
"A Big Bossy Orc who likes to visit the Goblins"

Horrik is one of the Big Bossy Orcs, but really he is the noisiest Orc of all! Not only does he have the loudest voice of anyone in the Creepy Crawly Woods, he also carries a megaphone that makes him even louder!


Horrik is a Master of Disaster. He is quite clever and conscientious but can be a bit lazy, lacks common sense and is quite forgetful, all of which can sometimes get him into awkward situations. He does however have more than his fair share of good luck, and most often his mishaps have a silver (or gold) lining…


Horrik lives with the other Ogres and Orcs at the Pit 'N' Swet tavern on the edge of the Creepy Crawly Woods.

He is in charge of sending and receiving any messages which need to be passed on from Stumper and the other bosses at the Pit ’n’ Swet Tavern to the other settlements around the Creepy Crawly Woods and the The Hard Lands, and his charismatic manner means he is a natural in this role.

You can often find him walking the woodland paths, and he knows his way round almost as well as GRiNdaL. He knows a lot more folk than the Goblins goblins imagine even live in the Woods.


Horrik often goes on adventures with the goblins.

Favourite colour


Favourite Place

Pit ’N’ Swet Tavern

Favourite saying

I’m having fun!

Best Friend


Favourite Food

Raw Chillie peppers

Current Location
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Character Portrait image: Horrik the Big Bossy Orc by Noël Mallet


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