Scorched Floes

The Scorched Floes are a series of small mines in a system located under the mostly-dormant Chained Forge volcano on the island of the same name off the coast of western Ostelliach.   The mines are manned by those who can withstand volcanic heat such as fire elementals and genasi, specialized golems, efreeti, xorn, azer, and intrepid tieflings. The flow of resources generally goes to whomever mines them, with the process being more or less freelance "if you want to get it, go ahead" but attachments from Arnun-Ohx are especially common. In addition, scholars interested in geology, fire-based biology, or various other disciplines are known to drop in from time to time.

Purpose / Function

The Scorched Floes are the only minable source of rare but useful materials such as obsidian (volcanic glass), pumice, and granite as well as an occasional provider of minerals such iron, gold, bauxite/aluminum, and silver. In addition, sulfur can be harnessed from the area. There have even been rare accounts of garnet or diamonds found pushed out of the high-temperature high-heat vents below the mines, although this is not reliable enough to be considered a mining goal.
Parent Location
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