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Session 010: The Twins

General Summary

Ignis, 11th of Lunitar, Mid-Morning:
The Party is stopped on the road leading south from the village of Rald's Keep. They have been investigating a scene of debris that appears as though it may have come from a cart. The party suspects the cart and supplies are related the four missing villagers from Rald's Keep they were asked to find.
  The trail of debris clearly leads off into the woods to the east. Initially, the ground and underbrush are disturbed as the trail leads from the road and into the woods, but then the forest suddenly becomes undisturbed, yet the trail of droppings continues. Looking up, Hayden Hotness notices that some tree limbs and branches have been snapped off in a flaring pattern away from the road.
  Unsure what to make of this, Fiera casts Detect Magic. As her eyes are colored over with a shimmering silver radiance, she finds nothing magical around the trail or any of the debris itself, but she does see several magical auras coming off of Sayran. A pouch that Sayran is carrying contains one item imbued with enchantment magic and another item imbued with illusion magic. Additionally, to no surprise of Fiera, she sees that the new bow and arrows Sayran received from Mobang The Magnificent are extremely magical, the bow bearing evocation magic and the arrows a form of enchantment.
  Fiera is quite surprised to see that the golden canary pendant she has been wearing around her neck is also emitting and extremely strong aura of transmutation magic.
  However, these curiosities do not relate to their current predicament so she lets the matter rest for now. Sayran bids Syradril to fly off and follow the trail and report back what he finds. Meanwhile, Hayden climbs up a nearby tree to inspect the breaks in the branches. He is unable to discern more about it, but does see the trail obviously continues into the woods.
  After quite a while, Syradril fails to return. Sayran begins to get worried as he tries to sense his companions presence, but is unable to do so. Panic rising, Sayran decides to charge off into the woods to follow the trail in hopes of finding Syradril ahead. With the grace born of years of woodsman experience, Sayran deftly guides the party through the thick brambles and underbrush. The party continues on for about another half an hour. As they continue, the woods become thicker and more treacherous even to the point of giving Sayran difficulty. The rest of the party is unable to discern if the woods are just that vicious or if it is Sayran's concern for his missing friend that is causing him to slip. Sayran suddenly snaps his head up and looks off to the northeast.
  "Syradril!" he shouts, as he suddenly charges off in that direction.
  The rest of the party is left momentarily stunned, but then quickly tries to set off to follow. Gus Rando charges ahead, followed closely by Naxiris and Hayden. Fiera was following but became entangled in the vines of the forest and tripped. Hayden ran back to aide her as Gus and Naxiris attempted to follow Sayran.
  Sayran was charging fast ahead, but Gus was just barely able to keep up. That is until Sayran made a sudden veer to the right around a large tree and melted into the forest. Gus was unable to track the ranger's trail from there. Gus then returned back the way he came, meeting Naxiris and Hayden and Fiera, who had began to follow again by this point. He explained he lost Sayran in the woods. The party moved on to the last spot he saw and began tracking their friends movement. They were able to follow a trail a few moments longer until they came to a spot where Sayran's tracks became intermingled with a great many tracks of much smaller creatures. The party quickly recognized the foot prints of Kobolds, probably at least a dozen or so.
  Fearing Sayran's capture by the Kobolds, the party was debating what to do for a few moments until they began to hear a commotion approaching from the southwest. The party took cover behind some trees as two humanoid figures came charging through the woods. It was a male, followed by a female. They seemed to be quite panicked and frightened. They also appeared to be young, about the age of The Party. In his haste, the male's foot caught in the thick vines and underbrush of the forest and he tripped and fell over. The female rushed to his side to try and help him up, but he was caught in a very thick tangle. Further rustling behind them drew the females attention and she turned. As she did, she picked up a nearby branch from the ground and held it out in front of her, almost like a sword.
  "Get back you scaley bastards!" she shouted. As she did, a pack of Kobolds emerged from the woods on their trail and two more flew overhead.
  The Party charged forward to help defend the pair of humans from the swarming monsters and a battled ensued. Gus and Naxiris quickly charged forward and engaged the Kobold horde. Hayden moved to cover the woman and man as they prepared to defend themselves. Fiera summoned forth a spiritual... penis... which she then used to strike the Kobolds flying in the air overhead. As the battle carried on, it became quite apparent that the newcomers were very capable fighters, each seeming to command some sort of powers. The man got up and demonstrated a proficiency with a dagger that even Hayden had to respect. But what is more is that some form of energy almost seemed to flow from him as he would lay one Kobold low and then strike out at another, as if with the energy of the death itself. The female also demonstrated a strong ability with blades, but even beyond that, as she would thrust forth phantasmal rats seemed to form around her and run and attack her target as well.
  The Party, joined by the two newcomers continued their battle with the Kobolds, who fought viciously. One of the Kobolds, presumably the leader, was quite hardy. The two flying above also rained spells down upon the humans. Two more Kobolds approached from the woods and began hurling strange, makeshift weapons, at the group, including flasks of acid, fire, a caged skunk, a pot of grubs, and a scorpion on a stick!
  Half-way through the melee, a host of Kobolds managed to grapple Naxiris and began to drag her away from the field, but the rest of the group managed to keep them stalled and ultimately fend them off. Suddenly, in the fight, something seemed to come over Gus, who began to bleed with everyone to stop fighting, the Kobolds were their friends. Unfortunately for Gus, most of the Kobolds were already dead, but he saw one alive that was still trying to hug Naxiris fervently. Gus charged forward and wrapped his huge muscular arms around the Kobold to hug it while it clung to its "hug" around Naxiris.
  One of the other last remaining Kobolds, seeing his comrades falling everywhere, chose to make a retreat, shouting "She's going to be so mad!" as it fled.
  The party dispatched the last few stragglers as Gus continued to hug his new Kobold friend so heartily that it finally just stopped moving altogether. The group of humans gathered closely as the two newcomers thanked them for their aide. The female identified herself as Rokri and the male identified himself as Tarn . They relayed that they had had a frantic few days, especially crossing the bridge over the Andor River at the fortress of Vardun. They told how a strange, bearded, naked old man had been running around and seemed to almost knowingly try to help them cross. Hayden remarked she suspected they were familiar with this man. Hayden told them that his name was Mobang and they had run into him a couple of times now. He most recently helped them cross the Andor before they made their way to Rald's Keep. Meanwhile, Gus inspected the dead Kobolds and noticed that many of them were marked with a crudely drawn symbol that was the Draconic rune for "V"

  Hayden reached into his pouch to offer Tarn and Rokri some food. As he did so, the party heard a voice call out from the woods: "I would like some food. Hello there, little morsels." A green dragon crawled slyly from the woods to step before them. It asked what they were doing here in their woods, as a second green dragon, crawled up behind the party from the other side.
  The party was then interrogated by the two green dragons, apparently a brother and sister known as Iuvenia and Iuvenius. The dragons asked what the party was doing in their woods and why they had killed their Kobolds. Hayden tried to convince the dragons that they were servants of another great, and powerful dragon, known as Sydraril, and were on an important mission for them. They dragons seemed skeptical, stating they had not heard of a "Syradril" before and wanted to know where their domain was. Hayden advised that it was "to the west". Iuvenia remarked they only knew of one dragon who held dominion in the western part of The Valley of Andor and that was Ebonmere, who resided in The Fetid Swamp.
  Iuvenia then gestured to have some Kobolds come forth from the woods and revealed that they had previously captured the party's ranger, Sayran.  He was currently unconscious.  Iuvenia also revealed that the dragons also had the missing villagers from Rald's Keep.  She proposed a deal with the party to make restitution for the servants they had killed.  She asked that the party travel to the realm of Ebonmere, to a lair known as Auglier, and retrieve a dragon egg from the lair and bring it back to them.  In exchange, the twins would release Sayran and the missing villagers, as well as forgive the party's debt to them for killing their servants.
  Seeing little choice if they hoped to save their friend, the party agreed to the task.  Iuvenia informed the party that she believed the lair to be well guarded, or else she would go themselves.  The party then hastily left the clearing to return to the road and be on their way.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Iuvenia

  • Iuvenius

  • Campaign
    Lapsus Draconis
    Hayden Hotness
    Testy Testes
    Gus Rando
    Report Date
    19 Mar 2022

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