The City of Llyne Settlement in Osnein | World Anvil
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The City of Llyne


  After the Spellplague, many of the powerful wizarding guilds began to rebuild. Sensing some wary attitudes toward large gatherings of wizards due to the Spellplague's insanity curse and the over-policing by the Elven Guard, the wizards decided to form their own settlement. This attracted many magic users as well as all races who felt slighted and less than by the elves, and the city grew exponentially. By hiring their own militias for the majority of policing—which could be more easily bribed than the Elven Guard—and crafting illicit magic goods, many crime syndicates set up base in Llyne.  

Mystra's Five

  The main guilds, known collectively as Mystra's Five, include:  
  1. The Celestial Sphinxes
  2. The Frostbit Roses
  3. The Phoenix Flame
  4. The Stonecry Shields
  5. The Madflags


  The Official Wizarding College of Osnein, known as Moonsong, is located in Llyne. Most esteemed wizards from Osnein receive their training here in the different schools of magic. Additionally, various smaller colleges have sprung up around Llyne, and guilds often scout for the most talented individuals from these institutions.        
The City of Llyne


Llyne is the most widely diverse settlement in Osnein, attracting individuals with interests in magical trade, schooling, or mysteries. It is notable for being the only large settlement in Osnein with a non-elven majority.


Llyne is primarily governed by the Wizarding Coalition, a council of wizards established by the five major wizarding guilds in Osnein. Although there are various guilds in Osnein, only these main five hold significant influence. The city is still under the jurisdiction of the Elven Court and must pay country taxes, while the Wizarding Coalition enforces city taxes.


The Elven Guard are still present in Llyne. When crime goes punished, the Elven Guard transport prisoners to Caershire for proper judgement. The Elven Guard can be found primarily in Scholar's Keep, and it is known among guard members that being sent to Llyne is a punishment of sorts due to how the guard are viewed there and how little authority they have compared to other settlements.   Most of the policing is done by corrupt militia groups.


Inner City

  The inner city of Llyne boasts a magnificent array of grand colleges and buildings, many of which are infused with powerful magic. These structures are architectural marvels, reflecting the wealth and magical prowess of their inhabitants. The streets are well-paved and maintained, lined with enchanting streetlights that glow softly in the evening.  
  1. Grand Colleges: The inner city is home to prestigious institutions like the College of Moonsong, where the finest wizards receive their training. These colleges are built with enchanted stone, adorned with intricate magical runes and symbols that pulse with energy.
  2. Magical Infrastructure: Many buildings in the inner city are enchanted to perform various functions, such as self-cleaning streets, climate control within homes, and magical barriers that enhance security. The inner city is also equipped with a network of teleportation circles for quick and efficient travel.
  3. Public Spaces: Mystic Park is a beautiful, protected area within the inner city, providing a tranquil space for residents to relax and enjoy nature. The park is filled with magical flora and fauna, creating a serene and otherworldly atmosphere.

Outer City

  In stark contrast to the opulence of the inner city, the outer city of Llyne is largely a sprawling shantytown. This area is characterized by its haphazard development and lack of basic infrastructure.  
  1. Housing: The outer city is filled with makeshift homes constructed from whatever materials are available. These structures are often cramped and poorly insulated, providing minimal protection from the elements.
  2. Streets and Pathways: Unlike the well-maintained streets of the inner city, the outer city has narrow, uneven pathways that are often muddy and difficult to navigate. Street lighting is scarce, making the area dangerous after dark.
  3. Marketplaces: Despite the poor living conditions, the outer city is bustling with activity. Informal markets and street vendors are common, offering a variety of goods, both legal and illegal. The outer city is also where much of the underground trade in magical contraband takes place.
  4. Security: Law enforcement in the outer city is minimal, with the Order of the Light focusing their efforts on the inner city. This lack of security has allowed crime syndicates like the Crimson Eclipse to establish a strong presence and operate with relative impunity.


Scholar's Keep:   This is the primary district of Llyne. Both the College of Moonsong and the guildhalls of Mystra's Five are located here. Considered the 'upper district' of Llyne, Scholar's Keep is the most heavily patrolled district with the least amount of crime. However, it is not unheard of to get caught in the crossfire of a wizarding feud.   Lapis Heights:   Lapis Heights is the best place for legal magical goods. Here, the finest magical treasures in all of Osnein can be found, with many wizards creating their own unique pieces.   Mystic Park   A beautiful, protected park in the inner city gates, Mystic Park offers a serene escape from the bustling city life.   Guild of Mages   The Guild of Mages serves as the home base to the Wizarding Coalition. It is a hub of political activity and magical governance.   Weaver's Way     Weaver's Way is the most densely populated section of Llyne. It is home to the lesser guilds and many residents. This district has a significant underground crime and smuggling problem, with most guards turning a blind eye for the right price.   Westside   Westside refers to the western outskirts of Llyne, located past the river. It is a less developed area but still part of the city’s dynamic.   Onyx Point   Onyx Point is located in the southern outskirts of Llyne. It is well known that one must be cautious when entering this district, whether armed or unarmed. It is a hotbed of illicit activities and criminal dealings.


Magical goods. Gemstones. Rare treasures.


Llyne, with its rich magical heritage and vibrant cultural scene, is a popular destination for tourists from across Osnein. The city offers a unique blend of historical landmarks, magical marvels, and lively festivities that draw visitors year-round. However, the highlight of Llyne's tourism calendar is the grand celebration of "The Rebirth."  

The Rebirth

  The Rebirth is the city's most significant holiday, taking place throughout the entire 12th month of the year. It is a month-long celebration that combines debauchery with elaborate displays of magical prowess. Although daily life continues as normal for most residents, the festivities gradually build up to an awe-inspiring climax at the end of the month.  
  1. Illusioned Skies: For the duration of The Rebirth, the city sky is enchanted with a stunning array of lights and shimmering stars, creating a breathtaking spectacle that mesmerizes both residents and tourists. These illusions are crafted by some of the most skilled wizards in the city, showcasing the artistic and magical talent of Llyne.
  2. Festivities and Events: Throughout the month, various events and activities take place, including street performances, magical duels, and public feasts. Taverns and inns are bustling with revelers, and special markets are set up to sell festive goods and magical trinkets.
  3. Final Day Parade and Prayer: The celebration culminates on the last day of the month with a grand parade and a solemn prayer to Mystra's endurance. The parade features elaborate floats, magical displays, and performances by renowned entertainers. The streets are lined with spectators, all eager to witness the grandeur. The day ends with a prayer led by the Wizarding Coalition, honoring Mystra's endurance and the resilience of the city.

Other Attractions

  1. Arcane Libraries and Enchanting Workshops: Visitors can explore Llyne's famous arcane libraries and enchanting workshops, where they can witness the creation of magical items and delve into the city's rich repository of magical knowledge.
  2. Mystic Park: This enchanting park offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Its magical flora and fauna provide a unique and tranquil experience for nature lovers.
  3. Historical Sites: Tourists can visit historical sites such as the guildhalls of Mystra's Five, the College of Moonsong, and various ancient landmarks scattered throughout the city, each with its own story and significance.
  4. Theater and Arts: Llyne's vibrant arts scene includes theaters and galleries that showcase both magical and non-magical performances and artworks. Visitors can enjoy plays, concerts, and exhibitions that reflect the city's cultural diversity.
  5. Markets and Shopping: Lapis Heights and other market districts offer a wide array of goods, from mundane commodities to rare magical artifacts. Tourists can shop for unique items and souvenirs that embody the essence of Llyne.
  6. Gastronomy: Llyne boasts a diverse culinary scene, with restaurants and food stalls offering a range of delicacies. Visitors can savor local dishes and exotic cuisines from all over Osnein.
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