AHARRG Guild Hall of The Endeavour

The Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild outpost in The Endeavour is not nearly as prestigious or well-outfitted as the one in the Cities of Mercy and Wrath but has all of the required amenities for adventurers stopping by or living in the area.  



The most notable facility lacking in the guild hall is any sort of portal to places outside of the city itself (including the Scriptorium or the primary guild hall). This is the main downfall and inconvenience that overshadows what the hall does have. The general reason people convey for this (with a shrug) is that the amount of short range portals in The Endeavour somehow impedes longer range teleportation magic, akin to a cell phone network being jammed.   That said, the hall includes free lodging, a training hall and armory, a well-stocked store, and short range portals to the places people can get food or visit the local libraries. In essence, much of the amenities are outsourced to other parts of the city, whereas the primary guild hall hosts most things "in house" as the greater Cities of Mercy and Wrath are not nearly as diverse in adventuring resources as the Storysprawl.   In addition, the location itself tends to be a sort of draw: a large, many-limbed tree where the different facilities are atop different branches (and often open to the sky), constantly lit with festive lights and decor that evoke a festival rather than a guild hall.  


While the Storysprawl does have a quest and contract board like other outposts, adventurers tend to find the requests more...eclectic than other cities. Rather than being contracted to hunt monsters, it's much more common to see requests to retrieve rare ingredients or spell components, investigate a ruin and bring back artifacts, or otherwise feed people's passions. Moreover, many of the requests are things like requesting taste testers, volunteers for an experimental new medical trial, help breaking writer's block, or coming forth with the rarest ingredient possible out of all candidates.


(See also Guild Leadership: Endeavour Branch)


Lothaveil Avatassie (LOW-the-veil ah-vuh-toss-EE-ay, he/him)   Local guildmaster of recruitment is a wood elf, tall and regal, one eye completely obscured by a nasty scar resembling an acid burn. His long silver and black hair hangs in perfectly straight sheets around his face and he serves as a foil to Gleddy Goodvine in how implaccable and stoic he is. That said, his good eye is often crinkled with a private smile and he's kind to new adventurers.  

Guild Store/Loadout

The storekeeper for The Endeavour is a changeling named Miriel Wis (any pronouns), frequently changing its shape (sometimes even during an interaction) but most commonly/reliably a female-coded Leonin with strawberry blonde fur. She makes it a point to always wear a distinctive (and pretty silly) witch-like hat weighed down with many a dangle and trinket to avoid seeming as if they're trying to trick people. (It's more of a fidget/tic than subterfuge.)  


The primary contract manager for this arm of the guild is actually two people in tandem: twin fairies named Pasaba (she/her) and Timber (he/they). Both fairies sport hummingbird-like wings of iridescent green with a shock of bright pink hair and almost glowing white skin, but are able to be told apart because Pasaba only wears black and Timber only wears brown. They procure contracts, manage payment details, and oversee the quest board; typically with one managing taking contracts and the other managing distributing them.  


Education is something largely outsourced between the different Buds of The Endeavour, but the (pun extremely intended) Ombudsman who manages connecting people with the right resource to teach them a skill or answer a question is a Firbolg with long, shaggy white fur named Virne Winterpath (VEER-knee, it/its). Virne is slow speaking and ponderous but it always knows the answer for where to go and retains a lot of the knowledge people seek along the way, even if it wasn't the one to originally answer.  


As with the primary guild hall, support is split into two domains: mental/emotional/psychological and physical.   The former is handled by Usu (OO-sue, she/her), a Yuan-ti of shimmering opalescent white scales. She has an extremely soft voice and does her best to be reassuring and comforting to the afflicted or struggling, something made slightly easier owing to the fact that she is extremely small as far as Yuan-ti go.   Usu's counterpart for all things healing (including curses, poisons, and necromantic needs) is a Halfling named Conder Wanderfoot (CON-durr, fae/faer) who is known for standing on the nearest surface to peer down at faer patients and talk in silly voices or surprisingly good impressions to distract faer patients.
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