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Golden Kingdom

The Golden Kingdom is located on an isolated tropical island, surrounded by treacherous waters.   Most of the island is an untamed jungle, inhabited by strange and dangerous creatures, many of which are found only there (i.e. non-avian dinosaurs). It is also the home to Ostrov's only known communities of Tabaxi and Lizardfolk, who mostly live in small villages scattered throughout the jungle, emerging only rarely to deal with other races.   The village of Rokare about a day’s travel away from Port Volamena is the largest single community of Tabaxi on the island. Its inhabitants trade regularly with the city, bringing game, hides and exotic island plants in exchange for finished goods that are too tedious for them to make themselves.   Those who have heard of the Kingdom, have also heard the rumors of its vast golden treasure, of which little is known for certain. These rumors lead a small number of brave and/or greedy adventurers to try their luck and seek their fortunes. Of those that survive, some return to their homelands and reveal little of what they saw, others remain on the island, contributing to its small but steady trickle of immigrants. Citizens of the island are very proud of their dragon-king, and it is common to see dragon shaped charms and amulets either as jewelry or as adornments on houses and shops.   Lith has an arrangement with his brother Namhu  to ensure the waters around the island remain difficult to navigate by ship. As a result, it remains semi-mythical even in the age of sail and the Golden Kingdom's trade with the outside world is very limited.   Starting around 0PU small portals to other realms began to appear on the island. These extra-planar connections were tenuous at first, and did not become viable means of travel to either the Feywild or the Shadowfell for more than a century.


Lith rules from his palace in Port Volamena, the island's only city. While he considers the entire island to be be 'his' the king's actual control (and protection) weakens the further one goes from the city. The tribes that live in the deep jungles have, at most, a tenuous connection to him.   In Port Volamena citizens can go about their business without fear of the local wildlife and may even keep some select dinosaurs as pets or beasts of burden. In the wilder lands of the island, no safety is guaranteed.


Every year the Kingdom holds a grand festival to celebrate the turning of the year. Food and drink, especially those derived from the native pembelon fruit are enjoyed in abundance, and a variety of games and spectacles can be found throughout the city.

Demography and Population

The island's population of sentient beings are small. Port Volamena's is made of a mix of peoples who have found their way to the island over the centuries. Few tabaxi and lizarfolk live in the city, preferring their own communities deeper in the jungle.
Founding Date
478 CO
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Barter system
The Golden Kingdom is one of the few places where no temples to Filus can be found. As a result, currency is not frequently used except when dealing with outsiders. Most trade on the island is conducted by bartering.

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