The Morns

...They are characterised by steep narrow valleys...

The Morns are a series of hills to the east of the Creepy Crawly Woods.

There are some disused mines in the hills that are sometimes used as bases by bandits and fugitives in the Hard Lands.

Creepy Crawly Woods
The Creepy Crawly Woods are found near the centre of the Hard Lands


The Morns are a series of rolling hills that rise above the general topography of the Hard Lands. They are characterised by steep narrow valleys between the hills and small areas of exposed rock that peek through the sandy soil.

Fauna & Flora

The Morns have their fair share of lizards and birds typical of the rest of the Hard Lands.

The marron grass often gives way to large clumps of heather on the higher ground and gorse in the more sheltered valleys.

Location under

Cover image: The Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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