Durgrimst Ingetium

The Durgrimst Ingetium is the dwarven clan of smiths, translated it litterally means "The Firesmiths".   The symbol of the clan was adopted from the founding member King Korgan which is a Hammer surrounded by 12 stars, this symbol can usually be found on the helmets of the clans members.


The head of the clan is traditionally known as the Grimstborith which is an hereditary title passed down through the ruling family, however should the head of the clan also be the king of the dwarves then the Grimstborith title is replaced with king. The title of king however is not hereditary and upon the kings death a clan summit is formed to decide who is to succeed the throne.


Strong Focus on Metalwork and Forging:     Perturabo, as the God of the Forge, holds a central place in the clan's culture. The dwarves of this clan are renowned for their exceptional skills in metalworking and forging. They are master blacksmiths and artisans, creating some of the most intricate and powerful weapons, armor, and tools in the dwarven kingdom.   Deep Respect for Tradition:   Dwarves are typically known for their strong ties to tradition, and this clan is no exception. They adhere to age-old customs and rituals related to craftsmanship and metallurgy. The passing down of forging knowledge from generation to generation is a sacred tradition.   Rigid Hierarchy:   The clan's society is organized into a strict hierarchy, with King Hrothgar at the top and Prince Orik at his right hand. Under him, there are a few elite master blacksmiths who hold great authority, and they oversee various aspects of the clan's operations. Apprentices and journeyman blacksmiths work their way up the ranks, earning their positions through skill and dedication.   Deep Spiritual Beliefs:   Given that Perturabo is the clans most revered god, the clan has a strong spiritual component to its culture. They have a pantheon of deities and hold various religious ceremonies and rituals to seek their favor and blessings in their metalworking endeavors but the majority of the clans beliefs lie with Perturabo.   Isolationist Tendencies:   The clan is protective of its forging secrets and often prefers to remain isolated from the outside world. They are known for living in remote, well-fortified mountain strongholds, away from the other clans in the dwarven kingdom. Outsiders are rarely allowed into their territory, and knowledge of their techniques is closely guarded. However since King Hrothgar was annoited as King more and more members of the clan can be found residing at Farthen Dur with the King but the majority of thier forging is still done at their ancient stronghold of Tronjheim.   Oath of Service:   Dwarves from this clan, when taking up arms or forging something of great significance, take an oath of service to Perturabo and the forge-related deities. This oath is considered binding and sacred, instilling a sense of duty and honor in their craftsmanship and in protecting their people. Members of Durgrimst Ingetium would rather die than be cursed as oathbreakers to Perturabo.   Strong Work Ethic:   Dwarves in this clan are known for their tireless work ethic. They believe that their dedication to the forge is a form of worship, and they take great pride in their labor. Craftsmanship is both their duty and their passion.   Strong Defensive Measures:   The clan's mountain strongholds are heavily fortified, with intricate traps, tunnels, and defensive mechanisms. They take security seriously, both to protect their valuable forges and to maintain their isolation. The defensive measures put in Place by the Durgrimst Ingetium are legendary and they take great pride that thier ancient stronghold of Tronjeim has never been breached although many have tried and failed at the attempt, during Hrothgars reign as King in Fatheren Dur he has taken many steps in increasing security and fortifications in the mighty capital.   Craftsmanship Competitions:   To ensure the constant improvement of their skills, the clan holds regular craftsmanship competitions and challenges among its members. These events are both a celebration of their craft and a way to identify the most promising apprentices and journeyman blacksmiths.   Stoic and Resilient Demeanor:   Dwarves from this clan are often described as stoic, resolute, and unyielding. They value qualities like perseverance, resilience, and determination, both in their work and in their daily lives. This dwarven clan's culture is a unique blend of traditional dwarven values with a strong emphasis on metalworking and the worship of their chosen deity, Perturabo, the God of the Forge. Their secluded lifestyle, devotion to craftsmanship, and strict hierarchy set them apart from other dwarven clans in the kingdom.

Public Agenda

Prosperity Through Commerce:     Durgrimst Ingetium prioritizes economic growth and prosperity. Their agenda involves fostering a strong and stable dwarven economy. They encourage trade both within the kingdom and with other races, seeking to make the dwarven kingdom an economic powerhouse.   Promotion of Tradition and Cultural Heritage:   The clan values and preserves dwarven traditions and cultural heritage. They actively work to ensure that traditional practices, customs, and craftsmanship are maintained and celebrated. Dwarven history and folklore are promoted and passed down to younger generations.   Diplomacy and Peace Among Clans:   Durgrimst Ingetium is committed to maintaining peaceful relations and diplomacy among all dwarven clans. They prioritize conflict resolution through negotiation and diplomacy rather than resorting to armed conflict. Mediation and dispute resolution mechanisms are encouraged to maintain peace and unity within the kingdom. However they have been known to deal with oathbreakers, blood traitors and criminals in swift and brutal fashion but only after a thorough and fair trial in front of the whole clan council.   Infrastructure Development:   The clan invests in the development of infrastructure, both within their own territories and in other dwarven clan regions. This includes improving transportation networks, mining operations, and the construction of fortifications to ensure the safety and prosperity of all dwarven lands.   Education and Skills Development:   Durgrimst Ingetium promotes education and skills development among dwarven youth. They establish schools and training facilities to ensure that the next generation is well-prepared to carry on the traditions and values of the dwarven culture, particularly in craftsmanship and mining.   Resource Management and Sustainability:   Responsible resource management is a key part of their agenda. They are dedicated to ensuring that the kingdom's natural resources, such as precious metals and gems, are extracted sustainably, so as not to deplete the kingdom's wealth.   Collaborative Projects and Trade Agreements:   The clan actively seeks to establish trade agreements and collaborative projects with other dwarven clans and external races. These agreements aim to strengthen economic ties and promote unity among the dwarven people.   Security and Defense:   While emphasizing peace and diplomacy, Durgrimst Ingetium recognizes the need for a strong defense to protect the dwarven kingdom. They invest in well-trained military and security forces to safeguard their lands and maintain stability. In fact Durgrimst Ingetium is known as having one of the most highly trained and armed forces in all of the dwarven kingdom.   Cultural Exchanges and Festivals:   To promote cultural understanding and unity among the dwarven clans, Durgrimst Ingetium organizes cultural exchanges and festivals that showcase the unique traditions and crafts of each clan. These events encourage mutual respect and camaraderie.   Public Engagement and Accountability:   The clan maintains an open and accountable government, with mechanisms for dwarven citizens to voice their concerns and participate in the decision-making process. Transparency and responsiveness are core principles of their leadership. Durgrimst Ingetium's public agenda reflects their commitment to promoting prosperity, tradition, and peace among the dwarven clans. They aim to be a unifying force within the kingdom, fostering a sense of shared identity and purpose while prioritizing economic growth and the preservation of their rich cultural heritage.


Durgrimst Ingetium is one of the most wealthy clans even before Hrothgar took the throne as the current king.    While currently residing at Farthen Dur the dwarven capital and the seat of the kings power, they also own the ancient dwarven stronghold of Tronjeim which not only comprises of a citadel, 22 castles, 100,000 acres of land, one of the most extensive mines known to dwarvendom and a fleet of ships 100 strong.   the wealth of the Durgrimst Ingetium is rumoured to be in the hundreds of billions of platinum.


Korgan, first king of the dwarves and first Dûrgrimst Ingeitum, had his personal symbol adopted as the clan symbol. The house seat is located at Farthen Dûr, the city that Korgan founded.   Notable Clan Members:   Korgan - First King of the Dwarves Fûthark was a legendary smith who taught Rhunön, an elf who later forged some of the most notable swords in history. Dondar - The 10th King of the Dwarves. Hvalmar - The Grimstborith at the time of the discovery of the Forest of Stone. Aldhrim - The predecessor of Hrothgar. Hrothgar - The 42nd King of the Dwarves and foster-father of Orik. Orik - The current Prince of the Durgrimst Ingetium.

Mythology & Lore

Perturabo, God of the Forge In the vast and intricate pantheon of Ostradin, Perturabo stands as a revered deity, known as the God of the Forge. He is the embodiment of craftsmanship, metalwork, and the eternal flame of creation. Perturabo's divine domain encompasses not only the physical act of forging weapons and armor but also the forging of destinies and the fires of inspiration. This detailed description sheds light on the facets of Perturabo, his domain, and his role in Ostradin's multiverse.   Worship and Devotion: Worshipers of Perturabo include blacksmiths, artisans, craftsmen, engineers, adventurers, and anyone who values the art of creation. They offer prayers and thanks by maintaining their tools, forging new creations, and holding festivals during lunar eclipses when his power is said to be at its zenith.

Tenets of Faith

Honor the Craft: Always strive for excellence in your work, whether you're a blacksmith, artisan, or creator. Every piece you craft should be a testament to your dedication and skill.   Respect the Forge: The forge is a sacred place. Treat it with reverence and care. Keep your tools and workspace clean and organized.   Forge with Purpose: Understand the significance of your creations. Forge not just for profit or personal gain, but to contribute positively to your community and the world.   Shape Your Destiny: Just as metal can be forged into any shape, so too can you mold your own destiny. Embrace determination and hard work to shape a future that aligns with your aspirations.   Nurture Innovation: Encourage new ideas, inventions, and methods. Embrace change and progress, as they are integral to the art of creation.   Share Knowledge: Knowledge is a valuable resource. Share your expertise with others and mentor those who seek to learn the craft, ensuring its legacy endures.   Protect the Innocent: Use your skills and creations for the betterment of society. Stand against those who would use your craft for harm.   Embrace Unity: Forge strong bonds with your fellow craftsmen and artisans. Work together to achieve greater feats and support one another in times of need.   Seek Inspiration: Open your heart and mind to the sparks of inspiration that come from the divine fire. Be receptive to moments of divine insight.   Celebrate Creation: Hold festivals and ceremonies to honor the act of creation and the Forge God's influence on your life. Share stories of your greatest works and celebrate the artistry of your fellow followers.

"By Hammer and Hearth, We Forge Unity": This motto emphasizes the central role of the forge in their culture, symbolizing not only their skill in metalworking but also their commitment to forging strong bonds of unity and peace among the clans

Alternative Names
The FireSmiths
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Controlled Territories


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