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Yggdrasil work differently from other Celestial Planes, when the Ascended Gods of Rularia were ascended, the primordial Dragons cloned the regions the ruled by the newly ascended Gods, before their ascension. Because of this the Plane is very similar to geographically to the Ixmoria and Dragontide in Rularia.   Yggdrasil houses these regions, or realms, which act like kingdoms in the mortal plane, with each being governed by different Gods - though all are beholdant to Asgard and Oden. These different races of Gods are very similar to the different races of mortals, these Groups are called the -
  • Aesir and the Asynjur (Ancient Humans)
  • Vanir (Another Group of Ancient Humans)
  • Jotnar (Ancient Giants)
  • Dvergr (Ancient Dwarves)
  • Álfar (Ancient Elves)
  • Orkár (Ancient Orcs)


Known as the Golden Realm, it is covered in fields of wheat, and is known as the land of the Gods. Asgard is also the domain of the Aesir and Asynjur Gods. It is believed when it sat on the mortal plane Asgard sat in the foothills of the mountains between modern day Ixmoria and Dragontide. In the capital city of the realm, Valhalla, sits the homes of the Gods, each house described as large mansion each relflecting the God's temperment, personality and divine domain.   Valhalla is also home to the Great Hall, a large hall with 540 doors, that is home to half of the slain warriors that fought with, died for or died in the name of Rularia's ascended Gods. These slain warriors are known as the Einherjar, and it is prophecised that during Ragnarok - or the War of the Gods - the Einherjar would march as the army of the Ascended Gods in their war against the other Gods of Oxdara (other interpretations of the prophecy say that the Ascended Gods and New Gods of Oxdara would united during Ragnarok and slay the Old Gods once and for all, eleminating mortality and giving all people the powers and freedoms of the devine). In the Great Hall, the dead fight eachother, training daily, and feasting on large roasted boars and drinking honey mead of an evening.   In the centre of Valhalla sits the Planes name sake, Yggdrasil, the world tree. A large ash tree that sits taller than the mountains around it, its cannopy mingling with the stars and its roots breaking through the stone beneath it. The original Yggdrasil on the material plane was destroyed a few centruries after the God's ascension, the new leadership of both the Dwarven Clans and Human lands at constant war with eachother, Yggdrasil fell sick due to the bloodshed around it, and eventually died. It is thought that once the mortal's caused his beloved tree to die, Oden abandonded the material plane, leaving it under the watch of other Gods, spending his attention on the celestial plane and its inhabitants. The orginal Yggdrasil was also believed to have connections to the Feywild, being very similar to the Gothri-Tallen.


Hel did exist on the material plane, and was Governed by an Ascended God, the Goddess Hel. However, Hel now resides in the Nine Hell's, acting as the Lord of Gluttony. The region of Hel was incorperated into Jotunheim when cloned for Yggdrasil, as the two were very close to eachother geographically on Oxdara - Hel being located on the eastern side of the modern day North Rularian Frontier.  


Jotunheim, home to the Jotnar and Orkár people, a cold, hard place to live, that created the hard Orcish and Giant people. Jotunheim would be equivilant to western side of the North Rularian Frontier, in modern times, and in the celestial planes contains many frost covered islands of the coasts - these islands are believed to have sunk under the ocean on the material plane.   Jotunheim was ruled on the material plane by Thrym, Lord of the Frost Giant, but, like Hel, Thrym now governs a layer of the Nine Hells, as the Lord of Treachery.  




Alfheim, home to the Álfar people, exists on modern day Erandule, it was also the realm with the deepest connection to the Feywild. As such, on the Yggdrasil is a portal to the Feywild - the only portal in the celestial planes.  






Home to the Vanir, Vanaheim is a fertile land of dense forests and swamps, it would be modern day Dragontide, from the Highlands down to the Snout. The capital city of the region is Pafth, a large city built in tree's and the dense woodland of Vanaheim, and is home to many of the Vanir people and Vanir Gods.   Outside the capital city of Vanaheim, Pafth, is the Fólkvangr, a large field filled with tents and a large war encampment that houses to half of the slain warriors that fought with, died for or died in the name of Rularia's ascended Gods. Unlike the Great Hall in Valhalla, the Fólkvangr also welcomes the dead who didn't die in combat, but did not go to Hel (or the Nine Hells) - those who died of old age, sickness, or natural causes are welcomed by Freyja into the camp.    At the head of Fólkvangr is a large hall known as Sessrúmnir, a large hall, not as large as the Great Hall, but is filled with shrines to the other Vanir Gods, as well as seats and acts as Freyja's home.
Dimensional plane
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