The Battican
The parliament of guild leaders that rule Marsember. The Battican consists of the leaders of the 100 most populous guilds (Organisations) in the city at any given time. These leaders arrrive at the parliament building (Also known as the Battican) at midday every day. Here they are read national annoucnements or points of interest by the leader of the Jincarna (currently Dyvock Allisanya ). After the reading the Leaders of the Battican begin negotiating. Policy is never set in stone (Except of course for the pillars of Dragons)- and is instead a series of micro negotiations. Guild leaders discuss issues pertaining to their interests and members- and often resolve issues or disputes at this level. Scribes take note of these decisions and communicate them to the many guild halls of the city. Considering the leaders of the Battican control virtually all goings on within the city it is often easy enough for these deals to be done. The room itself is designed for this- 20 solid stone round tables each seating 5 allow for constant moving around to seat the right 5 people at any given table. The Battican finishes sitting a sharp 1 hour later- in an effort to avoid too much wheeling and dealing in one day and give the city time to react. At time of writing the three most powerful and by definition populous guilds in Marsember are: The Wayfarers Guild , Quartermasters Union and the Cargo & Passage Consortium .