Pit 'N' Swet Tavern

"...since the Krew inherited the site a lot of new structures have been built in the back yard, extending into the woods..."

As well as serving the best ale, mead and cheese for miles around, this tavern holds a brewery and a working mill. It’s also the headquarters for the toughest band of Orcs and Ogres in the world of Owtdare


Behind the tavern is a barn that holds Uglub's Armoury and a ragged hamlet of makeshift huts and tents that the The Pit 'N' Swet Krew call home.


The building is situated on the Millstream and is right on the north-eastern edge of the Creepy Crawly Woods. In fact the tavern lawn (if you can call it as such) leads directly onto the The Hard Lands while the back of the Tavern nestles into the woods.

A detailed map of the Creepy Crawly Woods showing the locations of the Pit 'N' Swet and the Goblin Cave
by Noël Mallet

As the Tavern is visible from quite a distance it sometimes attracts travellers who are just passing through and who may have heard about the famous food, drink and parties to be enjoyed there. These unknowns are quickly assessed by the bartender and any unsavoury characters are quickly ejected. Due to the martial prowess of the tavern team there is rarely any trouble, and if there is trouble it rarely lasts longer than a few seconds…


The original Mill is constructed partly in stone and partly from oak beams and wattle 'n' daub with a thatched roof. Since the Krew inherited the site a lot of new structures have been built in the back yard, extending into the woods.

Some of these like the barn Uglub uses for his Armoury are quite sturdy and well finished. The brewery joins directly onto the back of the tavern and is accessed via the grinding room. The brewery also holds Plugdungs alchemy lab. This area has been reinforced with additional beams after several brewing incidents in the lab went wrong and threatened to cause serious damage.

As well as several store rooms which form an irregular courtyard behind the tavern, many new hangers-on have set up ragged tents and shelters going back into the woods. It might not look very pretty close-up, but the dense trees behind the tavern do a wonderful job of hiding the mess.



The Krew were given the Tavern (which was just a mill at the time) by the Woodland King after they had a run-in with a nasty sorcerer who lived in a tower nearby.

The King had been having a few problems with the Sorceror and the King and his Entourage were just on his way to solve them when The Krew intervened and the sorceror ended up disappearing in a puff of smoke. The King saw the potential in the Ogres, Orcs and Goblins immediately and granted them use of the building and the surrounding woods on certain conditions. Primarily they were to keep all unwanted visitors (eg people not invited) out of the woods, but in addition they are to cut no living tree nor trespass south of the Tinkle.

The Ogres and Orcs were looking for somewhere to settle down and are very happy with this agreement now that they have retired from soldiering.

Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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Owning Organization


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