
"Funny little creatures, the Clebveth, with a rather strange belief system. I don't try to understand it. Good jumpers though. I do like watching them jump. It never looks as though they are going to succeed, they're not the most agile appearing of people, always slouched over like that, and yet somehow they always make it."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  


The Clebveth are quite a spiritual group by nature. Even those who aren't part of one of the sects or monasteries will follow one or more of the five major Clebveth religious orders.   They have a tendency to be overwhelmeed and find things extremely stressful, which impacts their body quickly and can cause death. They find solace in religions as a way of dealing with those anxieties.  
Since the Clebveth joined the Peacekeeper Alliance, due to stipulations within their treaty, their worship been changed and adapted to fit into what is acceptable to the Peacekeepers.  

Tree Huggers

The Clebveth are not actually called Clebveth. Their name is more acurately pronounced Bvebve (bveb-veh), but the Peacekeepers found this difficult to say in a way that the Clebveth would recognise. So, as part of their peace treaty, the Peacekeepers changed the name to something more convenient to them.   The name, Bvebve, actually means 'tree-hugger' in their own tongue, an affectionate term of people who hug trees like they do.   The Peacekeepers chose Clebveth because it lined up with their renaming of the planet to Celebrate and was close enough to the original name that they didn't think the Clebveth could complain.

Basic Information


This mammel has two legs, two arms, a small torso and a head, as well as a tail. Their hind legs are twice as long as their body, and muscular which makes them particularly specialized for leaping or jumping. Evolutionarily, this likely came from the need to travel easily from tree to tree, but has been adapted into their architecture.   They have whispy hair across their whole body, and flexibile independent digits on both their hands and feet. Their fingers are tipped with sticky pads and nails that help them grip when climbing and leaping, alongside their slender tail for balance. The second and third toes on their feet have claws instead, which they use for grooming.  

Venomous Bites

Clebveth are able to secrete a particular toxin from a gland found in their arm. When in danger, they can mix it with their saliva for a venom that can causes a serious allergic reaction in predators when they bite them. They also use this venom to make their young poisonous by coating them in the toxin-saliva mixture.   It's possible that this venomous bite, paired with their hissing and other behaviors, evolved as a result of the species mimicking venomous snakes which are commonplace on Celebrate.

Biological Traits

Clebveth can live for an average of 90 years if they are living in stress-free situations. However, for those living in busy towns and cities this average drops down to 40 years, with the majority dying from stress-related heart conditions.   Although, when standing up straight, they are usually between 2ft 5in and 3ft 7in, they normally appear much smaller than that. Their natural posture is curled up, with their long legs tucked beneath them, meaning they are effectively squatting and lose upto a foot in height.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Clebveth hav large eyes because they are naturally nocturnal, although their work with Peacekeepers is starting to change that .   Because of the design of their necks and upper body, Clevbeth can turn their head 180 degrees in either direction. Their oversized ears mean that they can hear high frequencies, some up to 91 kHz (or 91,000 Hz).

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Galactic Organisations

The Clebveth are now part of the Peacekeeper Alliance and are represented by the Victalis Command. They have two on-planet representatives who report into this Command.

On-Planet Organisations

There are five major religious orders on Celebrate. These aren't necessarily strict organisations, and are more groups of ideas with people who work within them.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A large amount of Clebveth society is built around spirituality, religion and mysticism which allows them to explain things they don't have the scientific or technological ability or advancements to understands.   This includes different beliefs and practices in different areas. Below is a list of some of the religious practices which bring the Clebveth comfort.  

Body Piercing

Piercing their body allows them to attach momentos of the gods and beliefs which bring them comfort. A Clebveth may, for example, pierce some skin around one of their limbs and put a piece of ceramic which gives them comfort, or a piece of metal which has the symbol for one of the religious orders.


Meditation allows a Clebveth to recenter themselves and take a break from whatever is causing them stress and anxiety. During this meditation they focus on the deity, religious order, or religious belief that brings them comfort or is most likely to restore a sense of peace against whatever is causing them anxiety.


Prayer is different to meditation because it is directing requests and desires directly to a specific deity. Prayer is less common than meditation, because if they pray and it doesn't come to pass this can make the anxiety worse, and they are aware that their deities are busy.


Binding involves wrapping strips of material around themselves or parts of their body marginally tighter than is comfortable. This is designed to help them tie themselves to the here and now and to stop them from worrying about the future.

Rainforest Walks

For those living in the city, it is not uncommon to take 4 - 8 days to travel to the Rainforests of the South and to spend the time walking through the rainforests and getting back to nature. This includes sleeping in the trees and returning to some of their ancestral behaviour.


Clebveth are naturally insectivores, meaning that their diet 99.5% insects, in whatever form they come. They don't eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but when they do this tends towards root vegetables.   While insects are their preferred cuisine, they have even been known to eat other meats such as birds, small reptiles like snakes or lizards, and bats. [/container]  

Flarg Platter

The Flarg Platter has different components in different parts of the planet, but this is the most common combination.   Usually you would have a Chiji Bug, served with two different sauces, one sticky and sweet, and the other creamy and rich. There are also two or more root vegetable dumplings which have a pickled Chiji Bug inside them, to cut through the otherwise bland of the dumplings. Occassionally, it is garnished with local fresh herbs and roughly chopped raw vegetables - but only when being eaten by somone other than a Clebveth. The Clebveth focus only on the bugs, and see everything else as decoration.  
Celebrate | Breakfast | Cheap

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Victalis Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, The Victalis System, Celebrate
40 - 90 years
Average Height
3ft 2in
Average Weight
2st 2lbs
Related Materials

Articles under Clebveth


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