City of Lights

"If you are planning to travel to P'Ache Minor to see the Lights, there really is only one place from which to view them in all their ridiculous glory. However, if you want to be able to hold a sensible and rational conversation with anyone, then go anywhere else. They may call it philosophy. I call it gibberish."
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly

Minoran Nights

  The chemicals in the atmosphere around P'Ache Minor, which make the planet look red from a distance, have an interesting effect on solar light when it passes through. While the effect can only be seen at night, it can light up the dark sky, causing a distorted rainbow of light, which makes the world around seem transformed.   It has been suggested that the mystery of these beautiful night skies is part of what gives the Minoran people their pensive and philosophical nature.   It is after these lights that the city gets its name. While you can see the Minoran Nights from anywhere on the planet, this is the place where they are most consistent and most intense.



The majority of people who live within the City of Lights fit within the following demographics.  
Demographic Percentage in City of Lights*
Works in Tourism & Hospitality
Over 70 years old
* It should be noted that numbers were accurate at the time of writing (13 Three 4748 PT).
  That being said, there are, of course, people from other walks of life who call City of Lights home.  
Approximately 30% of the people who live in the City of Lights come from offworld. Only 5% of them come from other planets within the P'Ache Star System (less than 0.5% are Primian).   The rest is made up of people from other parts of the Peacekeeper Territories. Roughly 12% are Brugen from Unity who are drawn here by the arts and philosophy.  
Only a very small percentage (less than 1%) of the people living here work for the Peacekeeper Alliance. The City of Lights is known as a party town and relies heavily on tourism and entertainment.   15% of people living in the city classify themselves as working within the creative or philosophical sectors, which is higher than almost any other city in the P'Ache Star System.
For Minorans, the City of Lights is somewhere you might retire to or move to once you've had your serious years. This applies not only to a lot of the Minorans who live here but also to those from other P'Ache Star System planets.
There are marginally more women here than other genders, but not by much. This is partly due to the retired population and in part because a young Minoran woman can make good money working as a hostess in one of the many hotels and bars here.


As the City of Lights is located on P'Ache Minor, it is technically governed by the Minoran Council. There is a local group that advocates for city-specific issues but most of the missives they send to the Council are incomprehensible.   Matters of law and order, on the extremely rare occasion that they do arise, are either worked out by the individuals involved, taken before the Minoran Council, or handled by the same group of representatives, known as the City of Lights Thought Trust. Many simply refer to them as the TT. Any issue being handled by them is considered a very last resort as they have a tendency to devolve (or evolve) very quickly into philosophical and theoretical debates as to the nature of self. These, while fascinating, are not a productive method of resolving such matters.  


The City of Lights was, at one point, the centre of civilisation on P'Ache Minor. Before they were better educated, they believed that the lights were a sign from a higher power and so the place where it was strongest was the place where the most important people on the planet lived. This way they could be close to hear any new messages.   By the time the Primians landed on the planet in -160 PT, they had evolved past that, and the City of Lights was a holiday destination for some and a spiritual experience for others.   Over the course of the following years, as the Primians educated the Minorans in the ways of technology and advancement, their spirituality fell away and was replaced by a philosophical outlook. The City of Lights remained a holiday destination but became more of a tourist attraction and less of a resort.  



There are five major districts in the City of Lights and are laid out in something of a grid format. While the roads and pathways wind around each other, navigating the city is as easy as knowing whether you are in the North East, North West, South East, South West, or Central district.  

Philosopher's Corner

The North-Western part of the city is also known as Philosopher's Corner. It is seen as the suburban district which is mainly populated by Minorans. It is also where the TT meet.

The City

The North East part of the city is known simply as The City. It is the industrial hub and is home to warehouses and offices. It is the smallest district.

The Thoroughfare

The Thoroughfare runs through the middle of the city on either side of the Transient River which historically carried goods in and out. This was once the industrial district but is now home to some of the biggest hotels and river-based activities.

Dancer's Bazaar

The southwest corner of the city was once a bustling market but is now the commercial part of the city with several large shopping centres and a vast array of entertainment options for visiting tourists. The Sky Port is also found here.

The Old Quarter

The southeast area of the city, known as the Old Quarter, is the oldest part of the City of Lights. It is where the remains of the Old Temple can be found and is also the best place to experience the Minoran Nights. As such it is very popular with tourists.


Tourism is the primary source of business in the City of Lights. People travel from across the Peacekeeper Territories to witness the Minoran Nights and the best place to do that is the City of Lights. It offers the most luxurious ways to experience the wonders of P'Ache Minor and appears on most of the lists of places to go before you die.   There are also more affordable options for those who can't afford all the decadence that the City of Lights has to offer. For those looking to travel on a shoestring, there are many good hotels, bars and nightclubs as well as excursions to take.

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Culture Minoran, Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations P'Ache Minor, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance
Location under
Related Traditions



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Jul 22, 2024 00:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I want to visit and see the lights! They sound beautiful. I like that the history of the city shows that it has changed through the ages, especially in how people view the lights.

Aug 1, 2024 20:23 by Elspeth

Me too! Thank you! <3

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