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Session 004: Returning to the Scene of the Crime

General Summary

Ventaum, the 6th of Lunitas, 3501 A.L. - Early morning:
Sayran awoke to nuzzling from a warm, scaley brow. He opened his eyes to see a glimmering, tiny silver dragon.   Sayran was stupefied by the sight of the creature and did not seem to know what to make of it at first. He began speaking to it quite frantically in Common, causing the dragon to look at him with some confusion, as it only spoke Draconic.   After a moment Sayran realized it could recognize speech, but not understand it. Sayran then began to speak Draconic and the two started to be able to communicate.   The silver dragon hatchling communicated his name was Syrodrill. Sayran seemed nervous by his presence and felt the dragon was in danger and needed to be returned to its kind.   Syradrill seemed unaware of any of his own kind and did not share Sayran’s concerns. He assured Sayran that he was quite capable and demonstrated his superior strength by pinning Sayran to the ground.   Syradrill also demonstrated his strong predatory skills by launching himself at a nearby deer and catching it by the back of its neck, biting into it and breaking its spine in a quick, clean death.   Sayran, impressed, joined Syradrill and cleaned the deer and took some small portion of the meat to go back to the village with. Syradrill then proceeded to rapidly devour the remains.   Sayran asked Syradrill to stay in the vicinity and hidden until he got back, to which the silver dragon agreed.   Meanwhile, Fiera escorted Nera through the gates of Orin's Keep and into the village. Fiera noticed they were begin scrutinized closely by a dragonborn soldier. Unknown to her, the soldier was Gildenath, who was quite curious about the absences. They otherwise made it into town without incident and she took Nera to her chambers before going to visit her Aunt Maeleen.   At the same time, Gus Rando, Hayden Hotness, and Naxiris snuck in through the gap in the walls and buried their stolen equipment by the opening.   They then snuck through the fields and emerged near Haleen’s forge. Naxiris left to head to the barracks to start catching up on her duties.   Haden and Gus continued on, stopping briefly to converse with Haleen and tell her of Nera's successful rescue. She was relieved to hear it and very impressed with Haden.   Gus headed to find Orin Delon to check in with him. Orin saw him approaching the mine entrance from atop the scaffold crane platform. He leaned overed and whispered to another of his enforcers, Felin, who then headed off toward the ramp. Gus was intercepted by Felin who told him Orin wanted to see him. Felin also questioned Gus where he got that impressive looking axe from. Gus lied and said that Haleen had made it for him. Felin was not sure if he believed it, but that if it was true that was impressive. Gus headed up the ramp to meet Orin, who still had another enforcer by his side, Merick.   Sayran came back to town with some of the meat from the deer Syradrill had killed and brought it to the store master, Petra. Sayran over conversed with Petra about his absence. Petra merely stared back, disinterested.   Late that evening, Gus would have a vivid dream of being in the woods. He was completely unarmed and standing before him was the wolf the party had set free from the cage at the goblin camp. The wolf led him to a small clearing that was surrounded by various animals of the forest. In the middle of them stood a large, black bear. The bear approached Gus and stood upon its hind legs and pressed its forepaws to Gus’s shoulder shoving him. After a bit, Gus realized the bear was challenging him to a contest of strength. Gus wrestled and fought the bear until he managed to subdue the beast with a mighty punch to the top of its skull. The bear collapsed and the rest of the animals departed. The bear slowly stood up from the ground, bowed its head low, and walked off into the woods. Gus would awake to find a necklace around his neck, comprised of bear claws bound to some twine thread. Gus felt invigorated by the totem.

Character(s) interacted with

Orin Delon
Report Date
13 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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