Odo Parrish Character in Osnein | World Anvil
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Odo Parrish


  Odo Parrish is the enigmatic and cunning leader of the Obsidian Brotherhood, a prominent crime syndicate in the City of Llyne. Known for his subtle and strategic leadership, Odo has been instrumental in the upkeep of the Brotherhood's dominance in the city's criminal underworld. His recent disappearance has plunged the Brotherhood into a state of uncertainty and unrest.  

Early Life

  Odo Parrish's early life is shrouded in mystery. Little is known about his origins or how he rose to power within the Obsidian Brotherhood. It is rumored that he was once a respected member of one of Llyne’s wizarding guilds, but chose a life of crime after witnessing the potential for power and wealth in the city's underworld.  

Rise to Power

  Odo's ascent within the Obsidian Brotherhood was marked by his exceptional strategic mind and ability to navigate complex political landscapes. Unlike many leaders who rely on brute force, Odo preferred to work from the shadows, employing sly and cunning tactics to outmaneuver his rivals and keep tensions low with the Brotherhood’s main opposition, The Crimson Eclipse.   Under his leadership, the Brotherhood flourished, expanding their influence and operations significantly. Odo's diplomatic approach often allowed the Brotherhood to come out on top without provoking open conflict, making him a respected and feared figure in the criminal community.  


  A few weeks ago, Odo Parrish mysteriously disappeared, leaving the Obsidian Brotherhood in a state of turmoil. His absence has led to speculation and unrest within the organization, with many believing that The Crimson Eclipse is responsible for his disappearance. The Brotherhood, now under the temporary leadership of Hilde Bonebranch, is determined to find Odo and exact their revenge on the Crimson Eclipse.
Current Status
Missing, presumed dead
Current Location
muddy brown
light brown mohawk finished in a beaded braid
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
tanned with heavy scaring
Aligned Organization


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