Hill Dwarves

In the rugged and untamed lands of Ostrium, nestled amidst rolling hills and mist-shrouded moors, dwells a proud and resilient folk known as the Hill Dwarves. Descendants of ancient clans who once roamed the Great Rift, these stoic and stalwart beings have carved out a life for themselves in the harsh and unforgiving terrain of the hills.   The Hill Dwarves, also known as Gold Dwarves, are a breed apart, distinguished by their aloof demeanor, unyielding resolve, and keen business acumen. From their mountain strongholds to their bustling market towns, they have earned a reputation as shrewd traders and savvy negotiators, with a knack for turning even the most barren soil into fertile ground for commerce.   But beneath their gruff exterior lies a steely determination and a fierce loyalty to their kin and clan. Trained from a young age to defend their homeland against the horrors of the Underdark, Hill Dwarves are renowned for their prowess in battle, wielding axe and hammer with equal skill to vanquish any threat that dares to encroach upon their domain.   Yet, despite their martial prowess and mercantile success, the Hill Dwarves are a people apart, keeping to themselves and rarely venturing beyond the bounds of their ancestral lands. Aloof and self-assured, they regard outsiders with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity, their insular nature serving as a shield against the dangers of the world beyond.   But as the winds of change sweep across the land and shadows gather in the depths of the earth, the Hill Dwarves find themselves faced with new challenges and old foes. With their homeland under threat and their ancient traditions put to the test, they must band together and stand united against the encroaching darkness, drawing upon the strength of their ancestors and the resilience of their spirit to ensure their survival in the face of adversity.   Thus, amidst the rolling hills and misty valleys of Ostrium, the Hill Dwarves prepare to write the next chapter in their storied history, forging alliances, honing their skills, and bracing themselves for the trials that lie ahead. For theirs is a legacy of resilience, of strength, and of unwavering determination, a legacy that will endure long after the echoes of battle have faded and the mists of time have parted.

Basic Information


Gold dwarves are stout, tough individuals like their shield dwarf brethren but are less off-putting and gruff. Conversely, gold dwarves were often less agile than other dwarves. The average gold dwarf was about 4 feet (1.2 meters) tall and as heavy as a full-grown human, making them somewhat squatter than the more common shield dwarves. Gold dwarves were also distinguishable by their light brown or tanned skin, significantly darker than that of most dwarves, and their brown or hazel eyes. Gold dwarves had black, gray, or brown hair, which faded to light gray over time. Gold dwarf males and some females could grow beards, which were carefully groomed and grown to great lengths.


Gold dwarves were both materialistic and ritualistic, valuing themselves and others by what they possessed and by the reputation of their family. Gold dwarves were deeply conservative, rooting their values and beliefs in traditions that have survived for millennia even as the world changed around them. From infancy, gold dwarves were taught that their life was determined by tradition, from what their profession should be to who they should marry. Gold dwarves who lacked faith in the old ways or who went so far as to challenge cultural taboos were seen as dangerous deviants unworthy of friendship or trust by the majority of gold dwarves, creating enormous social pressure to conform.   In part because of their conservatism and staunch belief in their own cultural superiority, gold dwarves rarely ventured outside of their homelands. The Thunder Blessing was the first event in a long while to push the race out of their conformity, forcing young dwarves to seek their fortunes outside of the overcrowded Deep Realm. Other than such demographic pressures, the only motive for adventuring deemed rational to the average gold dwarf was the desire to seek out their fortune in unclaimed lands, perhaps to build a stronghold of their own.   Gold dwarves who did become adventurers were most often fighters, though clerics, paladins, rangers, rogues, or even arcane spellcasters were not unheard of, particularly sorcerers, many of whom were distantly descended from dragons or elementals. Experienced gold dwarf adventurers might become battleragers, particularly those who found the tradition-bound strictures of their society oppressive. Other gold dwarves might train as dwarven defenders or divine champions.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The naming traditions of the Hill Dwarves are steeped in ancient lore, familial pride, and a deep connection to the natural world. Names are chosen with great care, often reflecting the virtues, lineage, and aspirations of the individual, as well as the traditions of their clan and kin.   One of the most common naming conventions among Hill Dwarves is the use of patronymics and matronymics, where individuals are given names that honor their ancestors or pay homage to their lineage. For example, a Hill Dwarf might be named "Thorgrim son of Balin" or "Lorelei daughter of Freya," with the father's or mother's name serving as a prefix to the individual's own name. This practice not only honors the ancestors but also strengthens the bonds of kinship and continuity within the family.   In addition to patronymics and matronymics, Hill Dwarves often incorporate elements of nature and geography into their names, reflecting their close relationship with the land and the mountains that surround them. Names might be inspired by the rugged terrain of their homeland, with references to rocks, rivers, forests, and other natural features. For example, a Hill Dwarf might be named "Stoneforge," "Ironwood," or "Silverstream," drawing upon the beauty and resilience of the natural world for inspiration.   Furthermore, Hill Dwarves may also choose names that reflect their personal traits, professions, or achievements. Names might evoke qualities such as strength, courage, wisdom, or craftsmanship, serving as a reflection of the individual's character and aspirations. For example, a Hill Dwarf known for their skill with a hammer might be named "Hammerhand," while a renowned warrior might bear the name "Battlescar."   Overall, the naming traditions of the Hill Dwarves are rich and diverse, reflecting the complex tapestry of their culture, heritage, and values. Each name carries with it a story, a legacy, and a connection to the past, serving as a reminder of the proud history and enduring spirit of the dwarven people. Here are some examples of Hill Dwarf names:  
  • Thorin Stonehammer
  • Freya Ironbeard
  • Grimnar Oakenshield
  • Hilda Silvervein
  • Bjorn Thunderfist
  • Astrid Mountainheart
  • Gunnar Forgeborn
  • Eira Rocksplitter
  • Olaf Blackstone
  • Ingrid Ironheart
  • Beauty Ideals

    The beauty ideals of the Hill Dwarves are shaped by their rugged surroundings, practical sensibilities, and deep appreciation for inner strength and resilience over superficial appearances. Unlike other cultures that may prioritize external beauty, Hill Dwarves place greater value on qualities such as fortitude, craftsmanship, and integrity.   In the eyes of the Hill Dwarves, true beauty is found in the strength of character, the steadfastness of spirit, and the ability to overcome adversity with grace and determination. Individuals who demonstrate courage in the face of danger, wisdom in times of uncertainty, and loyalty to their kin are revered as paragons of beauty, regardless of their physical features.   That being said, Hill Dwarves do appreciate certain physical attributes that are seen as indicative of strength and vitality. For example, strong, sturdy builds are often admired, as they reflect a life of hard work, resilience, and physical prowess. Broad shoulders, muscular arms, and robust physiques are considered attractive traits, signaling both health and vitality.   Similarly, facial features that convey determination, wisdom, and integrity are prized among the Hill Dwarves. Weathered lines etched into the skin from years of toil and hardship are seen as badges of honor, marking individuals as survivors who have weathered the storms of life with dignity and courage. Eyes that shine with intelligence and kindness, framed by bushy eyebrows and a well-groomed beard or braids, are considered particularly appealing.   In terms of grooming and adornment, Hill Dwarves prefer practicality and functionality over ostentation. Beards and hairstyles are often kept neat and well-maintained, reflecting a sense of pride in one's appearance without being overly elaborate. Jewelry and accessories, when worn, are typically crafted from durable materials such as metal or stone, with designs that emphasize craftsmanship and utility rather than extravagance.   Overall, the beauty ideals of the Hill Dwarves are rooted in values of strength, resilience, and integrity, celebrating the inner qualities that define a person's character rather than superficial appearances. In a society where hard work, loyalty, and honor are held in high esteem, true beauty is found in the unwavering spirit and indomitable will of the individual, qualities that shine brighter than any physical attribute ever could.

    Culture and Cultural Heritage

    The culture and cultural heritage of the Hill Dwarves are deeply rooted in tradition, resilience, and a strong sense of community. Drawing upon ancient customs passed down through generations, they have forged a society that values honor, kinship, and the rugged beauty of their mountainous homeland.   At the heart of Hill Dwarf culture lies a profound reverence for the earth and its bounty. Like their ancestors before them, the Hill Dwarves hold the land sacred, viewing it not only as a source of sustenance and livelihood but also as a connection to their heritage and lineage. They practice sustainable farming and mining techniques, carefully stewarding the land to ensure its preservation for future generations.   Central to Hill Dwarf culture is the concept of kinship and clan loyalty. Families are tightly knit units, with each member contributing to the collective welfare and prosperity of the clan. Clan gatherings and celebrations are common, providing opportunities for dwarves to come together, share stories, and reaffirm their bonds of kinship. Feasting, music, and storytelling are cherished traditions, passed down through the ages as a way of preserving the oral history of the clans.   In addition to their strong sense of community, Hill Dwarves are known for their industriousness and craftsmanship. Skilled artisans and craftsmen, they excel in metalworking, woodworking, and stonemasonry, producing intricate works of art and practical tools that reflect their ingenuity and skill. Each piece is imbued with the pride and craftsmanship of its maker, serving as a testament to the dwarves' commitment to excellence in all endeavors.   Despite their stoic demeanor, Hill Dwarves are also a people of great warmth and hospitality. Visitors to their mountain strongholds are welcomed with open arms, treated to hearty meals and generous hospitality. Dwarven ale flows freely, and songs and laughter echo through the halls as dwarves and guests alike revel in the camaraderie of shared company.   Yet, for all their strength and resilience, the Hill Dwarves also harbor a deep-seated pride in their heritage and ancestry. Tales of ancient heroes and epic battles are woven into the fabric of their culture, serving as reminders of the sacrifices made by their forebears to secure their place in the world. Through their traditions, their craftsmanship, and their unwavering commitment to each other, the Hill Dwarves continue to honor the legacy of their ancestors, ensuring that their culture and heritage endure for generations to come.
    Genetic Ancestor(s)
    Scientific Name
    Gold Dwarf
    Geographic Distribution


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