
The Draconian ethnicity is a diverse and ancient lineage that encompasses all sapient races descended from dragonkind, including True Dragons, Half-Dragons, Dragonborn, and Kobolds. Rooted in the primordial power and majesty of dragonkind, the Draconian ethnicity embodies the unique traits, abilities, and cultural heritage shared by these disparate races, uniting them under a common banner of kinship and shared ancestry.   At the heart of the Draconian ethnicity is a deep reverence and respect for the ancient wisdom and power of dragonkind, passed down through generations of draconic lineage. True Dragons, the progenitors of the Draconian ethnicity, are revered as divine beings, embodiments of elemental forces and arcane energies beyond mortal comprehension. Their influence permeates every aspect of Draconian culture, from religious beliefs and societal customs to artistic traditions and magical practices.   Half-Dragons, born from the union of dragon and mortal, occupy a unique position within Draconian society, serving as living embodiments of the harmonious coexistence between dragonkind and humanoid races. Possessing traits and abilities inherited from both sides of their lineage, Half-Dragons are often valued for their versatility, adaptability, and potential to bridge the gap between disparate factions and species.   Dragonborn, born from the union of dragon and humanoid, are revered as the children of dragons, inheriting the strength, resilience, and majestic presence of their draconic ancestors. With their scales gleaming in vibrant hues and their eyes burning with an inner fire, Dragonborn embody the power and majesty of dragonkind, standing as proud and noble representatives of their mixed heritage.   Kobolds, diminutive and cunning creatures, are also counted among the ranks of the Draconian ethnicity, serving as loyal servants and allies to their larger and more powerful kin. Despite their small stature, Kobolds possess a fierce determination and cunning intellect that allows them to thrive in even the most inhospitable environments, earning them a place of respect and admiration within Draconian society.   Despite their differences in appearance, abilities, and cultural practices, all members of the Draconian ethnicity share a common bond of kinship and shared ancestry, united by their reverence for dragonkind and their commitment to upholding the values of honor, loyalty, and strength. Together, they stand as guardians and stewards of the ancient wisdom and power of dragonkind, ensuring that their legacy endures for generations to come.

Social Structure

The social structure of Draconian society is hierarchical and deeply entrenched in the traditions and customs of dragonkind. At the pinnacle of this structure are the Elder Great Wyrms, ancient and powerful dragons who rule over their respective groups of dragons with unquestioned authority and wisdom. Each group of dragons, representing all colors of the chromatic and metallic spectrum, is led by an Elder Great Wyrm who serves as both a political leader and a spiritual guide for their kin.   Beneath the Elder Great Wyrms are the Adult Dragons, powerful and respected members of Draconian society who serve as advisors and enforcers of the will of their Elder Great Wyrm. These dragons possess considerable influence and authority within their respective groups, often commanding legions of younger dragons and overseeing important aspects of governance and administration.   Next in the hierarchy are the Young Dragons, who are still in the prime of their lives and possess formidable strength and abilities. These dragons serve as the backbone of Draconian society, fulfilling a variety of roles ranging from warriors and guardians to scholars and artisans. While not yet possessing the same level of authority as their elders, Young Dragons are respected and valued members of their communities, often tasked with important responsibilities and duties.   Below the Young Dragons are the Wyrmlings, the youngest and most inexperienced members of Draconian society. These dragons are still learning and growing, honing their skills and abilities under the guidance of their elders. While not yet fully mature, Wyrmlings are treated with care and respect by their kin, who recognize their potential to one day rise to positions of power and leadership within their respective groups.   Throughout Draconian society, the social structure is reinforced by a complex network of alliances, rivalries, and familial ties, with each dragon striving to assert their dominance and secure their place within the hierarchy. While the Elder Great Wyrms may hold ultimate authority, they are not immune to challenges from ambitious rivals or dissent from within their own ranks. In this dynamic and ever-shifting landscape, dragons must constantly navigate the intricacies of power and politics, lest they find themselves cast aside in the struggle for supremacy.


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