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Orc Lands

Looking at the small Orc towns and villages built seamlessly into the woods and plains of their ancient home, one could easily be mistaken in thinking that their culture is primitive. But just because they prefer not to build large or impressive cities, does not mean that their art, lore, and understanding is any less advanced than other people’s. They have merely chosen to live their lives differently.   Their relationship with the other settlements in the area, particularly Placeholder University has historically involved bouts of localized violence.


The closest thing the orcs ever really had to a kingdom was the Stronghold of Queen Gluronk Gul. She was a charismatic leader who rallied several smaller tribes under her banner and built a grand fortress in which she hoped to showcase the best of orcish prowess in magic. She herself was a mage of some repute, and was able to attract many talented young orcs to come and study with her. They say that her younger brother Yurgh’ah Bok was also able to attract many young orcs, but for a rather different reason. Gluronk Gul and her students spent many years perfecting summoning magic, but remained frustrated in their attempts to understand where summoned creatures came from and why they inevitably disappeared not long after the spell summoning them was cast. Her first attempt to bind a summoned creature to remain more permanently was somewhat successful, but unfortunately the creature she summoned was an eldritch horror that it rapidly broke its bindings and began to wreak havoc upon the stronghold.   After much effort and many losses, Gulronk Gul was eventually able to seal the being in a magically fortified jar, but she could tell immediately after the bindings were complete that they would not hold the creature forever. In her pride, the archmage decided that the best way to fix the problem was via more summoning.   The ensuing arcane mishaps left large parts of the stronghold in ruins, most of the orcs who lived there dead, and a demon trapped in a summoning circle with nothing to do and nobody to taunt. To make matters worse, the sealed evil would inevitably break free of the bindings that held it. In one last attempt to keep the rest of their people safe, many of the orcs who died vowed to keep eternal watch on the strange jar and its inhabitant, ensuring that it would not be bothered by any unwary adventurers.   This remained the case until 5000 AG, when both evil creatures were finally defeated by Osborne's Misfits, leaving the undead orcs to their own devices.
National Territory


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