The Platinum Dragon

During the Draconic Strife, The Scaled Tyrant and their chromatic dragon minions wreaked havoc on the continent of Duankh. The Primes having sealed themselves away after the Planar Convergence had left many mortals hopeless and lost. Hearing the pleas of the people, the Platinum Dragon, is said to have arisen from the depths of the world forged from platinum to put an end to the reign of the Scaled Tyrant. His devoted followers bring life to places that only knew death and destruction and hope to places of despair.

The Platinum Dragon is currently the most venerated of The Primes, replacing the previously venerated deity The God-King. The Platinum Dragon has not been seen since the end of the Draconic Strife but many have taken up their commandants and believe that the return of the true dragons will be preceded by the return of the Platinum Dragon.

Divine Domains

The Platinum Dragon has regency over the domains of Life and War.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Platinum Dragon is often depicted on armor and banners as a marvelous dragon made of platinum that climbs atop a pillar shining bright and brilliant that represents the aspect of hope.

Tenets of Faith

  • Stand by your convictions as a paragon of hope.
  • Aid those that are weak and protect them from suffering injustice and despair.
  • Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from the path of righteousness.
Divine Classification
Deity, Dragon God

Character Portrait image: by Steve Carcamo


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