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Naje Haje

Many demigods of The Eternal Pharaoh  make their way into various types of service within his kingdom, ruling provinces or administering sections of his bureaucracy. Naje Haje is not one of those. She has spent most of her life as his agent provocateur, and secret spy, managing and containing subversive element and dealing in intrigue more complex than even the Pharaoh’s government is accustomed to. Naje Haje is an old demigod, but not as ancient as someone like Beatrice, or even Mara. She was born to one of the Pharaoh’s favorite concubines and from an early age she showed not only a talent for magic, but also for politics. An ability to manage a certain level of intrigue is a basic survival skill in Ekzieth, but Naje Haje was able to plan her small schemes in multiple layers from the time she was a teenager, and only grew more adept as she got older. Her father didn’t have a habit of paying much attention to his children until they were grown, but he made an exception for his precocious daughter. As a result, Naje Haje learned many of the deepest secrets of her father and his kingdom, and agreed to work with him to maintain his control over his land. In exchange, she gained access to a deeper connection to his ritual magics. She learned the means by which he warded his land against outsiders, even the other gods. She was one of the few people to ever enter the inner sanctums where his resurrection rituals took place.   For the first few centuries of her life Naje Haje worked by her father’s side, but as she grew older and more skilled an idea came to the two of them that would make her more useful to Ekzieth. For their scheme to work, it would require a carefully crafted deception, one which even the Pharaoh’s other close advisers knew nothing about. They arranged for her to betray him, laying the groundwork carefully and letting her “scheme” grow slowly. Three other members of the pharaoh’s inner circle joined Naje Haje in her plan, and he was pleased to find out which of his court had been so easily swayed. After about five years of careful plotting and planning, they arranged for the Pharaoh to unmask the conspiracy, executing several top politicians, disgracing a few more, and causing the ‘rogue demigod’ to flee in disgrace lest her father’s full wrath fall upon her. Of course, the two maintained correspondence in secret even as she assumed a new identity and traveled throughout the kingdom, providing unfiltered reports about the state of its affairs to her father.   The initial ruse worked so well, that it quickly became a pattern. Stories began to spread of the ‘evil Naje Haje’ who sowed dissent against the Pharaoh and hid in the shadows, waiting to strike chaos and discord into the stability of the kingdom. She infiltrated many a plot or scheme against him, trading on her reputation to get deep into the workings of a revolt or cult, and then passing the necessary information back to her father to allow him to bring them down. Sometimes she hid her role in these affairs, while other times it was more generally known that the Pharaoh’s wicked daughter had struck again, but that he had foiled her plans.   By the time Naje Haje past her first millennium, she had achieved almost boogeyman status among the people of Exzeith and her name was used as a curse. Parents would frighten children with tales of her evil deeds. For her part, Naje Haje found the whole thing amusing. Never one to crave public accolades, she was content to amass her power in the shadows, and to know things nobody else knew.
Year of Birth
3622 6648 Years old

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