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Haleen (a.k.a. The Hammer)

Haleen is a simple blacksmith residing and working in the village of Orin's Keep. Her skills as a blacksmith are quite capable, if unrefined.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Haleen is of quite a remarkable size for a woman. She stands well over six feet tall, dwarfing most men in her village. She weighs in at a solidly built and muscular 208 lbs. However, her facial appearance still retains some feminine qualities.

Body Features

Haleen is quite large in stature.  She stands a towering 6'4", well above the average for both women and men in Andor.  She also weighs in at a very muscular 208 lbs.

Facial Features

Haleen's facial appearance retains some feminine characteristics, though much of this is often hidden by the sweat caked soot and dirt that covers her face from endless hours working the forge.
She has a substantial burn scar located on her right jaw line.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Haleen has lived in Orin's Keep keep her entire life.
  Her father worked as the village brewer.   However, he tended to enjoy his craft a little too much.  As a result, Haleen found the work off-putting, as well a drinking to any excess.   Haleen had no desire to follow her father's trade, or that of her mother, a simple seamstress.  Haleen was always quite large for her age and quite strong.  She was often teased by other children for her size, especially the boys of the village.  As she grew, she found herself longing for something where her strength and size would allow her to excel, rather than be a source of shame or embarrassment. She discovered that blacksmithing met this need perfectly and still allowed her to work more independently, rather than being forced to crowd in the mines with those that often teased her.   She apprenticed to the then village blacksmith, Wyndon.  Wyndon was extremely skeptical of having a girl apprentice to him but decided to give her a chance.  If nothing else, failure would soon teach Haleen to leave him alone. But Haleen did not fail and Wyndon quickly grew to respect the young girl's strength and skill with the hammer.  In later years, as Haleen took over more and more of the forge work and her skill grew yet still, Wyndon would lament that the village lacked the facilities of an armory where Haleen's skills could grow even further.    Haleen would continue to work the forge after Wyndon's death when she was 25.  After that, rather than the two of them, Haleen would often work alone, occasionally aided by a few kobolds when she required extra hands for larger demands.  It was sometimes lonely work but as people of the village came to rely on her labor to repair their tools and make implements for them, she earned their respect and was no longer mocked for her unusual size.     Haleen still remembers the laments of Wyndon's later years, however, and wonders what it would be like to work the finer forges and tools of Phandelver where they craft the fine armor and weapons of the Draconians soldiers.
Current Status
Working a crude forge
Current Location
Orin's Keep
Current Residence
Orin's Keep
Dirty blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned and soot stained
208 lbs
Pyros, the Dawn Fire
Known Languages

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