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Odin - God of Knowledge and War (Oh-D-In)

The All Father, God of Knowledge and War Oden (a.k.a. Known as Oden, Grimnir, Havi, Votan, Allfather, Fjolnir, Ancient One, Hroptatyr, The Watcher, The Lawmaker,)

Physical Description

Facial Features

Odin's face is tanned, like the rest of his skin, with sundamaged marks across his forehead and nose. His eye's are sunken back slighlty, with his left eye being a pale blue, and his right eye removed, with a stary expanse of smoke rasing up from the socket. His nose is slightly crooked, from many fights that healed poorly. His mouth either sits in a large grin, or tight lipped in anger - with uneven teeth, slightly yellowed, his back molars replaced with golden replicas.   His hair is white, shaved short around the ears and back, with the top braided into a long interacate knot falling to just between his shoulder blades.

Apparel & Accessories

Odin wears a dark blood red tunic, that extends to just above his knees, with a bare of simple blue trousers. Above his base layers he wears simple but well made leather armour, with raven's and Venkan-Ori knots carved into the leather. Around his shoulders sits a hooded wolf fur cloak, attached around the neck by a chain, with each link connecting in an almost wood grain like spiral. Around his waist is a golden lined leather belt, with all manner of herbs, pouches and stones etched with runes; hanging over his right hip, a scabbard of Green Dragonhide, with his sword Skjufn sheathed away. Hung across his back is a leather strap, with a sheath for Gungnir and a hook for his shield. His boots extend up to just below his knees, complex strings zigzaggin up the front, attached to dirtied gold buttons along the inside of the leg.

Specialized Equipment

Gungnir (Gun-gee-near)

Odin's weapon of choice is his spear Gungnir, meaning 'the rocking' in the language of the ancient humans, Hillara - Hillara being essentially all but forgotten by Rularian speakers, most of Rularia speaking Rularian Common, a mixture of Ixmorian, Eranduleian, Hillara, Orcish, Halfling and Gnomish, modern day Venkan common uses more of the Hillara language, espically in the Venkan-Ori cities and regions, though most of Venka speaks Draconic or Venkan Common. This spear is known to always strike its target true, regardless of the wielder's exprience. The weapon was forged for Odin during his time as a mortal man nearly 7000 years prior to the Draconic Resurgence - it was forged by the greatest Dwarven smiths as tribute to the man who protected them.   The spear's shaft is carved from the Great Tree, the large tree that Odin built his city around when he was mortal -in breaking the largest and strongest branch for the spear's handle many axes and saw's were blunted. When carving, new forging techniques had to be developed by the smiths to create chisels strong enough to carve the wood. In the handle, 9 runes were carved into the wood, one to represent each of the nine 'realms' Odin ruled over.  

Skjufn (Skew-F-En)

Odin's sword, Skjufn means Runecarver in Hillara, and though his prefered weapon is his spear, Odin's sword is always at his hip - Odin's devotion to these two weapons spurred many Venkan-Ori and ancient Human Kings and Lords to weild the spear and sword as symbols of their right to rule.   Skjufn's handle, like Gungnir's, is made from a branch of the world tree, with the Hillara runes for King carved into the wood. The pommel and crossguard of the sword, made form alloyed Steel and Gold - a technique lost to time, something now only found in Tal ruins - forged into the shape of roots for the pommel and branches for the crossguard. It's blade, a well worn and battlehardened steel, with runes saying 'Strike True' on one side of the blade, and 'Carve Well' on the other.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sacrifice for Knowledge

At some point before his ascension, Oden strove to know all, he hungered for knowledge of magic, and the other planes of existance - it is believed that Yggdrasil was a Gothri-Tallen connected to the Feywild, and is why Odin was able to understand the existance of other planes of existance. In this search and hunger he made a bargin with the Life Force of Oxdara, to sacrifice himself for said knowledge.   Oden travelled to Mimir's well in Jotunheim - modern day Western North Rularian Frontier - a large lake of the Life Force of Oxdara, overtime these well's drained, with only a few pools of Life Force existing on Oxdara to this day. Oden met the man named Mimir, an Orkár man, and watcher of the well, guarding it and its magic from the medellings of mortal men. The deal the two struck is unknown, only that Mimir allowed Odin to bathe in the waters, knowing that the water would demand its own bargin.   Oden waded into the waters, being pulled under, where he appeared in a plane of pure white, with a lone table with two chairs. Oden sat and across from him a man appeared, this man far taller than any Aesir, Vanir or Álfar, though shorter than the Jotnar. His ears long and pointed, with sparkling green eyes. The man sat across from Oden and introduced himself as the Stranger. He explains that the Life Force of Oxdara demands sacrifice from any who bathe in it, Oden accepts, waking up floating in the well, one pale blue eye looking to the sky, the other replaced with the cosmos. The last thing Oden heard, or the first thing he learnt from this new all knowledge, was his destiny of divinity.   Oden became obsessed with this knowledge, demanding to know more, he knew of the existance of other planes and the past, but the power of prophecy and the future was beyond him. He consulted the Norns, three Seer's of Oden's court of how to gain the sight, it was here he was told more knowledge demands more sacrifice.   Oden took his spear Gungnir, and fell upon it, his blood falling upon the roots of his beloved tree Yggdrasil. He looked to his pooling blood and saw a noose, the branches of Yggdrasil lowering a vine. Oden wrapped the vine around his neck and hung upon the tree for nine days and nine nights. Each night being shown propechies and knowledge, each day being tormented by two raven's, Huginn and Muninn, ravens of knowledge and memory. Because of this many believe Oden to be the first chosen of the Raven Queen, though the truth of this is unknown, and even Oden's chosen have no idea if they ultimately serve the Raven Queen or not.   On the dawn of the 10th day the noose losened, Oden fell from the tree, Huginn and Muninn settled upon the man's shoulders, and Odin, God of Knowledge and War was born. The primordial Dragons Bahamut and Tiamat deeming his sacrifice worthy, and made him Rularia's first ascended God.


Hobbies & Pets

Huginn and Muninn (Hugh-G-In and Mew-Nin)

Odin's two raven's, Huginn and Muninn were his first friends when he became an ascended god. The two ravens spiralled around the haning Odin, pecking at him, testing him further - though some believe that the two ravens were emissaries of the Raven Queen, sent to guide Odin into Godhood.   Both ravens are pure black, with three eyes, Huginn being covered in runic symbols pertaining to thought, that glow a light grey, and Muninn being covered in runic symbols pertaining to memory, that glow a pale blue.



Geri and Freki

Geri and Freki are Odin's two wolves. Geri is a large brown wolf, around the size of a pony, and is the more friendly of the two, often times greating the new dead to Valhalla, leading them around the Great Hall. Geri has a red leather harness attached around his chest, with pouches filled with herbs and spell components for Odin. Just between his yellow eyes, extending down his snout to his nose, are swirling patterns, a birth mark, in a lighter grey fur.   Freki is smaller that Geri, and the more reserved of the pair. She is still a large black wolf, just smaller than a pony, who prefers to sit at Odin's heels watching and protecting the All Father. She has a white streak of fur running down her spine and into her tail, and is often wearing a ornate collar, with chains creating an almost crown like appearnce to it.
Divine Classification
Ascended God
One pale blue eye, the other socket filled with a galaxy that smokes out
Short back and sides with a long braid that falls to his shoulderblades, white hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, battle hardened skin, covered in scars
In mortal form 6'6"
Related Myths
Ruled Locations


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