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The geography of the Feywild is a mirror of the material plane, however the Feywild is overgrown, with flora and fauna spread out all across the plane. Where the material plane has erected cities of stone and metal, those places in the Feywild are covered in dense forests, marshes, and jungle, where the Fey live.


The Feywild is teaming with life and growth, ever changing, ever developing. Spread across the dense forests, growing deep into the earth, large trees, the width of castles, and the heights of mountains, these tree's are called the Gothri-Tallen, meaning Mountain Tree in Sylvan.  


  The Gothri-Tallen are where the Fey believe life began. The Fey are the creatures closest to the natural Life Force that exists across Oxdara, and the other planes of existence. With Fey magic being a diluted form of the Life force, a form that mortals can control and use, without being destroyed by the power.   Whilst in the Feywild, any creature with a connection to the Fey, be they Fairies, Dragons, or Mortals, are able to use the trees as almost teleport stations across the plane. Moving from Tree to tree akin to the Tree Stride spell, but across greater distances between trees.

Fauna & Flora

The Feywild is filled with all kinds of different creatures, plants, and people. From Blink Dogs, to the Eladrin, Elves who chose to live in the Feywild before the portals were closed, many creatures inhabbit the plane.


Evolving the Tal

  After the shattering of Rularia, the Tal were left fragmented, across the new islands that made up the continent, and over time began to evolve into the races of Rularia we know today. One of those races being the Elves of Erandule. The shattering disrupted the Life Force across both mirror planes, the Feywild and the Shadowfell, causing the island in those planes to fragment and move as well, a fallout from this, one of the Gothri-Tallen was on the island that mirrored Erandule. Over time portals began opening around the Tree, and the fairies began travelling between the two planes, seeing what the mortal plane had to offer.   Because of these portals, and the travel of the Fey into Erandule, they eventually met other sentient life. The Tal. The Fey magic that seeped from the portals began to change the Tal, they became closer connected to the Fey, even learning the language of the Fey, Sylvan. The two people traded tales, helped each other navigate the different planes, and became close allies to each other. Until the Tal, or at this point the Elves, started cutting down forests to make way for new towns, settlements, cities. The Fey are a mischievous people, playing pranks, and tricks on each other and other mortals. Originally, the Elves enjoyed the trickster ways of the Fey, but slowly, it became too much, the Fey pushed too far.    The Elves annoyed and desperate for peace and quite set about closing the portals to the Feywild, and slowly, the Fey, were forced to leave the material plane. Now portals between the two still exist, but only in dense forests, those closest to cities were sealed millennia ago by the early Elves. But fairies and pixies still move between the planes, large Fey choose to remain firmly in the Feywild, finding the modern world of the material plane too detached from nature.
Alternative Name(s)
Mirror Plane, The Wild Plane, Fey Realm, Realm of the Fey, Faewilds, Fae Realm
Plane of Existence
Inhabiting Species


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