Froaty Koff

Froaty Koff helps run the Pit 'N' Swet tavern.

Froaty is the head bartender and when Stumper is not around, Froaty is in charge.

A close-up pic of Froaty Koff

When Froaty was young, he used to be a soldier for some of the big kingdoms in the south and East of Owtdare and is an expert at guarding. When Froaty is on guard duty, no one gets past him.


He gradually rose through the ranks during his very distinguished career. He started as a Big Bossy Orc 'Grunt' and by the time he retired he was known as ‘General Froaty'.


Froaty's Game of Dice

Froaty has invented a game that they play in the Tavern called Froaty's game of dice.

Pit-N-Swet Crest - based on Froatys Game of Dice

It must be an exciting game because people travel from miles around to challenge Froaty, but not many beat him as he is a master of the game.

The game is so popular the Krew decided to adopt it as their emblem.

Favourite colour


Favourite saying


Best friend

Chesty Koff, his brother

Favourite item of clothing

His red armoured underpants

Favourite food

Roast Lamb

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Froaty Koff the Big Bossy Orc by Noël Mallet


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