judgement on the state of the Republic, calling it “the edge of midnight. We face rebellions at home, fuelled by enemies abroad. The Dhau Empire is nothing less than an existential threat and should be seen as such. As a culture, we’ve relied on the Tazzyn to protect us but they are going to be too busy, more selfish than usual. We are on our own and we must act with strength and clear, cool vision.”   The power of his answers caught many candidates off guard and Governor Reighley Warran (ISO) was even seen applauding one of his answers. The other candidates, all offering a much more moderate view point, made some interesting points but few people were talking about them.   Senator Kent Elazar (RHC) stumbled very badly though, stating that “He would not commit any Terran lives to defend what is, in effect, a Dhau world.”, referring to Vodhyna. This drew some boos from the crowd, who were told to be quiet and a forceful reaction from General Bennett who accused him of “worse than cowardice, rank treason!”   Former Senator Voshon Graham (PAC) also surprised a lot of people by offering a different option to the bellicosity of General Bennett or the military focused answers of nearly every other candidate. Voshon Graham said that “We need a strong defence, of that there can be no question. But we’ve had a near 40% or more military budget ever since the Republic was formed and according to every military expert ever, including the esteemed one on the stage, we’re still not able to match gun for gun or ship for ship with the Dhau. We at Pacifica are simply saying perhaps a never ending arms race is not the answer. Alliances, dialogue and the ability where diplomacy fails to use force is simply another way to respond.”   Governor Warran was also forced to explain her party’s views that they would “construct strategic weapons” but she gave a muted answer, simply saying that “We can’t be bullied by the Dhau”. When pressed by Governor Schilling (SDP) on what she’d do to reassure Terran allies who would be horrified that they were starting a “doomsday race with the Dhau”, Governor Warran gave a flippant answer.   “Who cares what they think? The only blood that matters to me is Terran blood.”   The debate concluded and almost all critics agreed that General Bennett had stolen the show. However, many viewing figures showed that far fewer people had watched this debate (725 million at its peak) with highlights broadcast on almost every network.  

The Third Debate

The third debate in the 2600 election took place on Titan in the Jovian Belt from the plaza of the Domhall Hotel. It was a glitzy event, hosted by Trunews with none other than Wolfgang Howler as the moderator.   The focus of the debate was to be law and order within the Republic. In a clear indication that the gloves were off, this was a much for feisty occasion and Howler was often hard pressed to maintain order as the candidates battled to be heard and threw jabs at each other.   Vice President Estelle Bancroft (ONX) played to the crowd beautifully, with her usually well delivered, short comments and decisive statements. She drew gasps when she said that “If it had been left to me to decide, I’d have just had Cavatt Malouf shot on the bridge of his ship. But the Republic does have due process.”   She also had strong answers regarding the increase in lawlessness in the Republic, describing it as “a security issue and a military issue, that masquerades as a law and order issue.”   Senator McClennon Nevksy (RCP) a lawyer and former prosecutor, was also on song during the debate as he peppered sharp questions at the candidates. He battered Liza Dimaki (WRK) when she said she would “institute citizen panels instead of appointing judges” and accused her of “not fully understanding why we have judges in the first place.”   He also had good answers to every question that was asked to him and there was a sharp but respectful exchange between him and Senator Tyson Minar (FOR) over how due process can work when there are “People who are literally hereditary Lords and Dukes.”   Governor’s Reighley Warran (ISO) and Walt Schilling (SDP) both had quieter nights than expected, with Governor Schilling often disagreeing with the Vice President on law and order without a strong counter point and Governor Warran talking up “action over words” but without any real examples to give.   In the end, most critics felt that Nevsky and Bancroft had come out top, whilst Senator Minar had a good showing too. Liza Dimaki had been battered and some of the other candidates, such as Governor Schilling and Warran, had failed to make their mark.   With just two debates to go, the public interest had cooled again with 625 million watching this debate live but highlights went out on all news channels.  

The Fourth Debate

The candidates met once again today, this time the Campus of Ruplal College on Earth. The event, hosted by Complete Picture Media, with a focus on the issue of Federalism Vs Planet’s Rights.   Whilst this was expected to be a very contentious issue, there was also a growing concern that the viewership for the debates had decreased.   The debate was much more congested and noisy, with over two hundred interruptions and the moderate, Dr Eliane McClair, had pressed to maintain discipline among the candidates.   Senator Tyson Minar (FOR) had a strong debate. Cool, disciplined and clearly connected to the issue, he expertly talked through the issues from the 2594 constitution and managed to appeal to both Federalist and Libertarian minded voters, calling the constitution “flawed” but saying that “Terrans need each other, the last thing we should do is separate now. This would play into our enemies hands.”   Vice President Bancroft (ONX) gave a good account of herself too, strongly defending planets rights and, whilst often sharply critical of the constitutional convention and the result 94 convention, she talked up the achievements of the Carrero administration at “putting a leash on the Federalist dog”.   Former Senator Voshon Graham (PAC) also did well, though he took a much clearer Federalist tone. He talked up the “increased levels of accountability and fairness” that the 94 constitution had brought in and that “whilst the Carrero administration has helped to give voice for libertarian minded people, the constitution was voted through by the General Assembly and has a mandate.”   General Severus Bennett (IND) blundered during the debate, often sounding bad tempered and without much knowledge on the constitution. He stated that “he felt the issue of planets rights was a distraction, taking us away from looking across our border at the growing Dhau threat.” When pressed by Governor Schilling (SDP) to say whether he thought the constitution had been a good thing or not, the General’s answer was vague in the extreme.   Senator Nevsky (RCP), who attempted to be one of the more reasonable and collegial members of the panel, sometimes struggled to get a word in edgeways and lost his cool after repeated interruptions from Senator Kent Elazar (RHC). However, Senator Nevsky spoke in defence of the constitution and referred to it as a “living document, not a stone tablet. There are things that could be better, so lets all work together and make it better. To their credit, the Carrero administration has been willing to talk about what they’d like to change. So let’s stay together and make those changes, together.”   The debate concluded with some clear bad feelings between some of the candidates and Governor Schilling (SDP) was seen unwilling to shake hands with Senator Elazar (RHC) at the end of the debate. Most pundits felt that Bancroft, Minar and Graham had been the standouts but with a crowded and noisy field of candidates, it was hard to really see this debate moving the needle. Further to this, viewing figures had fallen to just 450 million live, the lowest yet and many news stations only showed highlights of the most testy and explosive exchanges.   One debate remained, on “Future Threats”.  

The Fifth Debate

The fifth and final debate of the 2600 campaign took place on the unusual venue of the L5 Orbital, with Empyreal Media hosting.   The subject matter was “future threats” and there was a tone of “doom” around it, with some of the audience suggested questions being about the “existential risks” that the likes of the Zzenddi or Dhau pose.   Once again, the moderator struggled to maintain order and there were more than four hundred interruptions this time, with Rep Milburn (SWP) interrupting ninety five times alone.   The candidates argued and there were some feisty exchanges.   Governor Walt Schilling (SDP) came out strongly for “Terran unity being our biggest strength. If we work together, we can survive whatever threats there are out there. We’ve done it time and time again.”   When pressed on whether he regarded the Dhau Empire as an existential threat, the Governor said that “they are an immediate threat to our way of life.”   General Bennett (IND), did not mince his words though and called the Dhau “a dreadful existential threat. We’ve been allies, of sorts, with the Dhau in the past but the Dhau have a totally different way of thinking to us, they regard freedom is very different terms. And they are, let’s not forget, a race that once conquered an entire quadrant. They must be stopped and as President, that would be priority one, two and three.”   Vice President Bancroft (ONX), whilst agreeing that the Dhau pose “A threat to our entire way of life”, also said that there were other strong threats, such as the “terrorism and the rising tide of radicalism. There are those, some on this very stage, that think your whole way of life must be dicated to you, from Dhaka city, even if it makes no sense where you live. I think that is a significant danger too.”   Senator Tyson Minar (FOR) came out bullishly that “separatism has been a dire threat, stoked by opporutnists like Senator Elazar or Vice President Bancroft. It’s also been paid for and armed by the Dhau, who are a serious danger to our way of life and would likely aim to conquer the Republic. Let’s not forget that it’s less than a century since the Karkouri Regime, whom Vice President Bancroft sees as a trading partner, broke up the Terran Empire into different client states!”   Senator Nevsky (RCP) had a rare off night, often talked over or interrupted and he lost his cool when Rep Milburn interrupted him, saying “Representative Milburn, would you please stop talking. You’ve nothing to say but seem determined that everyone hear it.”   Liza Dimaki (WRK) also had a bad night, referring to the “Hansa as the most dire threat to the human race”, which drew stunned and incredulous reactions from most of the other candidates. When pressed as to “in what way will they cause the end of the Terran people?” by Governor Warran (ISO), she was unable to articulate an answer.   At the end of the night there was another fierce exchange between Governor Schilling and Vice President Bancroft. Governor Schilling accused the Vice President of “Hiding behind the coattails of your President, who has real achievements whilst you only have soundbites.”   The Vice President shot back that “Governor Schilling has spent four debates shirking in the middle of the pack, hoping he can quietly slink into the 2nd ballot without anyone noticing that he hasn’t said a damned thing during these whole debates.”   Pundits concluded that Senator Minar, Vice President Bancroft and General Bennett had probably done the best, whilst Liza Dimaki’s terrible performance likely would further collapse the Worker’s Rights Party vote.   They also felt that it had been Governor Schillings strongest outing so far whilst Senator Nevksy, who had done well across all four previous debates, had a rare off night.   Audience figures had picked up slightly, with six hundred million tuning in live and highlights shown on most networks.   Across all five debates, most felt that Vice President Bancroft had done much to enhance her reputation and came across as “likable, authentic and speaking with conviction”.   There was also praise for Senator Nevksy who was agreed by nearly all pundits to have “the best policy knowledge of all the candidates and a clear vision.”   Senator Tyson Minar was also praised for his intelligence and bravery, though few felt that this would make much difference to his polling.   Pollsters said that numbers had been nudged somewhat by the debates but that no one had landed a knock out blow, though they agreed that Liza Dimaki and Rep Grace Milburn had been exposed badly by the debates and were now “essentially dead” for the 2600 poll.   A new poll is expected today, with most feeling that whilst the race is tightening, that the SDP remain in the lead.  

Last Minute Attacks and Endorsements

Ahead of the 1st ballot, there were a series of attacks laucnhed with Senator Tyson Minar (FOR), Senator McClennon Nevsky (RCP) and Governor Walt Schilling (SDP) all hit at some point.   There was also a surprise endorsment before the 1st ballot by General Severus Bennett (IND) for Governor Reighley Warran (ISO). The General, who claimed his campaign had been sunk by the candidacy of Cavatt Malouf, backed the Isolationists and called for his supporters to vote for Governor Warran in the 1st and 2nd ballot.   Senator Tyson Minar made a much more muted appeal to his supporters to back the Isolationists in the 2nd ballot.   Cavatt Malouf, who had plead guilty in a plea bargain and been sentanced to 20 years in the stockade, backed Payden Hickcock (GUR) for President.   Ahead of the 2nd ballot, Senator Kent Elazar (RHC) called on his supporters to abstain in protest of the choices of candidates.

The Results


President 1st Ballot

The result of the 1st Presidential ballot was:  
  1. Governor Walt Schilling (SDP) - 20.71%
  2. Governor Reighley Warran (ISO) - 15.75%
  3. Vice President Estelle Bancroft (ONX) - 15.53%
  4. Senator McClennon Nevsky (RCP ) - 13.98%
  5. Payden Hickock (GUR) - 13.81%
  6. Senator Kent Elazar (RHC) - 9.49%
  7. Senator Tyson Minar (FOR) - 3.45%
  8. Cavatt Malouf (IND) - 1.87%
  9. Voshon Graham (PAC) -1.86%
  10. Liza Dimaki (WRK) - 1.73%
  11. General Severus Bennett (IND) - 0.86%
  12. Rep Grace Milburn (SWP) - 0.86%
  13. Gallus Pyree (ANA) - 0.09%
Governor's Walt Schilling (SDP) and Reighley Warran (SDP) were both entered into the 2nd ballot.   Voshon Graham (PAC) made an immediate endorsement of Governor Schilling, which was followed by one by Payden Hickcock for Schilling.   Vice President Estelle Bancroft (ONX) offered a somewhat luke-warm endorsement for Governor Reighley Warran.  

President 2nd Ballot

The result of the 2nd ballot saw:  
  • Governor Walt Schilling (SDP) -44%
  • Governor Rayleigh Warran (ISO) -35%
  • Abstain - 21%
Governor Walt Schilling was therefore confirmed to be President elect.  

General Assembly

  1. SDP - 19%
  2. Onyx -16%
  3. Isolationist -16%
  4. RCP -14%
  5. Gurava -13%
  6. Ravenheart -11%
  7. Pacifica -6%
  8. Fortress -5%
The Anarchist, Worker's Rights Party and Sovriegn Worlds Party all failed to pass 5% and therefore received no seats in the General Assembly.   The SDP emerged as the largest individual party in the GA and would therefore replace Ravenheart as presiding officer.


  1. Onyx - 15 Senators (Up 1)
  2. Ravenheart -14 Senators (Up 8)
  3. SDP - 14 Senators (Up 4)
  4. Isolationist - 11 Senators (Up 2)
  5. Gurava -4 Senators (Down 2)
  6. RCP -4 Senators (Down 2)
  7. Fortress -4 Senators (No change)
  8. Independent - 4 Senators (Down 1)
  9. Sovriegn Worlds - 1 Senator (New Party)
  10. VOS CORTAN - 1 Senator (New Party)

Notable Races


The New Administration

President-elect Walt Schilling was sworn in on June 1 2600. He selected Albert Benning as his Chief of Staff and three days later, he announced his cabinet:  
  • Vice President - Sevoy Panikkar (SDP)
  • Attorney General - Suresh Dasilva (GUR)
  • Secretary of Defence - Smith Haskins (RCP)
  • Treasury Secretary - Willard Ford (RCP)
  • Foreign Secretary - Clarke Hooper (SDP)
  • Intelligence Secretary - August Solarin (IND)
  • Interior Secretary - Dr Grogan Westfield (GUR)
  • Education & Skills Secretary - Nora Cates (RCP)
  • Colonisation Secretary - Sapperstein 227 (SDP)
  • Trade & Transport Secretary - Tyson Minar (FOR)
  • Chief of Staff to the President -Albert Benning (SDP)

Cover image: by Destiny - Game


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