Folk of the Hard Lands

"...the Hard Lands are a difficult place to live..."

The The Hard Lands attracts some unusual Folk. Many are outcasts from the society that bore them, or people who prefer to be alone. Many are Bandits and Ne'r-do-wells on the run from authority but all who remain in the Hard Lands for more than a few days have one thing in common. They must be tough and resourceful, because as the name suggests, the Hard Lands are a difficult place to live.


Big Dave

Big Dave lives in the north in an area of uplands called 'Dave's Crags' (Named after him of course).



Mount Mistrulir holds a dwarven mine and castle where Dalad is king and ruler.



Whilst they are very rare creatures indeed, the The Hard Lands seems to have more than its fair share of Dragons. Avarus lives under Mount Dragon not far from the Creepy Crawly Woods, but unfortunate adventurers and prospecters have a knack of finding them in the most inconvenient of places.


Merchant Caravans

Folk like Otto and Beervik make their living from the Merchants who bring their goods up and down the Long South Trail. Both Hospitality and security are services well paid by the caravans.

Notable Members

Articles under Folk of the Hard Lands

Cover image: The Folk of the Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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