
In the sprawling realm of Ostrium, a land shaped by ancient powers and steeped in myth and legend, the Dragon Races stand as formidable entities, embodying both awe and fear in the hearts of mortals. Originally hailing from the distant world of Toril, known to some as the Forgotten Realms, these majestic creatures have found themselves drawn to Ostrium through mysterious and enigmatic forces. Among the Dragon Races, a profound division exists between the Chromatic Dragons and the Metallic Dragons. The Chromatic Dragons, with their scales of vibrant hues ranging from fiery reds to icy whites, are renowned for their ferocity, cunning, and insatiable lust for power. Led by the ancient and malevolent beings known as Tiamat, these dragons embody the darker aspects of the draconic nature, wielding destructive magic and commanding legions of lesser creatures in their quest for dominion over the land.   In stark contrast, the Metallic Dragons radiate nobility, wisdom, and a sense of divine purpose. Clad in scales of shimmering gold, silver, bronze, brass, and copper, these majestic beings serve as guardians of Ostrium's natural order, champions of justice, and protectors of the innocent. Though their numbers may be fewer than their chromatic counterparts, the Metallic Dragons wield formidable powers of magic, empathy, and diplomacy, seeking to maintain balance and harmony in the world.   As the Dragon Races continue to weave their influence across the tapestry of Ostrium's history, their presence serves as a testament to the enduring power of myth and legend, shaping the destinies of mortals and dragons alike in the eternal struggle between light and darkness.

Basic Information


Dragons, belonging to the ancient and formidable Dracoferae species, boast a majestic and awe-inspiring anatomy that commands respect and admiration from all who behold them. Their massive bodies are characterized by muscular frames, sleek scales, and formidable wings, reflecting their unparalleled prowess in both aerial and terrestrial domains. Standing as towering titans of the skies, dragons possess elongated necks adorned with formidable horns and crests, further accentuating their regal and imposing visage. The most striking feature of dragons is undoubtedly their magnificent wings, which span vast distances and allow them to soar effortlessly through the heavens with unmatched grace and agility. These wings, often adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant hues, serve as symbols of their mastery over the elemental forces of air and sky, enabling them to traverse great distances and wield powerful aerial maneuvers with ease.   Covering their bodies in a protective layer of scales, dragons boast formidable natural armor that is both resilient and flexible, capable of withstanding the fiercest of blows while allowing for swift and agile movement. These scales vary in color and texture depending on the dragon's lineage and habitat, ranging from shimmering metallic hues to rich, earthy tones, each reflecting the unique characteristics and elemental affinities of the individual dragon.   Dragons are further distinguished by their formidable jaws, lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth and capable of delivering devastating bites that can rend flesh and shatter bone with ease. Their eyes, glowing with an otherworldly intensity, possess keen sight capable of piercing through the darkness and discerning even the slightest movements from great distances.   In addition to their physical prowess, dragons possess formidable magical abilities, harnessing the elemental forces of fire, ice, lightning, and more to devastating effect. These innate powers, combined with their immense strength, intelligence, and cunning, make dragons among the most formidable and revered creatures in all of Ostrium, commanding respect and fear from all who dare to challenge their dominion.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons, as ancient and mystical beings, possess a unique reproductive biology that is shrouded in mystery and legend. While much of their reproductive processes remain veiled in secrecy, certain aspects of their genetics and mating behaviors have been observed and documented by scholars and adventurers alike. In terms of genetics, dragons exhibit a remarkable diversity of traits and characteristics that can vary widely depending on their lineage, habitat, and elemental affinities. These traits are believed to be passed down through hereditary lines, with offspring inheriting a combination of traits from their parents that shape their physical appearance, magical abilities, and temperament.   Reproduction among dragons is a rare and sacred event, typically occurring only once every few decades or even centuries. During these rare mating seasons, dragons gather in remote and secluded locations known as nesting grounds, where prospective mates engage in elaborate courtship rituals and displays to attract potential partners. These rituals may include aerial acrobatics, fiery displays of magic, and contests of strength and prowess, with the most impressive suitors earning the favor of their desired mate.   Once a pair of dragons has chosen each other as mates, they engage in a complex mating ritual that culminates in the fertilization of the female's eggs. Female dragons, known as "broodmothers," possess specialized reproductive organs capable of producing and incubating large clutches of eggs, which are typically laid in secluded nests hidden deep within their territories. The gestation period for dragon eggs can vary greatly depending on environmental factors and the species of the parent dragons, with some eggs hatching after mere weeks while others may require years or even centuries to fully develop.   Sexual habits among dragons are not well understood, as mating behaviors vary widely between species and individuals. However, it is believed that dragons are highly selective in their choice of mates, with individuals forming strong emotional bonds with their chosen partners that can last for centuries or even millennia. Once a pair of dragons has mated and produced offspring, they may remain together to raise their young or go their separate ways, depending on the customs and social structures of their respective dragon communities.   Overall, the genetics, reproduction, and sexual habits of dragons remain a subject of fascination and speculation for scholars and adventurers alike. While much about their biology and behavior remains shrouded in mystery, one thing is certain: dragons are among the most enigmatic and awe-inspiring creatures in all of Ostrium, embodying the primal forces of creation and the eternal cycle of life and death.

Growth Rate & Stages

Detailed Ages

Dragons, as ancient and long-lived creatures, undergo a fascinating journey of growth and development that spans centuries and encompasses several distinct stages of life. From the moment they hatch from their eggs to their eventual ascent to elderhood, dragons experience a gradual but profound transformation that shapes their physical, mental, and magical capabilities. The first stage of a dragon's life begins with hatching from its egg, a momentous event that marks the beginning of its journey into the world. Newly hatched dragons are known as wyrmlings, and they emerge from their eggs as small and vulnerable creatures with underdeveloped wings, soft scales, and limited magical abilities. During this stage, wyrmlings rely heavily on their parents for protection, guidance, and nourishment as they begin to explore their surroundings and develop their innate instincts and abilities.   As wyrmlings grow and mature, they enter the juvenile stage of development, characterized by rapid physical growth, increased mobility, and the gradual emergence of their draconic powers. During this stage, young dragons undergo a period of intense growth, with their bodies rapidly expanding in size and their wings becoming stronger and more resilient. Juvenile dragons also begin to hone their magical abilities, experimenting with elemental spells and harnessing the latent energies that flow through their bodies.   The next stage of a dragon's life is known as adolescence, a period of transition marked by profound physical, mental, and emotional changes. Adolescent dragons undergo a dramatic growth spurt during this time, with their bodies reaching their full adult size and their wings achieving their maximum span. Mentally, adolescent dragons undergo a period of introspection and self-discovery, grappling with questions of identity, purpose, and their place in the world. Emotionally, they may experience periods of restlessness, rebellion, and uncertainty as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and strive to find their place within their dragon communities.   Finally, as dragons reach maturity, they enter the adult stage of life, a period characterized by stability, strength, and mastery of their powers. Adult dragons are formidable creatures, possessing immense physical strength, formidable magical abilities, and centuries of wisdom and experience. They play key roles in their dragon communities, serving as leaders, protectors, and mentors to younger dragons, and they wield considerable influence and authority within their respective territories.   As dragons continue to age, they enter into the twilight years of their lives, eventually reaching the venerable stage of elderhood. Elder dragons are among the oldest and most powerful creatures in all of Ostrium, possessing wisdom that spans millennia and magical abilities that rival those of the gods themselves. These ancient beings serve as custodians of knowledge, guardians of ancient secrets, and repositories of wisdom, guiding their dragon communities with grace, wisdom, and compassion until the end of their days.   In conclusion, the growth rates and stages of dragons are a testament to the enduring power and majesty of these ancient creatures. From the humble beginnings of wyrmlings to the awe-inspiring stature of elder dragons, each stage of a dragon's life is marked by profound transformation, growth, and evolution, shaping them into the legendary beings that inspire awe and reverence in all who encounter them.  
1 Wyrmling/Hatchling 0-5
2 Very Young 6-15
3 Young/Whelp 16-25
4 Juvenile 26-50
5 Young Adult 51-100
6 Adult 101-200
7 Mature Adult 201-400
8 Old 401-600
9 Very Old 601-800
10 Ancient/Vernerable 801-1,000
11 Wyrm 1,001-1,200
12 Great Wyrm 1,201 +

Simplified Ages

Wyrmling 0-5
Young 6-100
Adult 101-800
Ancient 801-1,200
Greatwyrm 1,201 +

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons, as apex predators and ancient beings of immense power, occupy a unique niche within the ecosystems of Ostrium. Their presence has a profound impact on the environments they inhabit, shaping the landscape and influencing the behaviors of other creatures that dwell within their territories. Dragons are highly adaptable creatures, capable of thriving in a wide range of habitats, from rugged mountain ranges to dense forests, sprawling deserts, and vast expanses of open plains. One of the most iconic habitats for dragons is the mountainous terrain, where they carve out vast territories among the craggy peaks and soaring cliffs. Mountain dragons, such as the mighty Red and Gold Dragons, prefer to make their lairs within deep caverns and secluded valleys nestled high above the clouds. These habitats provide ample protection from predators and intruders while offering commanding views of the surrounding landscape, allowing dragons to keep a vigilant watch over their domains.   In addition to mountains, dragons can also be found in forests, where they make their lairs among ancient groves of towering trees and lush vegetation. Forest dragons, such as the enigmatic Green and Silver Dragons, prefer to dwell in secluded glades and hidden clearings, where they can bask in the dappled sunlight and commune with the spirits of the natural world. These habitats provide abundant prey and resources for dragons, including game animals, freshwater sources, and medicinal herbs.   Dragons are also known to inhabit desolate and inhospitable environments, such as deserts and wastelands, where they reign as undisputed masters of their domains. Desert dragons, such as the fearsome Blue and Black Dragons, make their lairs among windswept dunes and rocky outcroppings, where they endure scorching heat and scarce resources with stoic resilience. These habitats offer dragons a harsh but rewarding existence, with ample opportunities for solitude, meditation, and introspection.   Regardless of their chosen habitat, dragons play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems across Ostrium. As apex predators, they help regulate populations of prey animals, preventing overpopulation and ensuring the health and vitality of their habitats. Additionally, dragons serve as stewards of the land, protecting sacred sites, guarding ancient treasures, and preserving the natural beauty of the world for future generations to enjoy.   In conclusion, the ecology and habitat of dragons are as diverse and varied as the creatures themselves, encompassing a wide range of environments and landscapes across Ostrium. From soaring mountain peaks to dense forests and desolate wastelands, dragons occupy a vital role within their ecosystems, shaping the world around them and embodying the primal forces of nature that govern all life on the planet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs and habits of dragons in Ostrium are as diverse and varied as the creatures themselves, reflecting the wide range of habitats and environments in which they reside. As apex predators and ancient beings of immense power, dragons possess voracious appetites and formidable hunting abilities, allowing them to feed on a wide variety of prey animals and sources of sustenance. Dragons are primarily carnivorous creatures, with a diet consisting mainly of meat from a variety of prey animals such as deer, elk, wild boar, and other large mammals. They are skilled hunters, using their keen senses, powerful jaws, and razor-sharp claws to capture and subdue their prey with deadly efficiency. Some dragons may also supplement their diet with smaller creatures such as rodents, birds, and fish, depending on their individual preferences and the availability of prey in their habitats.   In addition to hunting live prey, dragons are known to scavenge for food, feeding on the carcasses of dead animals or consuming the remains of creatures killed by other predators. This scavenging behavior allows dragons to make use of resources that might otherwise go to waste, ensuring that they remain well-fed even in times of scarcity or drought.   While meat forms the bulk of a dragon's diet, some species may also consume plant matter or other non-animal sources of nourishment. For example, forest-dwelling dragons may supplement their diet with fruits, berries, and other edible plants found within their territories, while desert dragons may feed on cacti, succulents, and other vegetation that can withstand arid conditions.   Despite their fearsome reputation as predators, dragons are not indiscriminate killers, and they often play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems across Ostrium. As apex predators, they help regulate populations of prey animals, preventing overpopulation and ensuring the health and vitality of their habitats. Additionally, dragons serve as stewards of the land, protecting sacred sites, guarding ancient treasures, and preserving the natural beauty of the world for future generations to enjoy.   In conclusion, the dietary needs and habits of dragons in Ostrium are a testament to their adaptability, resourcefulness, and importance within the ecosystems of the world. Whether hunting for prey, scavenging for food, or consuming plant matter, dragons play a crucial role in shaping the natural balance of Ostrium, ensuring the continued health and vitality of the world in which they reside.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of dragons in Ostrium is a fascinating and complex process that spans millennia and encompasses several distinct phases of life. From their humble beginnings as hatchlings to their eventual ascension to elderhood, dragons undergo a remarkable journey of growth, transformation, and evolution that shapes their bodies, minds, and magical abilities. The first phase of the dragon's biological cycle begins with the hatching of their eggs, a momentous event that marks the beginning of their life journey. Dragon eggs are typically laid in secluded nests hidden deep within their territories, where they are incubated and nurtured by their parent dragons. The gestation period for dragon eggs can vary greatly depending on environmental factors and the species of the parent dragons, with some eggs hatching after mere weeks while others may require years or even centuries to fully develop.   Upon hatching, dragons emerge as wyrmlings, small and vulnerable creatures with underdeveloped wings, soft scales, and limited magical abilities. During this stage of their development, wyrmlings rely heavily on their parents for protection, guidance, and nourishment as they begin to explore their surroundings and develop their innate instincts and abilities.   As wyrmlings grow and mature, they enter the juvenile stage of development, characterized by rapid physical growth, increased mobility, and the gradual emergence of their draconic powers. Juvenile dragons undergo a period of intense growth, with their bodies rapidly expanding in size and their wings becoming stronger and more resilient. They also begin to hone their magical abilities, experimenting with elemental spells and harnessing the latent energies that flow through their bodies.   The next stage of a dragon's life is adolescence, a period of transition marked by profound physical, mental, and emotional changes. Adolescent dragons undergo a dramatic growth spurt during this time, with their bodies reaching their full adult size and their wings achieving their maximum span. Mentally, adolescent dragons grapple with questions of identity, purpose, and their place in the world, while emotionally, they may experience periods of restlessness, rebellion, and uncertainty as they navigate the challenges of adolescence.   Finally, as dragons reach maturity, they enter the adult stage of life, a period characterized by stability, strength, and mastery of their powers. Adult dragons are formidable creatures, possessing immense physical strength, formidable magical abilities, and centuries of wisdom and experience. They play key roles in their dragon communities, serving as leaders, protectors, and mentors to younger dragons, and they wield considerable influence and authority within their respective territories.   As dragons continue to age, they enter into the twilight years of their lives, eventually reaching the venerable stage of elderhood. Elder dragons are among the oldest and most powerful creatures in all of Ostrium, possessing wisdom that spans millennia and magical abilities that rival those of the gods themselves. These ancient beings serve as custodians of knowledge, guardians of ancient secrets, and repositories of wisdom, guiding their dragon communities with grace, wisdom, and compassion until the end of their days.   In conclusion, the biological cycle of dragons in Ostrium is a testament to the enduring power and majesty of these ancient creatures. From the humble beginnings of wyrmlings to the awe-inspiring stature of elder dragons, each stage of a dragon's life is marked by profound transformation, growth, and evolution, shaping them into the legendary beings that inspire awe and reverence in all who encounter them.


The behavior and psychology of dragons in Ostrium are shaped by their innate instincts, their formidable intellect, and their unique place within the natural world. Dragons are ancient and enigmatic creatures, possessing a complex array of behaviors and personality traits that reflect their immense power, intelligence, and longevity. At their core, dragons are solitary and territorial creatures, preferring to live alone or in small family groups within their own domains. They are fiercely independent beings, accustomed to ruling over vast territories and answering to no one but themselves. Dragons are highly territorial creatures, fiercely defending their domains against intruders and rivals with unrelenting ferocity. They mark their territories with scent glands and physical markers such as claw marks and piles of treasure, warning other creatures to steer clear of their domain.   Despite their solitary nature, dragons are not entirely antisocial creatures. They possess a keen sense of curiosity and intelligence, and they are known to form complex social bonds with other dragons and sentient beings when it suits their purposes. Dragons may form alliances with other powerful creatures or individuals, engaging in intricate webs of political intrigue, manipulation, and negotiation to further their own goals and agendas.   Dragons are also known for their pride and vanity, often regarding themselves as the apex predators and rulers of their respective domains. They take great pride in their appearance, grooming themselves meticulously and adorning their bodies with precious jewels, metals, and other treasures to enhance their majestic appearance. Dragons are known to engage in elaborate courtship displays and rituals, showcasing their strength, beauty, and prowess to potential mates and rivals alike.   Despite their fearsome reputation as predators, dragons are not inherently malevolent creatures. They possess a complex moral code and sense of honor, often adhering to their own rules and principles even in the face of temptation or adversity. While some dragons may be ruthless and aggressive in their pursuit of power and dominance, others may exhibit more benevolent or altruistic tendencies, using their strength and influence to protect and defend the weak, uphold justice, and preserve the natural balance of the world.   In conclusion, the behavior and psychology of dragons in Ostrium are as diverse and varied as the creatures themselves, encompassing a wide range of behaviors, personality traits, and moral inclinations. From their solitary and territorial nature to their keen intelligence, pride, and sense of honor, dragons are complex and enigmatic beings that embody the primal forces of nature and the enduring mysteries of the world.

Additional Information

Social Structure

In the social structure of Dragons in Ostrium, each color brood is governed by a Great Wyrm, an Elder Dragon who has reached the venerable age of at least 1,200 years. These ancient and powerful beings serve as the undisputed rulers of their respective broods, commanding unwavering loyalty and respect from their younger kin. The Great Wyrms are not only the leaders of their broods but also the custodians of their traditions, knowledge, and territory. Under the leadership of the Great Wyrms, Dragons organize themselves into hierarchical societies based on age, strength, and lineage. Younger Dragons, known as Wyrmlings and Juveniles, defer to the authority of their elders, learning from their wisdom and experience while honing their own skills and abilities. As Dragons mature and ascend through the ranks, they may challenge their peers for dominance and territory, engaging in fierce battles to assert their status within the brood.   Despite their hierarchical structure, Dragons value independence and autonomy, often preferring to roam and hunt alone rather than congregate in large groups. However, they recognize the importance of alliances and cooperation, especially when facing common threats or adversaries. Great Wyrms may convene councils of elders to discuss matters of mutual concern, such as territorial disputes or incursions by outsiders, but ultimately each Dragon brood operates as a sovereign entity with its own customs, laws, and traditions.   In times of crisis or conflict, Dragons may put aside their differences and unite under the banner of their Great Wyrm, forming powerful alliances to defend their territory and vanquish their enemies. These rare displays of unity serve as a testament to the strength and resilience of Dragonkind, as well as the formidable power wielded by their ancient leaders. Overall, the social structure of Dragons in Ostrium is a complex tapestry of alliances, rivalries, and hierarchies, shaped by millennia of tradition and evolution.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragons, as apex predators and ancient beings of immense power, possess highly acute perception and sensory abilities that far surpass those of mere mortals. Their keen senses allow them to navigate their surroundings with precision and detect even the faintest of disturbances in their environment, granting them a formidable advantage in both hunting and combat. One of the most notable aspects of a dragon's sensory repertoire is their acute vision. With eyes capable of discerning minute details from great distances, dragons possess unparalleled visual acuity that allows them to spot potential prey, rivals, or threats with ease. Their eyesight extends into the infrared spectrum, enabling them to detect sources of heat and track movements even in total darkness or obscured environments.   In addition to their exceptional vision, dragons boast highly sensitive hearing, capable of detecting the faintest sounds and vibrations in their surroundings. Their ears, finely tuned to even the subtlest of changes, allow them to pinpoint the location of potential threats or prey and assess the nature of their surroundings with remarkable accuracy.   Dragons also possess a keen sense of smell, relying on their olfactory senses to detect the scent of prey, rivals, or intruders from great distances. Their sensitive nostrils can discern a myriad of odors, allowing them to track targets across vast expanses of terrain and differentiate between various scents with remarkable precision.   Furthermore, dragons are believed to possess extrasensory abilities beyond those of mere mortals. Some legends speak of dragons possessing a sixth sense, granting them insight into the mystical energies that flow through the world. This innate connection to the arcane allows dragons to perceive magical disturbances, sense the presence of other magical beings, and harness their own innate magical abilities with greater proficiency.   In conclusion, dragons are endowed with a suite of perception, sensory, and extrasensory abilities that make them formidable predators and guardians of their domains. Their keen senses allow them to navigate their environments with precision, detect potential threats from great distances, and harness the arcane energies that course through the world around them. As ancient beings of immense power and wisdom, dragons are unrivaled in their mastery of the senses and remain among the most formidable creatures in all of Ostrium.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Council of Chromatic Dragons

The Council of Chromatic Dragons is a clandestine organization composed of the most powerful and influential chromatic dragons in Ostrium, united by their allegiance to Tiamat, the Dragon Goddess of Greed. Led by a powerful and cunning dragon known as the Grand Wyrm, the council operates in the shadows, orchestrating schemes and plots to further their own interests and expand their dominion over the world.   Each member of the council represents one of the five chromatic dragon types—red, blue, green, black, and white—and brings their own unique strengths, abilities, and ambitions to the table. Despite their differences, they share a common goal of amassing wealth, power, and territory at any cost, heedless of the suffering they may cause to others in the process.   The council convenes in secret lairs hidden deep within their respective territories, using powerful magic to communicate with one another across vast distances and coordinate their actions. They engage in elaborate rituals and ceremonies to honor Tiamat and seek her favor, offering sacrifices and tributes in exchange for her blessings and guidance in their quest for domination.   Driven by their insatiable greed and lust for power, the members of the council stop at nothing to achieve their goals, employing deception, manipulation, and outright violence to eliminate their rivals and expand their influence over the world. They view other dragons, especially metallic dragons and followers of Bahamut, as bitter enemies to be eradicated or subjugated at all costs.  

The Order of Metallic Guardians

The Order of Metallic Guardians is a noble and virtuous organization composed of the most benevolent and honorable metallic dragons in Ostrium, dedicated to upholding justice, protecting the innocent, and preserving the natural balance of the world. Led by the wise and noble Platinum Dragon, the order serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration to all who oppose the tyranny and cruelty of the chromatic dragons.   Each member of the order represents one of the five metallic dragon types—gold, silver, bronze, brass, and copper—and embodies the virtues of courage, compassion, and selflessness. They are sworn to defend the weak, uphold the principles of fairness and equality, and stand against the forces of darkness and oppression wherever they may arise.   The order operates from hidden sanctuaries and fortified citadels scattered across Ostrium, where its members gather to share knowledge, plan strategies, and coordinate their efforts to combat evil and injustice. They wield powerful magic and ancient artifacts bestowed upon them by Bahamut, the Dragon God of Justice, to aid them in their quest to protect the innocent and punish the wicked.   Driven by their sense of duty and devotion to the cause of righteousness, the members of the order willingly put their lives on the line to defend the weak and confront the forces of darkness. They are fearless in the face of danger, unwavering in their commitment to justice, and fiercely loyal to one another and to their noble cause.


Arrival in Ostrium

The migration of the Dragons from Toril, the Forgotten Realms, to Ostrium during the Savage Era was a monumental event that reshaped the destiny of both worlds. It was an era of upheaval and chaos, as the Dragons, driven by an innate urge to seek new territories and assert their dominance, embarked on a perilous journey across the vast expanse of the Astral Sea under the guidance of their divine leader, Asgorath, the leader of the Draconic Pantheon.   Meanwhile, brought to Ostrium by the god Ao, the Giants of Toril found themselves in a new and unfamiliar land. These towering beings, accustomed to the grandeur and majesty of their homeworld, were thrust into a savage and untamed wilderness, where they struggled to establish themselves amidst the chaos and turmoil of their new surroundings.   As the Dragons traversed the Astral Sea, they faced numerous obstacles and challenges along the way. From treacherous astral storms to malevolent entities lurking in the depths of space, the Dragons encountered countless threats that tested their strength and resolve. Yet, driven by their insatiable thirst for power and the promise of new territories to conquer, they pressed onward, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.   Finally, after many long years of travel, the Dragons arrived in Ostrium, a world ripe for conquest and domination. With their arrival, the balance of power in Ostrium was forever altered, as the mighty Dragons asserted their dominance over the land and established themselves as the undisputed rulers of the Savage Era.   However, their conquest was not unopposed. The Giants, formidable beings of immense strength and power, proved to be formidable adversaries to the Dragons' ambitions. Conflict erupted between the two races as they clashed over territory and resources, their battles shaking the very foundations of the world.   The ensuing conflicts were brutal and bloody, as the Dragons and Giants waged war upon each other with unmatched ferocity. From the towering peaks of the mountains to the depths of the vast forests, their struggle raged on, shaping the landscape and destiny of Ostrium for centuries to come.   In the end, despite facing fierce resistance from the Giants and other indigenous inhabitants of Ostrium, the Dragons emerged victorious. Their mastery over the land was absolute as they claimed Ostrium as their own, establishing themselves as the dominant rulers of the Savage Era. From their new homeland, the Dragons would continue to expand their dominion, spreading their influence far and wide across the world and shaping its destiny in ways that would echo throughout the ages.

The Draco-Jotun War

From the Dragon's perspective, the cataclysmic Draco-Jotun war was a pivotal moment in the history of Ostrium, a conflict that tested the limits of their strength and cunning. It was a war born out of centuries-old animosity and territorial disputes between the mighty Dragons and the formidable Giants, two ancient races vying for dominance over the land.   For the Dragons, the war was a chance to prove their superiority and assert their dominance over their rivals once and for all. They saw the Giants as a threat to their power and influence, towering beings whose strength and resilience posed a formidable challenge to their authority. The Dragons viewed the conflict as a test of their strength and prowess, an opportunity to demonstrate their mastery over the land and establish themselves as the undisputed rulers of Ostrium.   As the war raged on, the Dragons unleashed their fury upon the Giants, raining fire and destruction down upon their enemies with unmatched ferocity. From the skies above, the Dragons swooped down upon their foes, their mighty wings casting shadows over the battlefield as they unleashed torrents of flame upon the Giants below. With their razor-sharp claws and teeth, they tore through the ranks of the Giants, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.   Yet, despite their overwhelming power and ferocity, the Dragons found themselves facing fierce resistance from the Giants, who fought back with unmatched strength and resilience. The Giants, towering beings of immense size and power, proved to be formidable adversaries, their mighty blows shaking the very earth beneath the Dragons' feet as they clashed in battle.   The war dragged on for centuries, with neither side willing to back down or admit defeat. It was a conflict of epic proportions, a struggle for dominance that shook the very foundations of Ostrium and shaped the destiny of the world for generations to come.   In the end, after countless battles and untold sacrifices, the Dragons emerged victorious, their mastery over Ostrium absolute. The Giants, battered and broken, were driven to the brink of extinction, their once-proud civilization reduced to little more than dust and ashes. The Dragons had achieved their ultimate goal, asserting their dominance over the land and solidifying their status as the undisputed rulers of Ostrium.   For the Dragons, the Draco-Jotun war was a testament to their strength and resilience, a victory that would be celebrated for generations to come. It was a triumph that would echo throughout the annals of history, a reminder of the power and majesty of dragonkind.

The Dragonflame Conflict

The civil war between the chromatic and metallic dragons was a direct aftermath of the cataclysmic Draco-Jotun war, a conflict that shook the very foundations of Ostrium and left scars that would linger for generations. In the wake of the devastation wrought by the war with the Giants, tensions between the chromatic and metallic dragons reached a boiling point, fueled by longstanding rivalries and grievances that had simmered beneath the surface for centuries.   The war erupted as a result of differing ideologies and beliefs between the two factions of dragons. The chromatic dragons, followers of Tiamat and proponents of greed and domination, sought to exploit the chaos and turmoil of the post-war era to further their own ambitions and expand their dominion over Ostrium. In their eyes, the metallic dragons, followers of Bahamut and champions of justice and order, stood in the way of their aspirations, clinging to outdated notions of morality and righteousness that hindered their quest for power.   On the other hand, the metallic dragons viewed the chromatic dragons as a threat to the stability and balance of Ostrium. Believing that the relentless pursuit of power and greed espoused by the chromatic dragons would only lead to further chaos and destruction, they sought to oppose their rivals and preserve the natural order of the world. As tensions escalated, both sides began to amass their forces and prepare for war, knowing that the outcome would shape the destiny of Ostrium for generations to come.   The civil war between the chromatic and metallic dragons was brutal and bloody, as the two factions clashed in a series of epic battles that raged across the land. From the fiery peaks of volcanic mountains to the icy depths of frozen tundras, their conflict engulfed Ostrium in a maelstrom of fire and destruction, leaving devastation in its wake.   Countless lives were lost as dragons fought against their own kind, driven by their unwavering commitment to their respective causes. The skies were filled with the roar of dragonfire and the clash of mighty wings as the two factions vied for supremacy, each determined to emerge victorious and impose their will upon the world.   In the end, after years of brutal warfare and untold suffering, a fragile peace was finally achieved between the chromatic and metallic dragons. The scars of the civil war would linger for generations, serving as a grim reminder of the dangers of unchecked ambition and the importance of unity in the face of adversity. Yet, despite the devastation wrought by the conflict, Ostrium endured, its resilience and strength serving as a testament to the indomitable spirit of its inhabitants.
Scientific Name
Conservation Status
No protections needed
Geographic Distribution
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