The World of Coluria Geographic Location in Our "D'Town D&D" Game | World Anvil
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The World of Coluria


Known Regions


As Xenk described to the party, Mog'Fa is where Brian's roost is, high in the mountains. He explained that Mog'Fa is a central continent, and very large; but beyond that little is known outside of Brian's personal history, which has gone largely unspoken. Brian may have mentioned to the party that his homeland had multiple suns traversing the sky.  


Wick was the first person to actually describe this place, although Xenk further described it as "The Shattered Continent" during the party's encounter with him at The Blushing Crow. The party would then be able to extrapolate that this is where they are; home to the Kingdom of Light's Crest, an apparent point of interest of The Second Fel War, and the Sunfall.  


The Sky

There are a number of (what travellers from other worlds would consider) oddities regarding the Colurian sky. Brian expressed that, where he was from in Mog'Fa, there were three suns that traversed the sky, while the party as a whole's experience in the Kingdom of Light's Crest only demonstrated one. Nights in Coluria are impressively dark, as there does not appear to be a moon; and the stars themselves seem to flare in and out of existence slowly over the course of the night. Whether or not the sun falling from the sky is a natural or regular occurrence is unknown to the party, as is the moon-like orb that was left in its place.
Dimensional plane

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