
In the heart of the untamed wilderness of Ostrium, amidst the whispering leaves and the haunting calls of nocturnal beasts, there exists a race shrouded in mystery and myth, known to the world as the Shifters. Born from the convergence of divine blessings bestowed by Carnute, the Stag God of the Wild, and Elunara, the Panther Goddess of the Moon, Shifters embody the primal essence of the natural world in a way that sets them apart from all other mortal races.   The origins of the Shifters are steeped in ancient legend, harkening back to a time when mortal beings sought communion with the divine forces that roamed the untamed lands. It was during this age of primordial reverence that a select group of individuals, drawn by a deep reverence for the wild and the lunar mysteries above, embarked on a sacred journey to commune with Carnute and Elunara.   Through a sacred ritual, these brave souls drank deeply from the blessed blood of Carnute, a potent elixir touched by the ethereal light of Elunara's moon. In that transcendent moment, they were forever changed, infused with the raw power and untamed spirit of the natural world. Thus, the first Shifters were born, marked by their ability to harness the primal energies coursing through their veins and to shape-shift between their humanoid form and a bestial manifestation inspired by the creatures of the wild.   Physically, Shifters exhibit a striking array of features, reflecting the diverse lineage of the animals whose essence they carry within them. From the graceful antlers of the Stagborn to the sleek fur of the Pantherkin, each Shifter bears the unmistakable mark of their divine heritage. Even in their humanoid form, subtle traces of their animalistic nature can be seen in the curve of an ear or the glint of a feral eye.   Yet, it is in their ability to shift between forms that the true essence of the Shifters is revealed. With a primal surge of power, they can transform into a bestial incarnation, a fearsome amalgamation of mortal and animal, embodying the raw strength and untamed ferocity of the creatures from which they draw their lineage. In this form, they possess heightened senses, razor-sharp claws, and an instinctual connection to the natural world that defies explanation.   But the gift of shifting is not without its challenges. For some, the primal urges that accompany their bestial form can be difficult to control, threatening to overwhelm the fragile balance between humanity and beast. It is a constant struggle, a battle against the untamed wilderness that rages within their souls.   Yet, despite the trials they face, Shifters are a proud and resilient people, bound by a deep reverence for the wild and an unwavering loyalty to their kin. They are the guardians of the untamed places, the protectors of the natural world, standing as a living testament to the enduring power of nature's primal forces.   In the tapestry of Ostrium's history, the Shifters are a thread woven with myth and legend, their presence a reminder of the timeless bond between mortals and the wild. For in their veins flows the blood of Carnute and Elunara, a divine legacy that binds them to the eternal dance of life and death, light and shadow, civilization and wilderness. They are the Shifters, and their story is etched into the very fabric of the world itself.


Depending on the lineage of their divine blessings, Shifters may exhibit traits associated with various creatures of the wild. Some of the common subspecies of Shifters include:
  • Wolfborn (Werewolf): Shifters blessed with the blood of wolves exhibit traits similar to their lupine ancestors. They are known for their pack mentality, loyalty, and keen hunting instincts. In their bestial form, they possess lupine features such as fur, sharp claws, and enhanced senses of smell and hearing.
  • Ratkin: Shifters with the lineage of rats are agile, cunning, and adaptable. They excel at stealth and infiltration, using their small size and quick reflexes to navigate tight spaces and evade detection. Ratkin Shifters often make skilled rogues, spies, and scouts.
  • Sharkborn: Shifters with the blood of sharks coursing through their veins are formidable predators of the sea. They possess streamlined bodies, sharp teeth, and an affinity for water. Sharkborn Shifters are skilled swimmers and hunters, able to move swiftly and efficiently through aquatic environments.
  • Bearclaw: Shifters blessed by the spirit of bears are known for their immense strength, resilience, and ferocity in battle. They possess thick fur, powerful claws, and a fierce determination that makes them formidable warriors and guardians. Bearclaw Shifters are often revered for their protective instincts and unwavering courage.
  • Tigerstride: Shifters with the lineage of tigers embody grace, agility, and predatory prowess. They possess striped fur, razor-sharp claws, and a predatory gaze that strikes fear into their enemies. Tigerstride Shifters are skilled hunters and trackers, able to move silently through the wilderness and strike with lethal precision.
  • Boarhide: Shifters blessed by the spirit of boars are known for their tenacity, endurance, and ferocious charge. They possess tough hide, tusks, and a relentless determination that makes them formidable adversaries. Boarhide Shifters are often revered for their indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve in the face of danger.
  • Batwing: Shifters with the lineage of bats are adept at navigating the darkness and striking from the shadows. They possess leathery wings, echolocation abilities, and a penchant for nocturnal activities. Batwing Shifters are often skilled spies, scouts, and assassins, able to move swiftly and silently through the night.
  • Ravenwing (Kenku): Shifters blessed by the spirit of ravens, or Kenku as they are sometimes known, possess keen intellect, creativity, and a gift for mimicry. They possess feathered wings, sharp beaks, and an affinity for communication and deception. Ravenwing Shifters are often skilled artisans, storytellers, and diplomats, using their cunning and wit to navigate the complexities of society.
  • Basic Information


    The anatomy and morphology of the Shifters, known scientifically as Lupinanthropus Ostriensis, reflect a fascinating amalgamation of humanoid and animal traits, a testament to their unique lineage and abilities. In their humanoid form, Shifters typically possess a physique similar to that of their mortal counterparts, albeit with subtle distinctions that hint at their primal nature. Their stature can vary widely, ranging from tall and lean to muscular and robust, depending on factors such as lineage and individual lifestyle.   One of the most striking features of Shifters in their humanoid form is their eyes. Often described as piercing and feral, their irises may display colors reminiscent of the animal associated with their lineage, whether it be the golden gaze of a wolf or the amber hue of a bear. These eyes are keen and perceptive, reflecting the heightened senses that characterize Shifters in all their forms.   Upon closer inspection, subtle animalistic traits become apparent, such as elongated ears that taper to a point, reminiscent of the keen auditory senses possessed by many creatures of the wild. Their skin may bear faint patterns or markings reminiscent of their bestial counterparts, further blurring the line between human and animal. Despite these physical distinctions, Shifters retain a remarkable degree of dexterity and fine motor control, allowing them to manipulate objects with precision and grace.   However, it is when Shifters transition into their bestial form that their anatomy undergoes its most dramatic transformation. With a surge of primal energy, their bodies shift and contort, morphing into a creature that embodies the essence of the animal from which they draw their lineage. Fur sprouts from their skin, covering their body in a protective layer of insulation, while muscles ripple beneath the surface, imbuing them with strength and agility far beyond that of their humanoid form.   Their facial features undergo a profound alteration, elongating into a muzzle filled with sharp teeth and powerful jaws capable of delivering devastating bites. Ears flatten against their skull, sharpening their hearing to an acute degree, while their eyes gleam with a predatory glint, reflecting the primal instincts that drive them in this form. Claws extend from their fingertips, capable of rending flesh and tearing through even the toughest of materials with ease.   Despite these formidable adaptations, Shifters in their bestial form retain vestiges of their humanoid anatomy, allowing them to retain a degree of manual dexterity and cognitive function. This hybridization of human and animal traits is a testament to the unique nature of their species, reflecting their status as beings caught between two worlds, belonging to both and yet fully embracing neither.   In essence, the anatomy and morphology of the Shifters embody the timeless dance between civilization and wilderness, human and animal, light and shadow. They are creatures of duality, defined by their ability to shift between forms and embody the primal forces that govern the natural world.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    The genetics, reproduction process, and sexual habits of Shifters are as intriguing and complex as their unique physiology and abilities. Rooted in their connection to the primal forces of nature, these aspects of Shifter life reflect their dual nature as beings of both human and animal lineage.   At the core of Shifter genetics lies the inheritance of traits from both their mortal ancestry and the divine blessings bestowed upon them by Carnute and Elunara. While Shifters are capable of interbreeding with other humanoid races, such as humans, elves, or dwarves, their offspring often inherit a predisposition towards Shifter traits. However, the manifestation of these traits can vary widely, influenced by factors such as the lineage of the Shifter parents and the strength of their connection to the primal energies of the wild.   The reproduction process among Shifters follows a pattern similar to that of other humanoid races, characterized by sexual reproduction and gestation within the womb. Mating rituals among Shifters often involve elaborate courtship displays, with males and females engaging in displays of strength, agility, and prowess to attract potential mates. Once a pair has formed a bond, they may engage in intimate rituals that strengthen their connection and enhance their compatibility as mates.   During the reproductive cycle, female Shifters experience estrus, a period of heightened fertility marked by changes in behavior and physiology. Males may undergo similar hormonal shifts, signaling their readiness to mate and propagate their lineage. Once conception occurs, gestation typically lasts for a period comparable to that of other humanoid races, culminating in the birth of one or more offspring.   While Shifters are capable of forming monogamous pairings, their sexual habits may also reflect the primal instincts and urges inherent to their nature. Mating rituals among Shifters often involve a degree of physicality and intensity, reflecting their connection to the untamed wilderness and the primal energies that course through their veins. These rituals may vary widely depending on cultural norms, individual preferences, and the specific traits inherited from their animal lineage.   In essence, the genetics, reproduction process, and sexual habits of Shifters are shaped by their unique connection to the primal forces of nature and the divine blessings of Carnute and Elunara. Rooted in both human instinct and animalistic urges, these aspects of Shifter life reflect the timeless dance between civilization and wilderness, human and animal, that defines their existence in the world of Ostrium.

    Growth Rate & Stages

    The growth rates and stages of Shifters are as diverse and nuanced as their varied lineages and individual backgrounds. While they share some similarities with other humanoid races in terms of overall development, there are distinct differences that arise from their unique physiology and connection to the primal forces of nature.   Shifters typically undergo a similar progression of growth stages as other humanoid races, beginning with infancy and progressing through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. However, the pace at which Shifters mature can vary depending on factors such as lineage, environment, and access to resources. Generally, Shifters tend to reach physical maturity at a slightly accelerated rate compared to humans, owing to their innate connection to the natural world and the primal energies that flow through them.   During infancy, Shifters are vulnerable and dependent on parental care for survival. Their growth is rapid during this stage, marked by significant physical development as they begin to develop motor skills, cognitive abilities, and basic communication skills. Shifters raised in the wild may exhibit a heightened instinctual awareness of their surroundings, while those raised in more civilized environments may demonstrate greater adaptability to social norms and conventions.   As Shifters progress through childhood and adolescence, their physical abilities continue to develop alongside their cognitive and emotional faculties. They may undergo growth spurts and hormonal changes characteristic of puberty, marking the transition from childhood to adulthood. This period of rapid growth and change is often accompanied by a heightened sense of curiosity, exploration, and self-discovery as Shifters come to terms with their identity and place in the world.   Upon reaching adulthood, Shifters enter a stage of relative stability and maturity, characterized by a consolidation of their skills, abilities, and social connections. They may choose to pursue various paths in life, whether it be as hunters, warriors, scholars, or artisans, guided by their innate talents and personal aspirations. Shifters at this stage may also begin to explore their connection to the primal energies of the natural world, honing their abilities through study, practice, and communion with the spirits of the wild.   Throughout their lives, Shifters may experience periods of growth and transformation as they confront the challenges and opportunities that arise on their journey. Whether it be through physical training, spiritual enlightenment, or personal relationships, each stage of growth brings with it new insights, experiences, and challenges that shape the individual into the person they are destined to become.   In essence, the growth rates and stages of Shifters are a reflection of their unique connection to the primal forces of nature and the divine blessings of Carnute and Elunara. From infancy to adulthood, each stage of development brings with it new opportunities for growth, learning, and self-discovery, as Shifters navigate the complexities of life in the world of Ostrium.

    Ecology and Habitats

    The ecology and habitat of Shifters are deeply intertwined with the natural world, reflecting their close connection to the primal forces of nature and the divine blessings bestowed upon them by Carnute and Elunara. As beings born from the convergence of mortal and divine energies, Shifters are uniquely attuned to the rhythms of the wilderness, and their way of life is intimately linked to the ecosystems in which they dwell.   Shifters are most commonly found in regions of dense forest, untamed wilderness, and rugged terrain, where the natural world remains largely untouched by the hand of civilization. These wild places serve as sanctuaries for Shifters, providing both physical sustenance and spiritual nourishment as they seek to commune with the primal energies that flow through the earth. Within these habitats, Shifters form close-knit communities, often centered around sacred groves, ancient forests, or hidden enclaves deep in the heart of the wilderness.   The ecology of Shifter habitats is characterized by a rich diversity of flora and fauna, reflecting the untamed beauty and raw power of the natural world. Towering trees, dense undergrowth, and winding rivers form the backdrop for their lives, providing abundant resources for food, shelter, and spiritual communion. Shifters are skilled hunters, trackers, and gatherers, adept at navigating the dense foliage and unpredictable terrain of their chosen habitats in search of sustenance.   In addition to their physical needs, Shifters also play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance of their habitats. As guardians of the wilderness, they serve as stewards of the land, protecting sacred sites, preserving natural resources, and defending against threats both mundane and supernatural. Through their intimate knowledge of the land and their deep connection to the spirits of the wild, Shifters work tirelessly to ensure that the delicate balance of life is preserved for generations to come.   Despite their affinity for the wild places of the world, Shifters are not isolationists by nature. Many are known to form alliances and friendships with other inhabitants of Ostrium, whether they be human, elf, dwarf, or creature of the wild. Through these bonds, Shifters foster a sense of community and cooperation that transcends boundaries of race and species, forging alliances that are as enduring as the ancient forests themselves.   In essence, the ecology and habitat of Shifters are a reflection of their deep reverence for the natural world and their unwavering commitment to its preservation. Rooted in the primal energies of the earth and blessed by the divine spirits of Carnute and Elunara, Shifters embody the untamed spirit of the wilderness and stand as guardians of the wild places that define the world of Ostrium.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    The dietary needs and habits of Shifters are deeply rooted in their connection to the natural world and the primal energies that flow through it. As beings born from the convergence of mortal and divine energies, Shifters possess a unique physiology that allows them to thrive on a diverse array of foods found within their habitats.   Shifters are primarily omnivorous, meaning they consume both plant and animal matter as part of their diet. In their humanoid form, they possess the digestive capabilities typical of other humanoid races, allowing them to process a wide variety of foods ranging from fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts to meat, fish, and other sources of protein. Their dietary preferences may vary depending on factors such as individual taste, cultural traditions, and the availability of resources within their habitat.   One notable aspect of Shifter dietary habits is their reliance on wild game and foraged foods obtained from the natural world. As skilled hunters and gatherers, Shifters possess an intimate knowledge of the flora and fauna within their habitats, allowing them to harvest resources in a sustainable and ecologically responsible manner. They may hunt prey such as deer, rabbits, and birds for meat, while also gathering fruits, nuts, mushrooms, and other edible plants from the forest floor.   In addition to their physical dietary needs, Shifters also have spiritual and symbolic connections to certain foods and rituals. Many Shifters hold sacred the act of sharing meals with their kin, viewing it as a communal expression of gratitude and unity with the natural world. They may partake in rituals such as the sharing of a communal feast during festivals or the offering of food to the spirits of the wild as a sign of respect and reverence.   Throughout their lives, Shifters maintain a close relationship with the natural world and the food sources it provides, viewing the act of hunting, gathering, and consuming food as a sacred and integral part of their existence. Whether they are sharing a meal with their kin, communing with the spirits of the wild, or simply enjoying the bounty of the earth, Shifters approach food with a deep sense of gratitude, reverence, and connection to the primal forces that sustain them.

    Biological Cycle

    The biological cycle of Shifters is intimately intertwined with the changing seasons and the passage of time, reflecting their deep connection to the natural rhythms of the world. As beings born from the convergence of mortal and divine energies, Shifters are acutely attuned to the cycles of nature, and their lives are shaped by the ebb and flow of the seasons.   During the spring months, when the world awakens from its winter slumber and bursts forth with new life, Shifters experience a surge of vitality and energy. The warming temperatures and longer days invigorate their spirits, inspiring them to venture forth into the wild places of the world in search of sustenance and renewal. It is a time of growth and renewal, as Shifters emerge from their winter dens and begin to explore the world around them with a sense of wonder and excitement.   As summer arrives and the world reaches its peak of abundance and vitality, Shifters revel in the warmth of the sun and the bountiful harvest of the natural world. The forests teem with life, the rivers flow with crystal-clear water, and the air is filled with the buzzing of insects and the songs of birds. Shifters take full advantage of this abundance, honing their skills as hunters, gatherers, and guardians of the wilderness. It is a time of abundance and plenty, when the land provides for all who dwell upon it.   As autumn approaches and the world begins to transition from warmth to cold, Shifters prepare for the coming of winter. The forests blaze with color as the leaves turn to gold and crimson, and the air grows crisp with the promise of frost. Shifters gather together in their communities, sharing stories and traditions passed down through generations as they prepare for the long months ahead. It is a time of reflection and introspection, as Shifters take stock of the year gone by and prepare themselves for the challenges that lie ahead.   Finally, as winter descends upon the land and blankets the world in a shroud of snow and ice, Shifters retreat to their winter dens to wait out the cold months ahead. It is a time of hibernation and introspection, as they conserve their strength and energy for the coming of spring. Yet even in the depths of winter, the primal energies that flow through their veins remain undiminished, a reminder of the eternal cycle of life and death that governs the natural world.   In essence, the biological cycle of Shifters reflects their deep connection to the natural rhythms of the world and the timeless dance of life and death that defines their existence. From the awakening of spring to the hibernation of winter, each season brings with it new challenges and opportunities for growth, renewal, and transformation. Through it all, Shifters remain steadfast in their commitment to the wild places of the world and the primal forces that govern them, for they are creatures of the earth, bound by the eternal cycle of nature's embrace.


    The behavior and psychology of Shifters are deeply influenced by their dual nature as beings with both human and animal traits, as well as their connection to the primal forces of nature. While individual Shifters may exhibit a wide range of personalities, temperaments, and behavioral tendencies, there are certain common themes that characterize their collective psyche.   At the core of Shifter psychology lies a profound sense of connection to the natural world and the primal energies that flow through it. Shifters are creatures of the wild, instinctually attuned to the rhythms of nature and the cycles of life and death that govern the world. This innate connection shapes their behavior in profound ways, influencing everything from their social interactions to their spiritual beliefs and cultural traditions.   For many Shifters, the primal urges associated with their bestial form are a constant presence in their lives, driving them to seek out opportunities for hunting, exploration, and communion with the natural world. These urges are deeply ingrained within their psyche, serving as a reminder of their primal ancestry and their connection to the untamed wilderness. While some Shifters may struggle to control these urges, others embrace them as an integral part of their identity, viewing them as a source of strength, vitality, and spiritual fulfillment.   However, not all Shifters are able to reconcile their human and animal instincts, and some may struggle to resist the primal urges that lie dormant within them. For these individuals, the constant battle between civilization and wilderness, reason and instinct, can take a heavy toll on their psyche, leading to feelings of isolation, alienation, and internal conflict. Some may resort to reclusive behavior, withdrawing from society in an effort to suppress their animalistic urges and maintain control over their actions.   Despite the challenges they face, many Shifters find solace and strength in their connections to their kin and their shared cultural heritage. Through rituals, traditions, and communal gatherings, they come together to celebrate their bond with the natural world and reaffirm their place within it. These communal gatherings serve as a source of support, guidance, and mutual understanding, allowing Shifters to navigate the complexities of their dual nature and find meaning and purpose in their lives.   In essence, the behavior and psychology of Shifters are shaped by their unique connection to the primal forces of nature and the duality of their existence as beings of both human and animal lineage. Whether they resist their urges or embrace them, Shifters are bound by a deep reverence for the natural world and a shared sense of kinship with their fellow creatures, forging bonds that transcend the boundaries of race, species, and civilization.

    Additional Information

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    The perception, sensory, and extra-sensory abilities of the Shifters are a testament to their unique connection with the primal forces of the natural world. From their heightened senses to their uncanny ability to sense and manipulate the energies that flow through the earth, Shifters possess a range of abilities that set them apart from other mortal races.   In their humanoid form, Shifters exhibit senses that are already heightened beyond those of the average humanoid. Their hearing is acute, allowing them to detect subtle sounds and movements even in the densest of forests or the darkest of nights. Their sense of smell is equally remarkable, capable of discerning scents with an accuracy that borders on the supernatural. This heightened sensory perception serves them well in their roles as hunters, trackers, and guardians of the wilderness.   However, it is in their bestial form that the true extent of their sensory abilities becomes apparent. When they shift into their animalistic incarnation, their senses are heightened to an extraordinary degree, allowing them to perceive the world around them in ways that defy conventional understanding. Their sense of smell becomes so acute that they can track prey for miles through dense underbrush, while their hearing allows them to detect the faintest rustle of leaves or the softest footfall of an approaching predator.   But perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the Shifters' sensory abilities lies in their extra-sensory perception, a gift that few mortals possess. Through a combination of innate intuition and a deep attunement to the natural energies that permeate the world, Shifters are capable of sensing the ebb and flow of life itself. They can detect disturbances in the natural order, whether it be the presence of malevolent spirits lurking in the shadows or the encroachment of civilization upon the pristine wilderness.   In addition to their heightened senses and extra-sensory perception, Shifters are also capable of tapping into the latent energies that flow through the earth. Through a process known as primal attunement, they can channel these energies to enhance their physical abilities, heal injuries, or commune with the spirits of the wild. This ability to harness the primal forces of nature is a testament to the deep bond that Shifters share with the natural world, a bond that transcends mere physicality and encompasses the very essence of their being.   In essence, the perception, sensory, and extra-sensory abilities of the Shifters are a reflection of their unique connection with the primal forces that govern the world. Through their heightened senses, extra-sensory perception, and ability to manipulate natural energies, they embody the untamed spirit of the wilderness and stand as guardians of the natural order in a world increasingly dominated by civilization.
    Genetic Descendants
    Scientific Name
    Lupinanthropus Ostriensis

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