
In the age of legends, when the gods roamed the realms and the fate of mortals hung in the balance, there came a time of great upheaval—a divine exodus that would shape the course of history for generations to come. From the far reaches of the Plane of Toril, amidst the swirling mists of the Forgotten Realms, emerged a race unlike any other: the duergar, or gray dwarves. Driven by a desire for freedom and autonomy, the duergar embarked on a perilous journey across the planes, guided by visions of a new land where they could forge their own destiny away from the watchful eyes of their erstwhile masters. Through treacherous portals and across unfathomable distances, they braved the perils of the astral seas and the ravages of interplanar storms, their determination unwavering in the face of adversity.   And so it was that the duergar came to Ostrium, a land of towering mountains and boundless riches, where the earth's veins pulsed with precious ores and the fires of forges burned eternal. Here, amidst the rugged peaks and sprawling caverns, they found sanctuary and solace—a new home where they could build a society of their own, free from the yoke of divine oppression.   But the duergar's arrival did not go unnoticed, for the dwarves of Ostrium, proud and stalwart guardians of their mountain strongholds, viewed their new neighbors with suspicion and mistrust. Accustomed to centuries of isolation and self-reliance, they saw the duergar as interlopers, invaders of their sacred territory who threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of power that had long existed between the clans.   And so began a tumultuous chapter in the history of Ostrium, as the dwarves and duergar clashed in a series of bitter skirmishes and territorial disputes. Yet amidst the chaos and strife, there were those who sought to bridge the divide between the two races, to find common ground and forge bonds of friendship and mutual respect.   As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, a fragile peace descended upon the land, borne of compromise and understanding. Though the scars of their conflict would never fully heal, the dwarves and duergar of Ostrium learned to coexist, to share the bounties of the earth and the burdens of their past, united by a common vision of a future where all races could live in harmony and prosperity.

Basic Information


The anatomy and morphology of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, bear resemblance to their dwarven cousins, yet they possess distinct physical characteristics that set them apart. Like other dwarves, Duergar are typically thick and stocky figures, embodying the sturdy and resilient nature inherent to their race. However, beyond this shared trait, there are many differences that distinguish the Duergar from their kin.   Both male and female Duergar are typically bald, lacking the luxurious beards that adorn the faces of their dwarven counterparts. In addition, female Duergar do not possess the capacity to grow facial hair, further distinguishing them from their male counterparts. Many Duergar are also thinner than traditional dwarves, their frames leaner and more wiry in appearance, reflecting their adaptation to the harsh conditions of the Underdark, their ancestral homeland.   Most striking of all is the dull gray hue of their skin and hair, a stark departure from the earthy tones that characterize traditional dwarves. This somber coloration, often matched with an equally stolid expression, lends the Duergar an air of solemnity and severity. Regular dwarves have been known to jest that Duergar possess flat heads, possibly as an insult, although the veracity of this claim remains uncertain.   Furthermore, due to the prevalence of criminal exiles among the Duergar found on the surface world, many bear facial and arm tattoos that serve as markers of their status as traitors to their people. These tattoos, often intricate and elaborate in design, serve as a visible reminder of their past transgressions and their expulsion from Duergar society.   In summary, the anatomy and morphology of the Duergar reflect both their shared heritage with traditional dwarves and their unique adaptations to life in the depths of the Underdark. Their baldness, leaner frames, dull gray skin, and tattoos serve as outward manifestations of their distinct culture and history, setting them apart from their kin while still retaining the indomitable spirit and resilience that define the dwarven race.

Genetics and Reproduction

The genetics and reproduction process of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, closely mirror those of their dwarven kin, with some notable differences reflecting their unique physiology and culture. Like traditional dwarves, Duergar possess a binary reproductive system consisting of male and female individuals, each with distinct roles in the propagation of their species. However, unlike some other races, gender roles among the Duergar are not rigidly defined, with both males and females playing active roles in their society and contributing equally to the survival and prosperity of their clan.   Duergar reproduction typically occurs through sexual reproduction, with individuals forming pair bonds and engaging in intimate relationships to conceive offspring. Courtship rituals vary among different Duergar communities, with some favoring traditional customs and others embracing more progressive approaches to relationships and family dynamics. Regardless of the specifics, the bonds formed between mates are strong and enduring, reflecting the deep sense of loyalty and commitment that characterizes Duergar culture.   Upon conception, Duergar females undergo a gestation period lasting approximately nine months, during which the developing fetus is nourished and protected within the mother's womb. As the pregnancy progresses, the expectant mother receives support and care from her mate and the wider community, ensuring the health and well-being of both mother and child. When the time comes, the female gives birth to her offspring, typically delivering a single baby at a time, although twins are not unheard of among Duergar families.   Following birth, Duergar infants are cared for and nurtured by both parents, as well as other members of the clan, in a communal setting. This collective approach to child-rearing reflects the strong bonds of kinship and cooperation that characterize Duergar society, with individuals working together to ensure the survival and success of the next generation. As the child grows, they receive education and guidance from elders and mentors within the community, learning the skills and values necessary to thrive in the harsh environment of the Underdark.   In addition to traditional sexual reproduction, Duergar possess a unique reproductive adaptation known as parthenogenesis, allowing females to produce offspring without the need for fertilization by a male. This process occurs under specific environmental conditions or in response to certain stimuli, enabling Duergar communities to rapidly expand their population in times of need or adversity. However, parthenogenesis is less common than sexual reproduction among Duergar and is typically reserved for exceptional circumstances.   Overall, the genetics, reproduction process, and sexual habits of the Duergar reflect their complex social structures, adaptive behaviors, and resilience as a species. Through a combination of sexual reproduction, communal child-rearing, and unique reproductive adaptations, the gray dwarves ensure the continuity and prosperity of their clan, forging bonds of kinship and solidarity that endure through the ages in the dark depths of the Underdark.

Ecology and Habitats

The ecology and habitat of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, are closely intertwined with the dark and labyrinthine depths of the Underdark, the subterranean realm that serves as their ancestral homeland. Within this sprawling network of tunnels, caverns, and chasms, the Duergar have carved out a niche for themselves, building vast underground cities and strongholds that echo with the clang of hammers and the roar of forges. Here, amidst the perpetual gloom and shadows, they have forged a society that reflects their tenacity, resilience, and adaptability to life in the depths.   Duergar settlements are typically located in the most remote and inhospitable regions of the Underdark, far from the prying eyes of surface dwellers and rival races. These subterranean strongholds are often carved into the walls of massive caverns or nestled deep within the bowels of the earth, providing protection from the dangers that lurk in the darkness. Constructed from sturdy stone and reinforced with formidable defenses, these cities serve as bastions of Duergar culture and civilization, where generations of gray dwarves have toiled and thrived in the depths.   Within their underground cities, the Duergar engage in a variety of activities essential to their survival and prosperity. At the heart of every settlement lies the forge, where master smiths and artisans labor tirelessly to produce the finest weapons, armor, and tools in the Underdark. The rhythmic clang of hammers on anvils echoes through the cavernous halls, a testament to the Duergar's skill and dedication to their craft. In addition to blacksmithing, Duergar communities also engage in mining, farming, and other forms of industry, extracting precious ores and resources from the earth and tending to mushroom farms and underground gardens to sustain their population.   Despite the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Underdark, the Duergar have adapted to life in the depths with remarkable resilience. Their physiology is well-suited to the rigors of underground living, with keen senses that allow them to navigate the dark tunnels and detect hidden dangers with ease. Furthermore, their immunity to many forms of mind control and their natural aptitude for stealth and subterfuge make them formidable adversaries to those who would seek to challenge their dominion.   In summary, the ecology and habitat of the Duergar reflect their deep connection to the dark and mysterious world of the Underdark. Through their mastery of craftsmanship, their resilience in the face of adversity, and their unwavering determination to thrive in the depths, the gray dwarves have carved out a niche for themselves as the undisputed masters of the subterranean realm, where they reign supreme in the eternal twilight of the earth's embrace.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The dietary needs and habits of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, are shaped by the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Underdark, their subterranean homeland. In this dark and mysterious realm, where resources are scarce and light is a precious commodity, the gray dwarves have adapted to survive on a diet that reflects the unique challenges of their underground existence.   At the heart of the Duergar diet are fungi, which grow abundantly in the damp and cavernous depths of the Underdark. Mushrooms of various shapes, sizes, and flavors form the staple food source for the gray dwarves, providing them with essential nutrients and sustenance to fuel their laborious lifestyle. From the humble puffball to the exotic violet fungus, Duergar cuisine encompasses a wide variety of fungi, each prized for its flavor, texture, and nutritional value.   In addition to fungi, Duergar also consume a variety of other subterranean delicacies, including cavefish, blind crustaceans, and other creatures that dwell in the dark waters and hidden recesses of the Underdark. These protein-rich foods supplement the Duergar's diet, providing them with essential nutrients and sustenance to support their physical labor and endurance.   Furthermore, the Duergar are skilled cultivators, tending to mushroom farms and underground gardens that yield a bounty of fresh produce, including tubers, roots, and edible plants that thrive in the dim light and fertile soil of the Underdark. These crops supplement the gray dwarves' diet, providing them with a diverse array of flavors and textures to enjoy alongside their fungal fare.   Despite their reliance on fungi and other subterranean foods, the Duergar are not averse to consuming meat, particularly when it is available in abundance or as a special treat. Cave-dwelling creatures such as bats, rats, and giant insects are occasionally hunted and harvested for their meat, providing the gray dwarves with a source of protein and sustenance to supplement their fungal diet.   In summary, the dietary needs and habits of the Duergar reflect their adaptation to life in the dark and mysterious depths of the Underdark. Fungi form the cornerstone of their diet, supplemented by a variety of other subterranean delicacies and cultivated crops. Through their resourcefulness and ingenuity, the gray dwarves have learned to thrive on the meager fare of their underground realm, forging a cuisine that is as unique and resilient as they are.

Biological Cycle

The biological cycle of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, is intricately tied to the rhythm of life in the dark and mysterious depths of the Underdark. Unlike surface-dwelling creatures, whose biological cycles are often dictated by the passage of time and the changing seasons, the Duergar inhabit a realm where the concept of day and night holds little meaning. Instead, their lives are governed by the perpetual darkness of their underground domain, where time seems to flow differently and the cycle of life follows its own unique rhythm.   Within the subterranean cities and strongholds of the Duergar, the passage of time is marked not by the rising and setting of the sun, but by the steady rhythm of work and rest, feast and famine, that characterizes their daily existence. Days blend into nights, and seasons pass unnoticed as the gray dwarves toil tirelessly in their forges, mining tunnels, and mushroom farms, their lives bound by the unyielding cycle of labor and survival.   Despite the absence of traditional seasons, the Duergar are not immune to the effects of time's passing. Like all living creatures, they experience the inevitable march of aging, their bodies growing older and weaker with each passing year. However, the concept of aging holds little fear for the Duergar, who view the passage of time as a natural part of life and death, to be embraced rather than feared.   Furthermore, the Duergar's biology is finely attuned to the unique conditions of the Underdark, where light is scarce and resources are scarce. Their senses are keen and their bodies resilient, adapted to thrive in the harsh and unforgiving environment of their subterranean homeland. They possess a remarkable ability to conserve energy and endure long periods of deprivation, allowing them to survive in the depths where other creatures would falter.   In summary, the biological cycle of the Duergar reflects their adaptation to life in the dark and mysterious depths of the Underdark. While they may not experience the changing seasons or the passage of time in the same way as surface-dwelling creatures, the gray dwarves possess a unique resilience and endurance that allow them to thrive in the perpetual darkness of their underground realm, where the cycle of life continues unabated in the eternal twilight of the earth's embrace.


The behavior and psychology of the Duergar reflect a complex interplay of tyrannical, grim, and industrious traits, tempered by a deep-seated pessimism and cynicism that colors their worldview. Rather than viewing their lack of happiness as a flaw, the gray dwarves consider it their greatest strength, a defining feature of Duergar pride. They see themselves as the true idols of dwarvish ideals compared to their "weak" and "pampered" kin, viewing their bleak and brutal lives as a dark reflection of the traditional dwarven way of life.   While displaying virtues of determination and bravery, the Duergar take dwarven flaws to their logical extremes, exhibiting violent tendencies, sullenness, insularity, greed, and ungratefulness. They harbor deep-seated grudges and are deeply cynical of others' motives, believing themselves to be in a constant struggle against a hostile world. These moral failings can be traced to their three primary principles: bottomless greed, unceasing conflict, and rejection of emotion.   Unlike traditional dwarves, who find joy in their work and see opportunities for success in their daily labor, the Duergar's industriousness is driven solely by a primal urge to acquire and own as much as possible. Their creations, while enduring, lack warmth and artistry, valued only for their function rather than their aesthetics. Duergar appreciate beauty and craftsmanship, their goal being quantity over quality, driven by an insatiable desire for wealth and prestige.   In the eyes of the Duergar, life is an endless cycle of toil and drudgery, devoid of happiness or satisfaction. They have been taught to expect nothing else from life and view their existence as fundamentally empty and unfulfilling. Despite their accumulated treasures and military successes, they feel no joy or pride, existing as cogs in a machine to forge products they care little for. Their lives stand in stark contrast to the joy and purpose found in the dwarven cycles of creation.   However, amidst their grim and tyrannical nature, some Duergar exhibit virtues of minding their own business and leaning towards hard-hearted neutrality. While most tend towards evil, a rare few manage to embrace goodness, seeking to break free from the cycle of despair and find meaning and fulfillment in their lives.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, mirrors that of traditional dwarven clans but with distinct differences reflecting their unique culture and values. At the apex of Duergar society sits the ruling clan, which holds sway over all other clans and wields considerable power and influence in the underground realm of the Underdark. The ruling clan is typically composed of powerful and wealthy individuals who have risen to prominence through a combination of cunning, ambition, and ruthlessness, and who are revered as leaders and decision-makers among their kin.   Beneath the ruling clan are several lesser clans, each with its own territory, resources, and leadership structure. These lesser clans may specialize in specific trades or professions, such as blacksmithing, mining, or warfare, and often compete with one another for dominance and prestige within Duergar society. While the ruling clan holds ultimate authority, the lesser clans play a vital role in the day-to-day functioning of Duergar society, providing essential goods and services to their kin and contributing to the overall prosperity of the gray dwarves.   Within each clan, there exists a hierarchical structure composed of leaders, elders, artisans, warriors, and laborers, each with their own roles and responsibilities. At the top of the hierarchy are the clan leaders, who are typically chosen based on their strength, cunning, and ability to lead their kin to victory in times of war or hardship. Beneath the clan leaders are the elders, who serve as advisors and mentors to the younger members of the clan, passing down wisdom and tradition from generation to generation.   In addition to leaders and elders, each clan is home to a variety of artisans, craftsmen, and warriors, who contribute their skills and expertise to the prosperity and defense of their kin. Artisans are highly respected within Duergar society for their ability to create valuable goods and tools, while warriors are revered for their prowess in battle and their willingness to defend their clan against external threats. Laborers, meanwhile, perform the essential tasks of mining, farming, and construction, ensuring the continued survival and prosperity of their kin.   Despite their hierarchical structure, Duergar society is characterized by a strong sense of solidarity and cooperation among clan members. Each individual is expected to contribute to the well-being of the clan and to uphold its values and traditions, fostering a sense of kinship and camaraderie that transcends individual differences. While rivalries and conflicts may arise between clans, particularly in times of scarcity or competition, the gray dwarves understand the importance of unity and cooperation in the face of external threats, and are willing to set aside their differences for the greater good of their kin.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Duergar, or gray dwarves, are known for their industrious nature and their ability to extract valuable resources from the depths of the Underdark. One of the primary uses of the Duergar is their expertise in mining, as they possess a deep knowledge of the earth and its hidden treasures. Using their formidable strength and skill with tools, the gray dwarves excavate vast networks of tunnels and caverns, extracting precious ores, gems, and minerals from the earth. These resources are then processed and refined by Duergar artisans and craftsmen, who transform them into valuable goods and commodities coveted by other races in the Underdark.   In addition to mining, the Duergar are also skilled blacksmiths and metallurgists, capable of forging weapons, armor, and tools of exceptional quality and durability. Using techniques passed down through generations, Duergar smiths produce a wide variety of goods, from simple iron implements to intricate mithril weapons adorned with precious gems. These items are highly sought after by other denizens of the Underdark, who prize the craftsmanship and durability of Duergar-made goods.   Furthermore, the Duergar are adept at exploiting the natural resources of the Underdark for their own benefit. They cultivate vast mushroom farms and underground gardens, harvesting edible fungi, tubers, and other plants to sustain their population. These crops not only provide sustenance for the gray dwarves but also serve as a valuable source of trade and commerce, as they are often exchanged for other goods and services within Duergar society.   However, the exploitation of the Duergar does not come without its drawbacks. The constant toil and labor required to extract and process resources from the Underdark take a toll on the gray dwarves, both physically and mentally. Many Duergar suffer from health issues related to their harsh working conditions, such as respiratory problems from inhaling dust and fumes in the mines, or musculoskeletal injuries from heavy lifting and repetitive tasks. Furthermore, the relentless pursuit of wealth and power can lead to greed, corruption, and moral decay within Duergar society, as individuals prioritize their own interests over the well-being of their kin.   In summary, the Duergar play a vital role in the exploitation of the resources of the Underdark, using their expertise in mining, blacksmithing, and agriculture to extract valuable goods and commodities from the earth. However, this exploitation comes at a cost, as the constant toil and labor required to sustain their lifestyle can have negative consequences for the health and well-being of the gray dwarves. Despite these challenges, the Duergar continue to thrive in the depths of the Underdark, using their ingenuity, resilience, and determination to overcome whatever obstacles stand in their way.

Facial characteristics

The facial characteristics and features of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, are distinctive and reflect their rugged and stoic nature. Duergar typically possess strong, square jawlines and prominent cheekbones, giving their faces a sturdy and formidable appearance. Their noses are often broad and slightly flattened, suited to the rigors of underground life, while their mouths are set in firm lines, conveying an air of determination and resolve.   One of the most notable features of the Duergar's face is their lack of facial hair, a trait shared by both males and females. Unlike their dwarven cousins, who often sport luxurious beards and mustaches, Duergar are typically bald, their smooth, clean-shaven faces emphasizing their stark and unadorned appearance. This lack of facial hair is considered a mark of pride among the gray dwarves, reflecting their rejection of traditional dwarven customs and their embrace of a more austere and utilitarian lifestyle.   In addition to their baldness, Duergar often bear facial and arm tattoos that serve as markers of their status as exiles or traitors to their people. These tattoos, often intricate and elaborate in design, symbolize the gray dwarves' defiance of their former masters and their determination to forge their own path in the depths of the Underdark. While the specific meaning of these tattoos may vary from individual to individual, they are universally recognized as symbols of strength, resilience, and defiance among the Duergar.   Furthermore, the expressions of the Duergar are often characterized by a grim and taciturn demeanor, reflecting their pessimistic outlook on life and their stoic acceptance of the harsh realities of their existence. Their eyes, typically dark and piercing, betray little emotion, their gaze steady and unwavering even in the face of adversity. Despite their gruff and unfriendly exterior, however, Duergar are capable of displaying moments of warmth and camaraderie, particularly among their own kind, where loyalty and kinship are highly prized.   In summary, the facial characteristics and features of the Duergar reflect their rugged and stoic nature, with strong jawlines, broad noses, and clean-shaven faces being common traits. Their lack of facial hair and prominent tattoos serve as symbols of their defiance and resilience, while their expressions convey a sense of grim determination and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. Despite their gruff exterior, Duergar are capable of forming deep bonds of loyalty and kinship, proving that even the harshest of faces can harbor warmth and camaraderie within.

Average Intelligence

Above average intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The perception, sensory, and extra-sensory abilities of the Duergar, or gray dwarves, are finely attuned to the challenges of underground living, making them well-adapted to the depths of the Underdark. Unlike other dwarves, who may struggle to see in the deepest darkness, Duergar possess exceptional night vision, allowing them to navigate subterranean tunnels and caverns with ease even in the absence of light. This heightened visual acuity grants them a significant advantage in the dark, allowing them to spot potential threats or hidden treasures that would elude other races. Furthermore, Duergar are immune to many of the ancient techniques used by their erstwhile masters, the mind flayers, to control them. These include paralysis, phantasms, alchemical poisons, and certain types of illusions, rendering them resistant to the insidious mental manipulation that plagues other denizens of the Underdark. This immunity underscores the Duergar's tenacity and resilience, allowing them to defy the influence of their former oppressors and forge their own destiny in the depths.   In addition to their heightened senses and resistance to mental manipulation, Duergar possess a cunning and craftiness that sets them apart from their honor-bound cousins. Unlike traditional dwarves, who often adhere to strict codes of conduct and honor, Duergar are known for their sneakiness and guile, excelling at setting up ambushes, moving stealthily out of sight, and outwitting their foes with cunning traps and tactics. This innate talent for subterfuge makes them formidable adversaries in the dark and labyrinthine corridors of the Underdark, where danger lurks around every corner.   Moreover, a select few Duergar possess natural abilities akin to the spells of enlarge and invisibility, further enhancing their prowess in combat and stealth. These abilities, honed through years of exposure to the magical energies of the Underdark, allow them to bolster their strength and disappear from sight at will, confounding their enemies and turning the tide of battle in their favor. However, this comes at a cost, as Duergar, like their dark elf counterparts, possess a special vulnerability to sunlight. Exposure to the sun's rays can weaken and disorient them, making them easy targets for their enemies and forcing them to retreat to the safety of the shadows.   In summary, the perception, sensory, and extra-sensory abilities of the Duergar reflect their adaptation to the challenges of underground living, granting them heightened senses, resistance to mental manipulation, and a talent for stealth and subterfuge. These abilities, coupled with their natural magical talents, make them formidable foes in the depths of the Underdark, where they reign supreme as the masters of darkness and shadow.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Duergar names differ little from regular dwarf names, except for their clan names. Like their society, clan names are often bleak and hint at cruelty. Examples include Necksnapper, Battlegore, Doomfist, and Firetamer. Though more mundane names, like Runehammer and Underearth are possible too.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Duergar were a coarse and distrustful race who felt that other races were out to get them, whether they are from the Underdark or the surface world. Despite this, Duergar were usually willing to trade with outside races, particularly from the surface world, for the sake of profit and the relations between Duergar and their sometimes enemies, sometime-friends with the drow, and deep gnomes were especially complicated.   However, the duergar had absolutely no love in their heart for their closest of kin, the shield dwarves, who the duergar felt abandoned them to the onslaught of the mind flayers. Since then, the duergar had waged war time and time again against the shield dwarves, demonstrating a deep-seated loathing.   Because of their pessimism, Duergar rarely adventured of their own free will and were instead most commonly exiles cast out of their society.  Some found escape from their society through petty crime, tattooed and cast out from their cities beneath the surface and driven into the arms of other races. Their grim disposition, however, made them unlikely to form many lasting friendships.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Gray Dwarves
350 years
Average Height
Male: 3′11″‒4′5″ (1.2‒1.3 m) Female: 3′9″‒4′3″ (1.1‒1.3 m)
Average Weight
Male: 114‒174 lb (51.7‒78.9 kg) Female: 84‒144 lb (38‒65.3 kg)
Average Physique
Stocky, sturdy, and muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Gray skin, dull hair, facial/arm tattoos.
Geographic Distribution


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