Ratkin Shifter

In the shadowed alleyways in the cities of Ostrium, whispers abound of a mysterious and elusive group known as the Ratkin. Cloaked in darkness and steeped in secrecy, these enigmatic beings tread the fine line between the world of mortals and the realm of the supernatural, their origins shrouded in myth and legend.   Deep within the labyrinthine tunnels and hidden passages that crisscross beneath the city's surface, lies the domain of the Ratkin. Here, amidst the darkness and decay, they make their home, hidden from the prying eyes of the world above. From the depths of the sewers to the heights of the rooftops, they move with the grace and agility of their rodent kin, their presence known only to those who dare to seek them out.   At first glance, the Ratkin appear as ordinary denizens of the city, blending seamlessly into the bustling crowds and chaotic streets of Ostrium. Yet, upon closer inspection, one may discern the subtle signs of their true nature—the keen glint of their eyes in the darkness, the twitch of their whiskers, the faint scent of damp earth and musty fur that clings to their clothes. These are the telltale signs of the Ratkin, beings whose origins lie in the mysterious and elusive realm of the supernatural.   Legend holds that the Ratkin trace their lineage back to a time long forgotten, when mortals made pacts with dark powers and delved into forbidden magics in search of power and immortality. Through these dark arts, they became bound to the spirits of the rat, embracing their primal instincts and bestial nature in exchange for untold power and forbidden knowledge. Over time, these mortals were transformed into the Ratkin, creatures caught between the worlds of man and beast, cursed to wander the shadows for all eternity.   Despite their cursed existence, the Ratkin are not without their own sense of pride and purpose. As guardians of the city's underbelly, they serve as protectors of the downtrodden and marginalized, their allegiance sworn to those who dwell in the darkest corners of Ostrium. From thieves and beggars to outcasts and misfits, the Ratkin offer solace and sanctuary to those who have nowhere else to turn, their loyalty unwavering in the face of adversity.   Yet, for all their nobility and courage, the Ratkin are creatures of darkness and shadow, their hearts haunted by the whispers of the past and the allure of forbidden power. In the depths of the night, they stalk the streets of Ostrium, their eyes alight with a hunger that knows no bounds, their claws poised to strike at any who would dare to threaten their domain. For in the world of the Ratkin, survival is the only law, and only the strongest and most cunning shall prevail in the endless dance of shadows and secrets.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Ratkin Shifters possess a unique array of biological traits that set them apart from both ordinary humans and regular rats, blending elements of both species into a distinctive and formidable form. In their non-hybrid form, Ratkin Shifters exhibit subtle but discernible physical characteristics that hint at their true nature. They typically have a lean and wiry build, with sharp features and keen, observant eyes that reflect their innate cunning and agility. Their skin may have a slightly grayish or pallid hue, reminiscent of the fur of their rodent kin, and they may possess small, pointed ears that twitch with heightened sensitivity to sound.   One of the most prominent biological traits of Ratkin Shifters is their keen sense of smell, which far surpasses that of ordinary humans. Their noses are finely attuned to a wide range of scents, allowing them to detect the subtlest of odors and track their prey with uncanny precision. This heightened sense of smell serves as a valuable asset in both their hunting and survival, enabling them to navigate the labyrinthine streets and hidden passages of Ostrium with ease and evade detection by their enemies.   In addition to their keen sense of smell, Ratkin Shifters also possess exceptional agility and dexterity, traits inherited from their rodent ancestors. They are nimble and quick on their feet, capable of scaling walls, leaping across rooftops, and navigating the treacherous terrain of the city with grace and precision. Their reflexes are lightning-fast, allowing them to react swiftly to danger and evade attacks with ease, while their keen eyesight and acute hearing provide them with a heightened awareness of their surroundings.   Despite their small stature compared to some other Shifters, Ratkin Shifters are deceptively strong and resilient, possessing a wiry strength that belies their size. Their muscles are lean and sinewy, honed through years of navigating the cramped confines of the city's underground tunnels and engaging in physical exertion. They are capable of delivering powerful strikes with their fists and claws, and their endurance allows them to persevere through even the most grueling of challenges.   Overall, the biological traits of Ratkin Shifters reflect their unique blend of human and rat ancestry, combining the keen senses, agility, and cunning of their rodent kin with the intelligence, adaptability, and resilience of their human heritage. In their non-hybrid form, they possess a subtle but unmistakable aura of otherworldliness, hinting at the primal forces that course through their veins and the ancient lineage that shapes their destiny in the world of Ostrium.

Ecology and Habitats

The ecology and habitat of the Ratkin Shifters are intimately intertwined with the bustling urban landscapes of densely populated towns and cities, where they carve out their niche amidst the labyrinthine alleyways, hidden passages, and forgotten corners of civilization. In these sprawling metropolises, where the streets teem with life and the air is thick with the scent of humanity, the Ratkin find both sanctuary and sustenance, weaving their way through the shadows with a grace and agility that belies their small stature.   The alleyways and backstreets of towns and cities serve as the primary habitat of the Ratkin Shifters, providing them with a network of hidden pathways and secret passages through which they can navigate the urban landscape unseen and undetected. Here, amidst the maze-like streets and towering buildings, they make their homes in hidden nooks and crannies, their lairs hidden from the prying eyes of the world above. From these hidden sanctuaries, they venture forth under cover of darkness to scavenge for food, gather supplies, and interact with their fellow denizens of the city.   The ecology of the Ratkin Shifters is shaped by their close proximity to human civilization, with their survival dependent on their ability to adapt and thrive in the urban environment. They are opportunistic scavengers, feeding on the scraps and leftovers discarded by humans and other creatures that dwell in the city. They may also prey upon vermin such as rats and mice, utilizing their keen senses and agility to outmaneuver and capture their quarry in the narrow confines of the alleyways.   Despite their close association with urban environments, Ratkin Shifters maintain a delicate balance with the natural world, drawing upon their primal instincts and ancestral knowledge to coexist with the wilderness that lies just beyond the city limits. They are adept at navigating the borderlands between civilization and the untamed wilderness, using their knowledge of the land and their keen senses to avoid detection by predators and rival factions that may seek to challenge their dominance.   Overall, the ecology and habitat of the Ratkin Shifters are defined by their unique relationship with the urban landscapes of densely populated towns and cities. In the labyrinthine alleyways and hidden passages that crisscross these bustling metropolises, they find both refuge and opportunity, their survival dependent on their ability to adapt and thrive amidst the chaos and confusion of human civilization. Through their cunning, agility, and resourcefulness, they carve out their own niche in the world of Ostrium, navigating the shadows with a silent grace that is all their own.


The behavior and psychology of Ratkin Shifters are deeply influenced by the habits and instincts of their real-world rodent counterparts, shaping their actions, interactions, and worldview in profound ways. Much like real rats, Ratkin Shifters are highly social creatures, forming tight-knit communities and relying on one another for companionship, protection, and survival. They are adept at communicating with one another through a combination of vocalizations, body language, and scent marking, using these forms of communication to establish social hierarchies, coordinate group activities, and resolve conflicts within their ranks. One of the most prominent behavioral traits of Ratkin Shifters is their adaptability and resourcefulness, characteristics honed through generations of navigating the complex and ever-changing urban landscapes of towns and cities. Much like real rats, they are opportunistic scavengers, capable of finding food and shelter in the most unlikely of places and making the best of whatever resources are available to them. They are skilled at exploiting the vulnerabilities of their environment, using their keen senses and agile bodies to navigate the narrow confines of alleyways and hidden passages with ease and precision.   Despite their small stature, Ratkin Shifters are fiercely territorial creatures, fiercely defending their turf from intruders and rival factions that may seek to challenge their dominance. Much like real rats, they mark their territory with scent glands located on their bodies, using these markings to establish ownership and deter potential threats. They are highly adept at navigating the complex social dynamics of their communities, forming alliances, rivalries, and power struggles that shape the course of their interactions and relationships.   Psychologically, Ratkin Shifters exhibit a complex blend of instincts, emotions, and cognitive abilities that mirror those of their real-world counterparts. They are driven by primal urges and instincts, including the need for food, shelter, and social interaction, but they also possess a degree of intelligence and cunning that allows them to adapt to new challenges and overcome obstacles with ingenuity and resourcefulness. They are capable of learning from their experiences, both positive and negative, and adjusting their behavior accordingly to maximize their chances of survival and success in the urban jungle.   Despite their reputation as cunning and opportunistic creatures, Ratkin Shifters also possess a strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie toward their fellow packmates, forming tight bonds and forging alliances that transcend individual differences and rivalries. Much like real rats, they exhibit altruistic behaviors such as grooming, sharing food, and providing comfort and support to one another in times of need. They understand the value of cooperation and collaboration in the face of adversity, drawing strength from their unity and solidarity as they navigate the challenges of life in the city.   Overall, the behavior and psychology of Ratkin Shifters are deeply rooted in the habits and instincts of their real-world rodent counterparts, shaping their actions, interactions, and worldview in profound ways. Through their adaptability, resourcefulness, and sense of community, they carve out their own niche in the urban landscapes of Ostrium, navigating the shadows with a silent grace that is all their own.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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