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Session 005: Into the Wilds

General Summary

Acidum, the 7th of Lunitas, about mid-day:
Naxiris, Fiera, Gus Rando, and Syradrill are currently waiting in the brush and thicket about 30 feet off the southside of the road.   Hayden Hotness and Sayran are investigating the burned cart and corpses of Dragonborn soldiers on the road. They have found the head of a horned, red dragonborn impaled to a tree by a sword. It has a bloody handprint pressed on its forehead. Haden tried to recall if he had ever heard of anything like this happening before, and though there were always the occasional attacks on the roads by various creatures and other factions of Draconians, Haden could not recall something like this where the corpses appeared be ritualistically desecrated and burned. Sayran investigated for tracks leading away from the carnage. Though he found no tracks, he did find evidence that something or someone had moved away from the scene to the north. No footprints were found but there was evidence the underbrush had been heavily disturbed.   Sayran and Haden returned to the rest of the party off the southside of the road. They did not describe what they found, but suggested the party move on to avoid whatever did this that had apparently gone north. The rest of the party was not satisfied with that and went to investigate the scene themselves, led by Gus. Gus surveyed the wreckage and looked through the debris of the cart. The cart appeared to have once contained a variety of cargo and appeared to be taking supplied to Orin's Keep.  However, it appeared much had been taken and what was not taken was burned beyond utility. The only remains were the odd cast-off item or something that had been missed, like a couple of iron ingots. This would indicate the supplies may have come from Phandelver, where methods of metal refinery are available.   The party then continued on from there and after marching about another 12 miles to the east, they decided to make camp. Sayran quickly found a nice cave that would shelter the party from the approaching thunderstorm. Syradrill informed him that he smelt nothing suspicious, and the party agreed to set up camp for the evening inside. Sayran went out and quickly brought down a large buck to serve as the party’s main course while the rest foraged for some berries and other wild produce. The party then settled in for the night with Gus taking first watch, which was uneventful. Gus then roused Naxiris for the second watch and quickly went to sleep. Naxiris was quite weary and was unable to maintain her watch and quickly dozed off.   Haden awoke suddenly to a great mass of tangled gray hair and two bright blue eyes leaning over him and staring intently. Haden got up with a yell that woke the rest of the party and caused what was then observed to be a gnarled, wrinkly old man. The old man seemed quite frail and slender and was completely naked.   The rest of the party awoke and began to ask questions of the old man, starting with Haden who asked his name, but got no sensible answer. They asked many questions of him but continued to get little in the way of solid, clear answers. Haden eventually gave him a shirt to put on, which the old man simply wrapped around his waist. The old man did reveal that he was not “alone” and that there were a great many others “with” him as he gestured toward his head. He looked very intently and coherently at Fiera and whispered, “I hear them too!”.   He also seemed over-joyed at the sight of Syradrill. He ran to pet him feverishly. Syradrill reacted with stunned surprise more than anything.   Fiera later questioned the old man about what he heard the voices say and he told her it was mostly too incoherent to make out, but one word he could make out was “Hope”. The party questioned him about what hope there was in a world ruled by dragons. The old man suggested that maybe they were the hope of the world. The party seemed skeptical of this. Most then went to bed. Naxiris was punished by being forced to take watch the rest of the night herself. The old man came and set next to her for a while. They talked of having a purpose and how Naxiris wished to find hers. The old man touched her shoulder kindly and Naxiris felt a wave of invigoration and did not need to sleep the rest of the night.   Glacedas, the 8th of Lunitas, about mid-day:
When the rest of the party awoke at dawn, they looked around to find the old man had simply vanished. Naxiris, who had been awake the whole night and watching the entrance of the cave, was surprised and could not recall having seen the old man leave. The rest of the party was skeptical. Haden complained that the old man ran off with his shirt, but then found it folded neatly by his bed role, pristinely clean. Haden mused about something magical about the old man.   The party left the cave and continued to trek eastward. After a short way, the party heard the frantic whiney of a horse that sounded panicked. The party moved to investigate and found a clearing in the woods with a horse being stalked by a large owlbear. The party attempted to sneak away before being noticed by the large predator, but Sayran’s foot found and ill-placed branch on the ground and tumbled over, drawing the attention of the owlbear who then charged the party.   The party then attempted to fight off the owlbear. During the melee, a large griffin took the opportunity to swoop in and kill the horse and begin devouring it fiercely. The party quickly dispatched the owlbear, but the commotion drew the attention of the griffin who began to approach. The party fought hard against the griffin and in the course of the fight, Gus took a hearty blow. Something seemed to come over him and Gus began to lash out wildly, killing the beast. After the threat was vanquished, Gus did not abate but began to attack Naxiris, knocking her unconscious. Not knowing what to make of the situation, the rest of the party began to try to subdue Gus. It took quite an effort, but they managed to knock him unconscious and tie him up, removing his weapons, including his newly found axe that he has become so attached to.   The party revived Naxiris. Gus slowly came to, and the party tried to question the reason for his actions, but Gus could only think about his beloved axe and his desire to have it back in his possession. He apologized profusely for his attack on Naxiris but insisted his axe be returned to him. Sayran, furious with the whole ordeal, ordered Syradrill to take the axe and fly far away with it and hide it somewhere. Syradrill did as he was told, though unbeknownst to the party, he did not think it the best idea.   The party began discussing how dangerous Gus was to them like this and what to do, when a voice called from the tree line that he was not the only dangerous thing around. The party quickly found themselves surrounded on all sides by about 10 relatively well-armed men and women.
Report Date
04 Jan 2022
Primary Location

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