The Victalis System

"My editors told me I was a fool. Why would I go so far from my home, to visit this system? What would I find to write about? And who, for that matter, would read it?   I listened to their questions and rebuffed each one. I needed to go to Victalis if for no other reason than I am a completionist. I would write about what I found and I could always find something to write about. The last question was the most difficult, but I answered honestly. My readers will read what I have to say, because they, like I, love The Alliance, and want to educate themselves about every far-flung corner of it.   Thank you, dear reader, for proving me right."  
— Extract from the Introduction in Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly  


The Victalis System is the name which was given to the solar system by the Peacekeeper Alliance when it became part of Peacekeeper Territories.   After issues with planets in The Primary Territories, Peacekeeper policy was to rename the planets which it brought into the fold, and this extended to the solar systems as well. Often these systems weren't named until the Peacekeepers came along, so choosing a name was fairly straight forward. The planets within this system were all given names that brought with them a sense of victory, so the solar system was named Victalis.


The Victalis System has approximately 16 planets or planetary bodies which orbit the star, known as the Victal having been named by the Peacekeepers. Only five of these planets support life. These are all listed below.  


Around 2837 PT, the Peacekeepers discovered the Victalis System. They started landing on planets and trading with the sentient species they met. They visited sporadically over the following centuries, until in 3462 PT they discovered the bacteria in the oceans on Victor and their visits to that planet and the others became more regular.   From 3475 PT until 3512 PT the Peacekeepers had an almost constant presence on the planets within the system, fluxuating from fewer than ten people all the way up to several hundred people at a time. These people investigated and examined every inch, seeking to understand their value to The Alliance.  


In 3552 PT, the Peacekeepers began making a concerted effort to unite the factions of Vkan living on Victor and encourage the people to join the Peacekeeper Alliance, which they did in 3583 PT. It was on this date, this planet officially became known as Victor.


In 3670 PT, the Peacekeepers began negotiations with the Lcha people of Laurels, previously known as Lchlall. These negotiations were relatively painless, and on 2 One 3720 PT, they joined The Alliance and officially renamed the planet in keeping with the Peacekeepers' wishes.


Celebrate was originally known as Ovarb, and was approached by the Peacekeepers for negotiations in 3883 PT. It became part of the Peacekeeper Alliance in 3933 PT.


Skortem entered into negotiations with The Peacekeeper Alliance on 4081 PT. Negotiations weren't easy, but on the 19 Nine 4111 PT it officially changed its name to Succeed and became part of The Alliance.


The Peacekeeper Alliance entered into negotiations with Traakk on 11 Five 4254 PT. Eventually the treaty was signed and in 4304 PT the planet changed its name to Triumph and officially became a member of The Alliance.
  After the initiation of Triumph was complete, on 14 Five 4504 PT, the Victalis System was established in the eyes of The Peacekeeper Alliance. Victalis Command was established and began reporting into Peacekeeper Command.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Command, Victalis Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories,Victor, Laurels, Succeed, Triumph, Celebrate


  • The Victalis System
Alternative Name(s)
Solar System
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