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In the later years of the Dawn War, many of the people worshipping the knowing mistress Ioun banded together realizing how severe the war was on the mortal races. Using their skill in the arcane arts, preservation and protection of historical locations became the prime focus. Teraavos was a land filled with leyline bursts and floating islands that studying magic was almost foolish to do anywhere else. The first rulers of the nation put their work into forming Premorth, Institute of the Arcane. A beacon to civilization across Osserea.
  The nation of Teraavos is known for its wide use of magic in every day life. Simplifying tasks and all but removing the monotony of some work with constructs or arcane entities. Society is ranked on their ability to wield magic, which leads to the elites maintaining their position while the less capable fall from grace becoming lower class.
  The army known as the inquisitors guard the people, as well as fight in any conflicts that arise. The primary force being wizard leads to many spell blades and war singers fighting to defend their stronger casters in the backline. Conflicts are easily won though as Teraavos makes up for their low number in unmatched cunning and strategy.
  In modern time, the council of eight rules over the land, using their resources to recruit any willing and capable to join the Premorth institute. Research sites are spread across all nations on the globe aside from Morgoth, which currently has a conflicting disagreement with the councils presence in their land.
Symbol of the Nation

Founding Date:
1320 DW
Occupying Army:
The Inquisition
Known Allies:
Related Myths:


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Sep 9, 2023 02:01

omg Eloise home country pogchamp