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Session 007: An Encounter with Goblins Report

General Summary

Dragon's Rest, 9th of Lunitas, Late Morning:
The Party hears the growl and chatter of goblins around them. Sayran and Haden are surprised to find themselves suddenly beset on all sides by eight goblins!   Two goblins sit high in the trees with bows as four others, led by their two captains, close in around them. A vicious combat ensues. Gus hefts his mysterious axe high overhead in an attempt to intimidate the goblins. It was unclear what result this surprising revelation would have, until Sayran spoke up in Goblin and attempted to convince the goblins that Gus wielded the might and power of Maglubiyet. This idea immediately snapped the goblins out of their stunned pause as they began to laugh at the sacrilegious idea of a human being able to wield power from Maglubiyet. They resumed their attacks with renewed fervor.   The Party managed to slay several goblins, but Haden was having quite a difficult time of it. The archers in the trees were presenting a particular danger for everyone. Fortunately, Syrodrill swooped in and began to harass the goblin archers, buying the rest of the group time to deal with the others. A couple managed to escape off into the woods, however.   After the goblins fled, Gus again fell into a blind rage and began to attack his compatriots. The Party managed to subdue him, rendering him unconscious. Sayran sent Syradrill off to pursue the trail of the goblins, staying low in the forest.   The Party eventually set off after Syradrill. After a short time traveling, the party met up with Syradrill who informed them he followed the fleeing goblins back to a rather sizable goblin village. He estimated there were likely several hundred goblins in the village. As the party wondered how on Orthun they would be able to infiltrate the village, a goblin crept from the nearby underbrush and offered his assistance.   The goblin did not care much for Sayran's attitude toward he and his people, but informed the party that he would finish leading them to the village of Snarfenblog and even help them get inside, if they promised not to harm he or and of his friends and family. The party agreed and explained they were trying to get rid of Gus' mysterious axe. The goblin informed the party that he did not understand anything about "booyahg", but that he would lead them to meet with a "booyahg". The party agreed and they moved on to the east.   When they reached the outskirts of Snarfenblog, the party could see that the village was, in fact, very sizable for a goblin village. There were dozens of huts or all sizes. There were, indeed, likely several hundred goblins within. The entrances was quite well defended, with steep rock formations forming a natural wall of sorts, atop which sat crudely constructed watch towers. There was a path carved through the steep rock leading into the village, but it was heavily guarded and blocked by a wood wall and gate.  
Snarfenblog Base Map Image
  The goblin offered to lead the party around the perimeter of the village to the southeast and toward the river, which Snarfenblog was nearby. The goblin advised that near the banks of the river was a secret cave tunnel that linked up with a network of caves further in the village where the shamans stayed.   The party moved on and around the village and after about 45 minutes or so, reached the river and began trekking north. After a short time, the party came upon a narrow crevice in the cliffside. The goblin informed them that they could follow that crevice up and into one of the "booyahg's" chambers. The shaman maybe able to help them deal with whatever was going on with the axe. The goblin also suggested they may want to be careful about this. The party questioned him about what he meant. There was some bickering back and forth, mostly between Sayran and the goblin about matters of politeness. Eventually, the party agreed to compensate the goblin for his time and information with a whip that Gus had. The goblin's eyes lit up like the sun at the offer of the whip and he readily agreed. He agreed that the axe Gus held did likely contain some power bestowed by Maglubiyet. But he suggested that the madness that seemed to overtake Gus may be an unintended consequence because Gus was not a goblin, and the weapon was not meant for him. He advised that Gus may not be capable of wielding it to its full potential because he wasn't a servant of Maglubiyet and that he was afraid if they gave the axe to the goblins and one of them then wielded the axe, it could make the goblins very powerful. The goblin advised he didn't want this because it would likely lead the goblins to go on the warpath, which he wanted no part in.   The party asked for alternative ideas. The goblin suggested they could head south to The Fetid Swamp to see "her". They party was confused and asked who "her" was. The goblin was surprised that the party was not already aware of what he was talking about. He explained a very old and powerful witch lived somewhere in The Fetid Swamp to the southwest. He suggested the party could take the axe to her and see if she could break the curse on it but warned it also could be dangerous just to get to her, let alone make a deal.   The party debated for a time but ultimately decided to deliver the axe to the goblins here and now, rather than trek all that way and possibly not find a solution. Gus gave the goblin his whip, as promised. Sayran asked Syradrill to remain on guard at the cave entrance while they continued on. The goblin went on his way.   The party crept through the cave tunnel and ultimately came out in the cave of a goblin shaman. The goblin shaman was initially terrified of the party's arrival and attempted to flee and call the guards. Gus blocked the way while Sayran grabbed the shaman from what appeared to be a staff and covered his mouth while they explained their plight and that they wanted his help and wouldn't hurt anyone if he didn't cause trouble. The goblin seemed to quiet down, and agreed to tell two guards outside, Booper and Pooper, that he was mistaken, and nothing was amiss. The party explained their situation more thoroughly to him. The party explained about the recovery of the axe from another goblin tribe to the west. The shaman was intrigued and asked if they were referring to Clan Tink Tink. After a short discussion, the party and the shaman surmised the goblins the party previously encountered were, in fact, of Clan Tink Tink. The shaman then readily agreed to help the party transfer ownership of the axe, and its curse, from Gus to a goblin.   The shaman had Booper and Pooper summon another goblin called Busker to his chambers. When Busker arrived, the shaman explained to Busker about the axe from Clan Tink Tink and that he intended to transfer the power of the axe from Gus to him. Busker agreed and the shaman began the ritual, casting various powders into a burning brazier in the center of the room and waiving what appeared to be a stiffened, dead rat over it like a wand.   Gus then ritualistically passed the axe through the flickering flames to Busker, who took it. After a moment, the shaman began to laugh maniacally, followed by Busker, whose laugh began to deepen. It grew deeper and deeper as his body appeared to swell and his skin changed from slimy green to ashen black. Busker grew to stand roughly eleven feet tall and held the axe aloft over his head in triumph.

Character(s) interacted with

A goblin friend
A goblin shaman
Booper (Indirectly)
Pooper (Indirectly)
Lapsus Draconis
Report Date
27 Jan 2022
Secondary Location

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