
"Bilge makes very tasty Mushroom soup"

Bilge is the Chef for the Goblins of Norfwood.

A picture of GRiNdaL with Bilge and a cauldron of mushroom soup
GRiNdaL with Bilge and a cauldron of mushroom soup by Noel Mallet

‘Ah’, you may say, ‘so he’s the Cook?’ Well, no, he isn’t a cook at all. You see, a cook is anyone who can put a list of ingredients together in a pot and make something to eat.

A chef is someone who creates amazing food. Bilge does this from his kitchen in the cave in the Creepy Crawly Woods and he is very much a Chef!


Bilge has a special way with herbs and spices that makes delicious smells and Goblin mouths water. He uses his years of experience in foraging for all the best and tastiest things that can be found in the Woods and then he turns them into something delicious.

Some say he even uses the magic of the Shroom-Web shroom-web to make his food the tastiest.

The Goblins, however, are far too busy eating his marvellous food to ever be bothered to find out.


He may not be the strongest, the most cunning or even the fastest Goblin in Norfwood (although if you try and grab a spoonful of his famous mushroom soup before it is ready, you may be in for a shock! A nasty rap on the knuckles with his Shroom Spoon will cure you of that!) but he is one of the wisest of them.

Favourite colour


Favourite Place


Best Friend


Favourite Food

Roast Dinner

Current Location

Character Portrait image: Bilge the Goblin Chef by Noël Mallet


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