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Session 011: New Friends

General Summary

Ignis, 11th of Lunitas, 3501 AL - Mid-Morning:
The party recently left the clearing where they met the twin green dragons Iuvenia and Iuvenius. The dragons, having captured the party's ranger, Sayran, as well as the missing villagers from Rald's Keep that the party has been sent to find, commanded the party to retrieve a dragon egg for them. Being told that the egg was located in a lair, known as Auglier, in The Fetid Swamp, the party rejoined the road and continued their path south, toward the main road through the Valley of Andor, where they could turn west to cross over the Andor River.   The party traveled south for roughly another 15 miles towards the crossroads. Close to night fall, Tarn and Fiera heard a pained moaning up ahead. Tarn stealthily moved forward ahead of the rest of the party, followed by Fiera, so investigate. Sneaking through the woods, Tarn saw a human male laying on the ground with a severely wounded right leg. Seeing no other dangers in the immediate vicinity, Tarn and Fiera crept forward to examine the man. He was conscious, if not somewhat delirious, but he identified himself as Chet Lawless. He explained he had recently been attacked by an owlbear, which managed to bite his leg and severely injury him before he managed to send it running away. Fiera used her powers to heal the wound of his leg for him. Chet was very grateful and impressed. Meanwhile, Tarn then motioned forward the rest of the party, who then introduced themselves to Chet.   The group all agreed to make camp for the night, with Rokri managing to find a nice secluded depression near the main road just west of the crossroads. The party then set up for the night and got to know their new friend. Chet explained that he was originally from the village of Thundertree, but that he had been living on his own in the wilds for the last five years or so. The party explained they were currently on their way to the Fetid Swamps to try to retrieve a dragon egg to bargain for their friend's life. Feeling that he owed them a debt for their help, Chet offered to assist the party in their quest. The party agreed to accept the help and then went to sleep for the night.   Lucendas, the 12th of Lunitas, 3501 AL - Dawn:
Fiera was keeping watch and heard the sounds rhythmic thudding sounds approaching on the road. She told Tarn who then went to investigate. As Tarn stealthily approached the road, he saw two riders on horseback and a cart round the corner from the road south to Phandelver to head west toward the Andor River.   One of the riders and the cart driver were definitely dragonborn, but the third was a figure clad all in black and Tarn could not see his face. He thought he recalled hearing descriptions from Taru about the Auctori, who tended to dress in this fashion. Tarn was not certain, as he had never seen one in person. Tarn returned to the group and debated what to do. A few party members wanted to ambush the group to see what would merit the presence of an Auctori here, but Tarn objected, thinking was not a good idea.   The party eventually settled on the idea to try to have Rokri trail the group from a distance and let the rest of the party follow her. The hope was to use the groups crossing of the bridge as a distraction to then get past the fortifications. Unfortunately, however, in her haste to catch back up with the car, Rokri tripped and tumbled over. The commotion caught the attention of the caravan who stopped short and the Auctori and their dragonborn escort rode back around to the car to ask who Rokri was.   Rokri immediately set up into a dash into the woods. The Auctori commanded the guard to chase after her. Tarn then left from the woods and set upon the Auctori, who was still on horseback. Rokri met up with Fiera behind a tree and was about to be set upon by the soldier, but then Hayden Hotness and Chet came to their aide. Meanwhile Naxiris and Gus Rando joined Tarn in assaulting the Auctori, who was caught off guard by the rapid and ferocious assault. He waved his hand and disappeared, only to reappear a second late at the head of the cart without his horse.   Chet and Hayden quickly dispatched the soldier harassing Fiera and Rokri, with Chet beheading him brutally. The second guard that had been driving the cart pulled a horn from his waist and blasted it loadly into the air. Rokri then pulled her bow out and fired and arrow at the Auctori preparing to cast another spell while Tarn and Gus again closed the gap. Hayden and Chet ran up to the soldier on the cart and dropped him quickly to try and cut off the horn call.   As Gus and Tarn surrounded the Auctori, he called to the guard to flee with the artifacts, but it was too late, as Chet finished cleaving him in his belly. Sensing defeat, the Auctori again waived his hands and disappeared, but Tarn was able to see the movement in the dirt and realized he had only become invisible, not disappeared. Tarn slashed out and caught him. The blow and cry of pain was all the clue that Gus needed and he brought his huge axe to bear on the Auctori. It caught and cleaved through his left hand, which partially fell into the dirt, before it buried itself in his chest.   The battle now finished, the party quickly set about investigating the cart, which was covered over in hay and sacks of what appeared to be bad produce and useless junk. A quick search through the hay, however, revealed that this was merely concealing two chests at the bottom: one plain, and simple wooden chest, the other a metal plated chest with the mark of The Auctori atop it. Meanwhile, Gus grabbed the bronze facemask worn by the green dragonborn who was now dead at his feet. Tarn searched his body and found a damaged ring on his partially severed left hand and took it. He also found a curt letter, written in Draconic that simple stated: "Travel to Phandelver. Retrieve the items of the Interloper. Bring them to Tulgara."   Presuming the "items" referenced were in one of the chests, the party was eager to open them to find out what merited the presence of an Auctori. However, the party was concerned that the horn call did attract the attention of reinforcements. They debated on whether or not to try to steal the cart and horses, but decided there was not enough time. Tarn grabbed the body of the deceased Auctori while Chet and Gus grabbed the two chests and the party fled off into the woods. Fiera and Naxiris worked to disguise the groups passed and managed to succeed just in time, as two Incendium soldiers came riding upon the scene atop to enormous guard drakes.   It appeared for just a moment that one of the drakes caught Fiera and Naxiris' sent, but the rider seemed to have little patience and turned back around toward the scene of the attack. The party trekked on a little further before settling for a moment. Tarn grimly packed up the robes taken from the dead Auctori while Gus looked at the plain wooden chest to try and open it. Meanwhile, the rest of the party gathered around the large, metal plated chest. Hayden attempted to pick the lock, but with no success. Chet immediately rushed forward, heaved his mighty axe over his head, and smashed clean through the chest. The resulting fireball was instantaneous and badly burned Hayden. After Fiera managed to heal everyone's burns, Tarn mused that the chest appeared to have been magically trapped.   The resulting blast had broken open the wooden chest that Gus was attempting to open. Inside were four vials of a shimmering, syrupy red liquid, as well as a collection of gem stones.
  • Topaz - 25 GP x 2
  • Ruby - 25 GP x 4
  • Ruby - 50 GP x 2
  • Sapphire - 100 GP x 1
  • Emerald - 100 GP x 1
  • Diamond - 300 GP x 1
  • Diamond 500 GP x 1
  •   The other, larger chest, contained a variety of items that all, strangely, seemed completely undamaged by the fireball: there was a pair of finely crafted boots, a golden ring with a green gemstone, wrapped in a vine and leave motif, a pair of beautiful leather bracers, also adorned with the same fine and leaf motif, but encircling around a collection of fanned out daggers, an uncut citrine gemstone, and a beautiful longsword, with a similar gold, leafy hilt and guard, ending in a beautiful pair of large emeralds adorning the pommel. All of the items, except the assorted gemstones Gus pulled from the broken chest, emitted and aura of magic about them. The party hastily packed them up and continued traveling southwest from where they left the road.   The party continued on until nightfall, when they reached the eastern bank of the Andor River and could see where the ground sloped down to the low-laying regions of the Fetid Swamp on the other side. The Swamp lay thick with trees and finds and muck.   The party set up camp for the evening while Tarn set down to begin looking at the items recovered more closely. Tarn was able to identify each of the items, more or less, in turn. The party then distributed the magical items amongst themselves. The party then took their turns watching and resting for the night. During Naxiris' watch, a voice crept into her mind and asked: "Are you my new Master?". The voice belonged to the beautiful sword that Naxiris now wore at her side. It called itself Steel and promised to protect her and look after her so long as she helped Steel bring justice to the world.

    Rewards Granted

  • Bracers of Daggers - Taken by Rokri
  • Ring of Evasion - Taken by Naxiris
  • Damaged Ring of Telekinesis - Taken by Gus Rando
  • Uncut Gemstone - Taken by Fiera
  • Collection of Gems - Taken by Gus Rando
  • Boots of Elvenkind - Hayden Hotness
  • Bronze Auctori Mask - Gus Rando
  • Auctori Robes - Tarn
  • Four health potions (to be distributed)
  • Gems:
  • Topaz - 25 GP x 2
  • Ruby - 25 GP x 4
  • Ruby - 50 GP x 2
  • Sapphire - 100 GP x 1
  • Emerald - 100 GP x 1
  • Diamond - 300 GP x 1
  • Diamond 500 GP x 1
  • Report Date
    30 Mar 2022
    Primary Location

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