
"Tweezil is an expert fire-juggler..."

Tweezil is married to Barf the Ogre and lives with him in one of the rooms above the Pit 'N' Swet Tavern. She enjoys both peace and quiet as well as noisy laughter and parties. She can often be found meditating in the glade where the Great Oak stands in the Creepy Crawly Woods.


She is an expert fire-juggler and when there is a party Tweezil puts on an amazing display that always brings cheers from the crowd.


Tweezil sometimes helps out in the Pit 'N' Swet Tavern kitchen by making delicious cheeses. While the tavern is well-known for its excellent variety of drinks and entertainment, a delight of many patrons is the yard-long cheeseboard that is served after supper.

Favourite colour


Favourite food

Cheese and biscuits

Favourite place

A peaceful glade

Favourite item of clothing

Her fur edged boots

Best Friend


Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Tweezil the Fire-Juggler by Noël Mallet


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