Chesty Koff

"Chesty has a very noisy suit of armour"

Chesty is one of Uglub's oldest friends and the younger brother of Froaty Koff. Like his brother, he had a long career as a soldier and guard before he also retired to live at the Pit 'N' Swet tavern. Chesty has a very noisy suit of armour that he still wears from time to time.


Chesty is very strong and often helps Uglub and Stumper with heavy-lifting jobs around Uglub's Armoury and the brewery behind the tavern.


Chesty likes to stay up late and write stories, long after everyone has gone to sleep. His stories are very good but his lack of sleep often makes him forgetful. It is common to see him wandering the Woods looking for things he put down and left behind.

When he does finally go to bed, you can be sure Chesty will have found the warmest place in the tavern to fall asleep, usually the big rug in front of the fire.

Favourite colour


Best friend


Favorite food


Favourite saying


Favorite item of clothing

His noisy scale armour

Favorite place

Warm Bed

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Chesty Koff, the Big Bossy Orc by Noël Mallet


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