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The Celestial Planes

There are a multitude of different Celestial planes of existence, some Gods holding their own plane, some living alongside other Gods from their order. Detailed now are some Celestial Planes, titled by their God or Pantheon.  


The plane of Ilmater encompasses a large mountain range, the tallest high above the clouds, and on that mountain a large marble and gold temple, with crimson banners and ribbons laced around. From the temple, you can see over a sea of clouds, and it is here that those who follow Ilmater spend their afterlives. Inside the temple are large doors, the largest being a doorway portal to the plane of the Gods of the Standing Stones, the others are portals to smaller mountain communities below the clouds.   On these smaller mountains the most devote followers of Ilmater are taken, as well as the angels that serve Ilmater.
Plane of Existence
Included Locations


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