Big City

This is the only city for miles around and has a large cosmopolitan population. Its real name is Orlane.

Big City by Moonlight
by Noël Mallet

It was once the capital of a mighty kingdom called Nemthar.

A map of the central area of the Hard Lands showing the Creepy Crawly Woods and Big city
A map of the central area of the Hard Lands showing the Creepy Crawly Woods and Big city by Noël Mallet


The city is governed by a Burgomaster who the residents elect and currently, that person is Griffin Falstaff. He was previously a member of the Foresters (Scouts) and the city Militia, so he understands the motivations of both the wealthy merchants, the fishermen and the less well-off very well.

Industry & Trade

A thriving fishing industry operates from the harbour and it's no surprise that seafood forms the staple diet of most residents.

Farmland surrounds the city but these fields in the Hardlands struggle to yield bountiful harvests due to the adverse growing conditions.


In Orlane, where wood is scarce, stone and brick remain the predominant building materials. The Orlanian style still emphasizes intricate stonework and decorative brick patterns, and these are adapted to the arid landscape and nautical heritage of the city. Many older buildings feature weathered stone facades and ornate brickwork that has survived the harsh environment.

Integration with Arid Environment

Orlane's architecture now strives to blend with the arid surroundings. Buildings may be designed with sand-colored stone and adobe brick to reflect the landscape's earthy tones. Rooftops incorporate cisterns for collecting precious rainwater.

Protected Courtyards

In this harsh, arid environment, courtyards continue to be an essential feature of Orlanian architecture. They are now designed to provide shade and respite from the frequent sun and fearsome wind. Stone walls are often adorned with drought-resistant desert plants, creating cool oases within the city.

Resilient Window Design

Orlanian buildings feature sturdy, small windows with protective wooden shutters. These windows are designed to minimize direct exposure to the harsh sunlight and damage from the Maelstrom storms, offering both privacy and protection. The side-effect of the prevalent use of shutters and small windows means most houses in Orlane are more difficult to break into for theives.

Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location

Cover image: The Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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