Gerome Figeroth

Gerome Figeroth is a human with very unfortunate luck. Though he does not view his wererat condition as unfortunate after extensive self-searching to embrace his identity, he certainly feels unlucky for having been scooped up by the one man in the City of Mercy crazy enough to put rats into a bespelled sack and dump them in his bespelled basement to be forgotten about.   The party rescued Gerome from the basement-dungeon-storeroom of Zedron Eefis where he had been trapped in his wererat form amongst common non-were rats for over a month. Spells in the dungeon's walls unintentionally locked him in his rat form and over time he Animorphed too close to the sun and forgot about his human side...until he was dropped unconscious by the party and woke up bleeding out and very human.   Though the trauma of this unintentional kidnapping and hostage situation coupled with the horrifying realization that he'd forgotten he was human for a month were certainly, well, traumatic...Jerome was escorted back to AHARRG with a veritable trove of gold (hush money, restitution, or a little of both) from Zedron's wife Ourelios Heia Eefissa and given medical and psychological attention.   Where will Jerome end up now? Who's to say, but he is grateful to ALEK51 in particular for shepherding him through his vulnerable re-humaning and advocating for him when all he had were animal instincts to claw and escape.
Current Status
Recovering psychologically from being ratnapped
Watery, expressive hazel
Tousled, slightly curly dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown skin
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