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The Planes of Existance

There are multiple various planes of existence that exist around Oxdara, the material plane, and 3 different views on how those planes are connected. None of which are false or wholly true. Those views are the Web, Tree, and Layered views. Again none of which are correct or false, as they all get the fundamentals correct.  


The Web view sees the planes connected like a spiders web, with Oxdara in the centre, and the other planes connected via strands, feeding the magic into the material plane.


The Tree view sees the planes connected like a giant tree, akin to Yggdrasil or the world tree. Oxdara is the trunk of the tree, with the branches above being the celestial planes, the Nine Hells, and the Abyss. The roots of the tree are the elemental planes, the Feywild and the Shadowfell. That from the roots Oxdara draws its magic, and to its branches, it feeds the divine, the demons, and the devils.


The Layered view sees the planes as though they are layered one on top of the other. Oxdara is in the middle of the pile, with the Nine Hells and the Abyss below it, and above are the Elemental Planes, the Feywild and Shadowfell, and then the celestial planes.

The Fundamentals

All three views get the fundamentals correct, that the material plane is connected to all the others, and from that the flow of magic is drawn. The thing they don't take into account is the positive and negative planes, the in-between regions. These planes are known by a few names, positive and negative planes, the void, the space between, its in these planes that pocket planes, like those used in the Vaults of the Aether Twins, exist. Outside any other plane, with only one way in or out, through portals on the material plane.   Below you can find links to sections detailing the many planes of existence, which fall under a few brackets.
  • The Celestial Planes, where each God, or group of Gods, reside. These are also known as After-Life planes, the followers of a God going to their plane of existence.
  • The Elemental Planes, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Lightning, and Ice
  • The Feywild (Mirror Plane)
  • The Shadowfell (Mirror Plane)
  • The Nine Hells, another After-Life plane, where creatures who have committed lesser evils go to repent
  • The Abyss, not technically another After-Life plane, but where the truly evil creatures go when they die
  • The Ethereal and Astral Planes
The Celestial Planes
Geographic Location | Apr 1, 2022

Geographic Location | Mar 29, 2024

The Elemental Planes
Geographic Location | Apr 1, 2022

The Shadowfell
Geographic Location | Apr 1, 2022

The Nine Hells
Geographic Location | Apr 1, 2022

The Abyss
Geographic Location | Apr 1, 2022

The Ethereal and Astral Planes
Geographic Location | Apr 1, 2022


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