Jakob "Badger" Baldwin Character in Osnein | World Anvil
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Jakob "Badger" Baldwin


  Jakob "Badger" Baldwin is a young rogue known for his skill in disguises and information gathering. At the age of 22, he has has already become the righthand man to Elanys, a higher-up in the Crimson Eclipse and a figure from Chesnut's past. Badger's life has been marked by hardship and survival; his parents succumbed to disease when he was only seven, leaving him and his younger brother to fend for themselves on the streets.   Homeless with no other family, Badger quickly turned to a life of petty crime to support himself and his brother. He survived by swindling older women out of their gold, but his activities eventually drew the attention of the Elven Guard. Without any support network, Badger was sentenced to a working camp, which left his younger brother alone and vulnerable. Upon his release, Badger discovered that his brother had joined the Church of Helm and no longer wished to associate with him, marking a painful separation in Badger's life.   Seeking a new path, Badger made his way to Llyne, where he found a place within the Crimson Eclipse. His knack for disguises and gathering information quickly made him a valuable asset to the syndicate. He proved his worth to the party by successfully posing as a member of the Elven Guard to retrieve a mysterious box from the Order of the Light.  


Badger is a charismatic and eager individual, always looking to prove himself to those more experienced in the criminal world. His past has made him resourceful and adaptable, with a strong desire to belong and make a name for himself. Though his methods are often underhanded, he is fiercely loyal to those he considers friends and allies.  


Disguises: Expert in creating convincing disguises to infiltrate various organizations and gather intelligence. Information Gathering: Skilled at obtaining and piecing together valuable information, making him a crucial asset for the Crimson Eclipse's operations. Combat: While his primary focus is on stealth and subterfuge, Badger is also capable in a fight, using his agility and cunning to outmaneuver opponents.
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