
"Beervik is a cheeky, cheerful so-and-so!"
Beervik the Bard singing to his audience by Noël Mallet

Always with a song to sing

He likes to make us laugh

Beervik is a cheeky Fing

Entertainer to the last


With jokes about his audience

He raises such a chuckle

But his song about the bossy orcs

Near-earned him Froaty’s knuckle


Beervik keeps a-travelling

To spread his cheeky wares

So support your local tavern

You might just see him there!


He plays his lute and sings in rhyme and has a cheerful outlook as he travels from tavern to tavern, telling tales of adventures and the exciting journeys of others. He does this very deliberately.

He lets people think that he has a gifted life, singing his way from place to place, being welcomed in front of warm fires and surrounded by good cheer, laughing souls and delicious smells from the tavern’s kitchens.


The truth of life on the road, however, is very different. Trudging from place to place, trying to beg a ride to ease his sore feet.

Most taverns are cold and unwelcoming during the day as they set up for the evening and are smoky and noisy as they fill up with patrons.


Bards often end up being given the scraps and leftovers that others don’t eat and the only coin offered is what is left after people have finished buying all their own grog (which is not a lot).

Most Goblins think Beervik is hilarious, but this is only because most orcs think he is just annoying.

Favourite colour


Favourite food

Huntsman’s pie

Best Friend


Favourite item of clothing

His brown cloak

Favourite place

Singing a cheeky song about his audience

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Cover image: The Folk of the Hard Lands by Noël Mallet
Character Portrait image: Beervik the Bard by Noël Mallet


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