
"Barf is the best swordsman of all the Ogres, Orcs and Goblins..."

Barf is the fastest Sword in the Creepy Crawly Woods. You might think that most Ogres are big and slow (as well as being immensely strong) and, you would be correct because most of them are.

Barf, however, is a rare type of Ogre that is really quick with his hands.


He’s so quick with his sword, he doesn’t use a shield or wear armour as it slows him down too much.

He's so fast, he can juggle fire and often puts on amazing shows of skill and dexterity with his wife Tweezil at festivals and ‘open-fire’ night at the Pit 'N' Swet Tavern.


A skilled craftsman

His quick fingers also help him make things with carpentry and blacksmithing, so you will see a lot of the tavern furniture with his maker’s mark of a big broken sword.

You can often find Barf helping Uglub when there is a big project to finish in the Armoury.


Sometimes fast, other times slow...

Although Barf has lightning reflexes and very quick fingers, he makes up for this by being a bit lazy and slow to get things done.

He’s always quite happy if his help isn’t needed around the place.

Everyone else is quite happy with this too, as you can’t be the fastest Sword in the Woods without slowing down occasionally.

Favorite Colour


Best Friend


Favorite Food

Fish, especially Tuna

Favorite place

A festival

Current Location
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Barf the Ogre by Noël Mallet


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